


v.编,织,织成( weave的过去式 )编排杜撰(把…)编成

  • He wove some branches together to form a roof .

    一些树枝 起来 成屋顶。

  • With mercy and with judgement My web of time He wove .

    祂以怜悯和审判 我的 年代

  • The composer wove three separate melodies into his composition .

    作曲家 三段不同的旋律融合在自己的作品中。

  • I wove the lantern with orchid in the sword hous with whichthe dreams in my youth were illuminated .

    剑轩里,我以 兰草结灯,照清我青春时期的梦境。

  • Even the dream they wove will be shattered by their own hands one day .

    即使是自己 编织的梦,也会有一天用自己的双手 毁掉。

  • She pulled away from Willie and wove through the guests smiling brightly .

    她离开 威利绕过客人,容光焕发地微笑着。

  • The author wove a story from three plots .

    作者 三个情节 编成一个故事。

  • He wove an interesting story from a few facts in a history book .

    -本历史书上的几件事实为 题材编成一个有趣的故事。

  • He wove the book from his own experience .

    他是根据自己的经历 写成这本书的。

  • But what was happening later stunned me more : the man tore down the dream he just wove .

    他又 自己的 双手撕碎了自己刚刚 编织 的梦。

  • And there on that farthest corner is where Sophie wove into the blanket her very own heart .

    房间里,远远的一个角落,索菲 着小毯子, 一丝 在里面 织进自己 柔软的心意。

  • I wove this length up from hanks of cotton which I dyed myself .

    这一段是我 用好 束自己染的 棉线 的。

  • The men wove textile and crafted tortoise jewelry .

    那男人 编织了纺织品并且制作了草龟首饰。

  • The small car wove through the traffic .

    小汽车在行人和车辆中 迂回 前进

  • The hands of women wove that rug .

    女人 用手 编织了那张毯子。

  • They spun and wove the clothing for the family .

    她们为家人 纺织衣服。

  • This is he who wove the spell of concealement ?

    他就是那个 施展了魔法的年青人么?

  • He wove three plots ( together ) into one novel .

    三个情节 编织成一部小说。

  • Love is a fabric that nature wove and fantasy embroidered .

    爱情是一 自然 编织幻想点缀。

  • I wove a garland of flowers .


  • They wove wool into tweeds .

    他们 羊毛织成粗呢。

  • She wove the story around a specific theme .

    她围绕一个特定的主题 了这个故事。

  • She wrote from the heart and wove into the story incidents from the lives of herself and her three sisters at Concord .

    这是她从 心坎 写出来的书,她把自己生活中的琐事和在康科德她的三个姐妹都写进故事里去。

  • She wove the silk thread into a beautiful shirt .


  • He gathered leaves to make a mask and wove a cap of reed .

    他收集了一些树叶做了一个面具, 芦苇 了一顶帽子。

  • Airplane designers wove the stuff of dreams into fabrics of reality .

    飞机设计人员 正在 梦想和现实交织在 一起

  • He wove four plots together into a novel .


  • They wove hats out of straw .

    他们 稻草 编成帽子。

  • She deftly wove the flowers into a garland .

    她灵巧地 编成了一个花环。

  • The author wove the incidents together into one story .

    作者 那些事件 编成一个故事。