world model

[wɜrld ˈmɑdl][wɜː(r)ld ˈmɔdəl]


  • We adopt two kinds of small world model and scale free BA model to construct the beam transport network .

    本文采用两种小 世界 模型和无标度模型构造出了束流输运网络。

  • We discuss the power-law and interaction 's influence on the SOC in real world or model .

    我们讨论了在SOC模型中非常关键的幂次律,分析了真实 世界或是 模型里相互作用对于自组织的意义。

  • Research on Small World Model of P2P Network and Its Frangibility

    P2P网络的小 世界 模型及脆弱性研究

  • The AML semantics is given based on Kripke 's possible world semantic model . The AML axioms and rules are constructed and the soundness and the completeness of the system are proved .

    基于Kripke可能 世界语义 模型给出了AML语义,构造了AML公理系统及演绎规则,并证明了AML的可靠性与完备性。

  • Study on knowledge-sharing on supply chain : based on the weighted small world network model

    基于加权小 世界网络 模型的供应链知识共享研究

  • After the introduction of the common collaboration models between multi-agent the coordination mechanism of knowledge sharing based on the blackboard structure is proposed and realize it with observer pattern . Finally a detailed description of the update process of world model in agent is given .

    在介绍了常用的多智能体协作模型后,提出基于黑板结构的Agent间的知识共享协作模型,并使用Observer模式进行了实现,最后详细描述了Agent内部维护的 世界 模型的更新过程。

  • This allows an easy reproduction of the steps in a small environment before applying them to a real world model .

    这能够让我们在一个小环境中简单地复制步骤,然后将其应用到 现实 模型中。

  • At present the study of biological neural networks shows that the small world network model and the real human brain neuron network model have the closest characteristics .

    并且从目前已有的对生物神经网络的研究结果表明:小 世界网络 模型的和真实的人脑的神经元网络模型具有最为接近的特征。

  • Clustering routing algorithm based on the small world model combining with the theory of compression sensing to detect the target sources .

    将基于小 世界 模型的分簇路由算法与压缩感知理论相结合进行目标源的定位探测。

  • Small world model provides a new aspect and method for exploring the topological structure and intrinsic characters of urban road network .

    世界 模型为研究城市道路网络的拓扑结构和内在特征等提供了新的视角和方法。

  • British Public Schools are the oldest public schools and also the most dynamic high-quality private secondary schools as well as secondary education in Britain and the world model .

    英国公学是英国最古老、同时也是最具活力的高品质私立中等学校,是英国乃至 世界中等教育的 典范

  • We report of our numerical simulation of SARS infection dynamics with the small world network model .

    用小 世界网络 模型对非典型肺炎的传染动力学行为做了数值模拟研究。

  • Image photogrammetric is a process based on NI platform which use images to create and restore the real world model Then understanding the real world .

    基于机器视觉NI平台的图像摄影测量,是用图像来创建和恢复现实 世界 模型,然后认知现实世界的过程。

  • This model absorbs the advantages of structured and unstructured P2P network and combines the characteristic of six degrees partition in Small - world model .

    该模型借鉴了结构化对等网络与无结构化对等网的优点并结合了小 世界 模型的六度分隔特性。

  • Based on these models we introduced the new local world model to BBV building a new local world model based on BBV evolving model .

    在这些模型的基础上,把新局域 世界 概念引入到BBV模型中来,建立了一个基于新局域世界的BBV加权演化模型。

  • Small world model and scale-free model can reflect the actual characteristics of the wireless network better than the stochastic model .

    说明了相比于现有的无线网络随机模型,小 世界 模型和无标度模型更能反映实际无线网络拓扑的特点。

  • This paper analyzed in detail and realized three complex network models : small world grid model social acquaintance network model scale-free network model .

    本文详细分析并实现、改进了三个复杂网络模型:小 世界网格 模型、社会相识网络模型及无尺度网络模型。

  • Analysis of Three Phase Bridge Rectifier Circuit Based on Small World Network Model

    三相桥式整流电路的小 世界网络 模型分析

  • The algorithm translates the inference of Conceptual-Graphs in a Closed World Model to marking processes in Game-Trees .

    该算法将封闭 世界 模型上的概念图推理转化为对博弈树根节点的可解性标示过程。

  • An individual robot control program of distributed multiple mobile robot system was designed by using the module method . It includes sensor module data processing module world model module decision module execution module arbitration module communication module and so on .

    采用模块化方法设计分布式多移动机器人系统中的个体机器人控制程序,包括传感器及其数据处理、 世界 模型、决策、执行、仲裁和通信等模块。

  • Genetic algorithm world model and blackboard architecture are used in the GWB model .

    GWB模型中采用了遗传算法、 世界 模型和黑板结构。

  • The simulation results not only proves the correctness of analytical results but also indicates that the clustering coefficient is far better than local world model and exactly describes many characteristics of real networks .

    仿真实验不仅验证了理论推导的正确性,可调的簇系数也明显优于局域 世界 演化 模型,较好地刻画了现实网络的三大特性。

  • Topic Analysis of Chinese Text Based on Small World Model

    基于小 世界 模型的中文文本主题分析

  • Strategy for survival and world integrated model

    生存战略和 世界综合 模式

  • With depth study of small-world network model based on the keyword extraction model the small world network model extract key words only basis for the semantic analysis of word extraction and did not take into account other aspects .

    在第一阶段研究中,深入研究基于小世界网络模型的关键词提取模型后,认为小 世界网络 模型提取关键词时只将词语语义作为依据进行分析提取,并没有考虑到其他方面的影响。

  • The simulation experience result shows that the method greatly improves the accuracy of robot self-location thus obtain a relatively accurate world model .

    实验证明这种方法可以提高自定位的精度,从而得到相对精确的 世界 模型

  • In Britain the future of our white paper energy : create low-carbon economy was first put forward low-carbon economy this statement then gradually become guide the development of the world economy model of upsurge of .

    英国政府在能源白皮书《我们能源的未来:创建低碳经济》中,最先提出了低碳经济这一说法,之后逐渐成为引导 世界经济发展 模式的一股热潮。

  • A Method of Automatic White Balance Based on Grey World Model

    一种基于灰度 世界 模型自动白平衡方法

  • To build a 3D simulation team or migrate an existing 2D simulation team to 3D simulation environment maintenance of agent world model is the first core problem to consider .

    要建立新的3D仿真球队或者把2D仿真球队移植到3D仿真环境中,需要考虑的第一个核心问题就是 世界 模型的维护。

  • Research on a Compound Keywords Detection Method Based on Small World Model

    基于小 世界 模型的复合关键词提取方法研究