wound ballistics

[wund bəˈlɪstɪks][wu:nd bəˈlistiks]


  • The Characteristics of Gunshot Wound Ballistics and the Treatment : 96 Cases Report

    火药枪伤的 创伤 弹道学特点及治疗

  • An important characteristic of modern firearm wounds is multiple damages . Besides regional serious injury there are still adjacent and distant organs associated severe injuries which is a hiden danger and have become an important problem in wound ballistics study .

    现代火器伤的一个重要特点是损伤的广泛性,高速投射物致伤时,除造成伤区局部的严重损伤 ,还会使邻近和 远隔脏器发生严重并发伤。

  • The characteristics of maxillofacial wound ballistics and difference of maxillofacial wounds in different kinds of high velocity projectiles wound were also discussed in the article .

    文中对颌面部的 创伤 弹道学特点和不同种类高速投射物颌面部致伤时损伤特点的差异进行了讨论。

  • There fore the wound ballistics becomes the forward sci-ence for ammunition design and wound treatment .

    创伤 弹道学已成为当今弹药设计和战伤救治的前沿科学。

  • The army wound ballistics experts fired some comparison bullets .

    军方 弹道专家发射同样的 子弹

  • Gelatin cavity 3-D reconstruction from flash X-ray images of wound ballistics

    明胶 空腔闪光X射线投影图像三维重建