worry along

[ˈwɚri əˈlɔŋ][ˈwʌri əˈlɔŋ]


  • The first problem set will be posted shortly and that means you know we want you just to get going on things . Don 't worry we 're going to make them more interesting as you go along .

    第一个问题的提出会很快让你们熟悉,意思是说,你们懂的,我们希望你们尽管去放手干,别 担心,在你进行的 同时我们会,让它们变得更有趣

  • Shopping in Guangzhou even if you are not the local people you do not need to worry about everything along the subway route you can fully laden with riches !

    在广州购物,就算你不是本地人也丝毫不用 发愁沿着地铁就能满载而归!

  • Don 't worry you 'll be assisted by an expert all along .

    放心,将会有专家 随行保护你的。

  • A month later everybody began to worry about the safety of the third young man . However he finally showed up hobbling along in rage .

    一个月过去了,大家都开始为第三位年轻人的安危 担心,他却一步一蹭, 衣不蔽体地回来了。

  • Don 't worry you won 't be for long ; you 'll make them fat right along with you eventually .

    不用 着急,你不会孤单的;你最终会让你 周围的朋友也跟着你 一起变胖的。

  • Don 't worry over me . I 'm all right . I 'll get along .

    不要 发愁。我没事,我会 干好的。

  • Don 't worry I will be able to go along with you over the next few days if you have any questions or problems I will be right here to help you out I can be a translator and tour guide .

    担心,我会一直 跟着您。在接下来的几天里,您如果有什么疑问和问题,我会帮您解决。我可以当您的翻译和导游。

  • While Hung-chien did not care he was somewhat perturbed by all this since it meant something else to worry about whenever he was out walking along the street and if he saw them coming from afar he would duck out of the way .

    鸿渐虽然并不在乎,总觉不痛快; 街上走,多了一个 顾忌,老远望见他们来,就避开。

  • Don 't worry over me I 'll get along .

    担心,我会干得 不错的。

  • If you are successful you won 't have to go ask for a raise or accept what you 're given or worry about being turned out when a younger version of yourself comes along .

    如果你是成功的,你不会要要求提高或接受什么你给予或 担心被转变时出自己的一个年轻版本。

  • I have another explanation : insecurity born of the worry that if you stop toiling someone or something will come along and rob you of what you have achieved .

    而我却有另外一种解释:不安全感,它源自于一种 担忧:即如果你停止辛勤工作,一些人或一些事会 随之而来,并夺走你所获得的东西。

  • Don 't be nervous about me ; I 'll worry along somehow .

    不要为我 担心,我将 设法熬过去。

  • Don 't you worry danny . she 'll be along .
