working standards

[医] 现行标准

  • OBJECTIVE To find out the corrosion of medical appliance made with varied metal materials by some commonly used chemical disinfect ants in order to provide the scientific bases for working out the State standards .

    目的探索我国目前常用的医疗器械浸泡用化学消毒剂对不同质地金属材料的腐蚀性,为 制订相应国家 标准提供科学依据。

  • Familiar with concierge working procedures and service standards .

    熟悉酒店礼宾部的 工作程序和服务 标准

  • The important problems demanding prompt solution in manufacturing trailer mounted pumping units on a large scale include working out relevant standards as soon as possible selecting proper trailer chassis decreasing the deadweight of the mast and improving its load capacity .

    尽快 制定相关 标准,筛选适合工艺要求的汽车底盘,降低井架自重并提高其承载能力等,是规模生产捞油车亟待解决的主要问题。

  • The past year has seen a perceptible improvement in working standards .

    过去的一年中 工作 条件有了一定的改善。

  • Secondly regenerative brake control strategy is analyzing here with electric vehicles working standards and PWM optimizing control strategy is implemented in this motorcycle system .

    其次,结合电动车辆的 工况 标准对开关磁阻电机的再生制动进行了分析,提出了以PWM控制为主的优化角度控制策略。

  • Secondly training professional contingents and raising working standards ;

    培养专业队伍,提高 工作 水平

  • The working conditions and pay standards agreed upon in the labour contracts signed by individual workers and the enterprise management shall not be lower than those provided for in the collective contract .

    职工个人与企业订立的劳动合同中 劳动条件和劳动报酬等 标准不得低于集体合同的规定。

  • The so-called right to collective bargaining means that workers can negotiate with employers or their organizations through trade unions on issues like working conditions labor standards working and have the right of signing collective contract to protect their legitimate rights and interests of labor .

    所谓集体谈判权,是指劳动者为保障自己的合法劳动权益,通过工会或其代表与雇主及雇主组织就 劳动条件、劳动 标准等问题进行协商、谈判,并签订集体合同的权利。

  • The goal of OAS is to realize the e-government management change the traditional manual working way enhance standards and standardized degree of administrative work and improve work efficiency and service quality .

    高校办公自动化系统主要为了实现高校的电子政务管理,改变传统手工 处理 办公手段,进一步提高行政办公的 规范性、标准化程度,提高工作效率和服务质量。

  • And so all the people that I immediately was working with shaped my professional standards at age 22 .

    所有的同事在我22岁时 帮助塑造了我的职业 标准

  • Early in my Intel career I took a job in Japan working on DVD standards .

    早年在英特尔工作时,我接受了一份在日本 从事DVD 标准化的工作。

  • Combining with the construction practice of one project this paper introduces the process principle process flow working routine and technical standards and makes the analyses on the time limit quality benefit and use value of this technique .

    结合某工程施工实践,介绍了锥螺纹钢筋接头的工艺原理、工艺流程、 工作程序及技术 标准,并对其工期、质量、效益及应用价值进行了分析。

  • A method for determining uranium isotopic working standards by uf_6 mass-spectrometer

    用UF6质谱计标定铀同位素 工作 标准的一种方法

  • Studies on Some Techniques in Quality Control of NDA Working Standards


  • CREATE new employment opportunities and improve working conditions and living standards in their respective territories ;

    增加各自国内的就业机会,改进国内 工作条件和生活 质量

  • The supplier shall guarantee that the molecular sieve changeover ball valves meet relevant international working standards and specifications and requirements of the technical specification .

    保证所提供的分子筛切换球阀满足有关国际 通用 标准和规范以及本技术规格书的要求。

  • The relevant technology and interface models have been listed in bidirectional working standards of Henan Cable .

    相关技术和接口模型已列入了河南有线的双向 业务 规范

  • We are constantly working to improve our work standards and services and in2003 received the ISO9001:2000 quality management system certification .

    我们不断 努力改进我们的工作 标准和服务,及在2003年接受了ISO9001:2000版质量管理体系认证。

  • Critics say that working toward the same standards in every state will not guarantee excellence for all .

    批评人士指出,每个州都 使用相同的 标准并不能确保全部都很优秀。

  • Strengthen organizational system of information to the development of information to social development of new situations is necessary for the organization department to improve its working methods and improving standards of important ways .

    加强组织系统信息化建设,是适应信息化社会发展新形势的客观需要,是组织部门改进 工作方式、提高工作 水平的重要途径。

  • Described are the overall design scheme of apron boards for high speed multiple units including working condition parameters standards and design concepts of the apron boards .

    介绍了高速动车组裙板的总体设计方案,包括高速动车 裙板的 工况参数、 标准以及设计理念。

  • Preparation use and storage of working standards ;

    标准 溶液的制备、使用和储存;

  • Qualification Test of D ( + ) & Glucosamine Hydrochloride and Working out the Quality Standards

    D(+)&氨基葡萄糖盐酸盐质量的检测及其质量 标准 拟定

  • Issues of Working out National Greenhouse Standards

    论温室 工程 标准 制订中的几个问题

  • In this paper different policy characteristics of basic measurement standards industrial generic measurement standards and working measurement standards as well as the roles of government are analyzed .

    分析了基础测量标准、产业共性测量标准和 日常测量 标准的不同政策特性,以及相应的政府角色。

  • Several constructive suggestions on working out unified quality standards and testing methods for clean white rice were made in accordance with present situation of clean white rice production in our country .

    针对国内免淘米生产现状,提出要制订免 淘米统一的质量 标准及相应的检测方法等几点建设性意见。

  • Similarly any infringements of the laws regulations and safe working and operating standards shall be immediately rectified if it is considered to be dangerous unsafe or not complying with the existing laws and regulations .

    同样地,任何违反法律、法规和安全 工作及操作 标准的做法,若被认为是危险的、不安全的或不符合现行法律和法规,应立即予以纠正。

  • This chapter defines the concept of village cadres ' working standards describes the research scope and content of the standard of village cadres .

    着重定义了村干部 工作 规范的概念,描述了村干部工作规范的研究范围和研究内容。

  • Clarifying the obligations of each party and drawing up working standards ;

    明确各自工作职责,拟订 工作 标准

  • The results obtained for each sample by different characterization methods were consistent thus these samples could be used as working standards for various applications .

    各试样用不同方法所得的结果相互印证,说明这些试样可作为多种用途的 工作 标准使用。