working cash

[ˈwə:kɪŋ kæʃ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ kæʃ]


  • One day while working at the cash register in the gift shop I saw an elderly couple come in with a little girl in a wheelchair .

    有一天,当我在赠品店的 收银机那里 忙活的时候,我看到一对年迈的夫妇,推着一辆上面有小女孩坐着的轮椅走了进来。

  • Remember that EBITDA is similar to pre capex pre working capital cash generation .

    请记住,EBITDA类似于先期的资本性支出、先期的 流动资本 现金 投入

  • On the Direct Method and Indirect Method in Working out Cash Flow Meters

    编制 现金流量表的直接法与间接法

  • Concern over working funds and cash flow is immediately related to public attention to enterprise liquidity .

    营运资金与 现金流量的关注与人们对企业偿债能力的重视有直接关系。

  • Initial Studies in the Principles of Working Funds and Cash Flow

    营运资金与 现金流量基本原理的初步研究

  • He was the MCI chief architect leading the enterprise architecture group and working across the entire order to cash suite of applications .

    他是MCI总架构师,领导企业架构小组, 监督应用程序套件 兑现的整个流程。

  • Working capital not in cash form i.e.receivables and inventories .

    现金形式的 流动资金,如应收款和库存。

  • Sectors such as Supermarkets generate cash from Working Capital as they grow but most sectors consume cash as they grow to fund inventory and receivables .

    像超市这样的行业在其成长过程中会从其 流动资本中产生现金,但大多数行业在其成长过程中都需要消耗 现金,来为库存和应收收益提供支撑。

  • Rather than traveling or working overtime she was busy hopping from one place to another bracing against red bombs with piles of cash .

    她不是去旅行也没有 加班,而是在各地之间奔忙,准备好一叠叠 钞票来应对“红色炸弹”。

  • Could you call the landlady and tell her that our AC isn 't working ? My mobile is out of cash .

    你能给房东打个电话,告诉她我们的空调 了吗?我的电话卡里没 了。

  • Another area that needs to be put under the microscope is working capital or the cash that gets tied up in day-to-day operations .

    另一个需要重视的地方是 营运资本,或者说是跟日常业务挂钩的 资金

  • Moreover growth usually takes working capital meaning a reduced cash surplus for distribution .

    另外,增长通常要占用 营运资金,这意味着用于分配的 现金盈余将减少。

  • Brick-and-mortar companies are working hard to create similarly rich date sources . You can make extra cash if you act on a hunch .

    实体公司 努力收集相同的数据资源。白羊座: 努力 工作会带来额外 收入

  • How to Use Project Accounting for Working out the Cash Flow Statement & Exemplified by the Software Ufida 8.71

    如何运用项目核算方法 编制 现金流量表&以用友U8.71软件为例

  • Unfortunately growth usually consumes cash in working capital – and if profits are anaemic then the cash runs out .

    遗憾的是,增长通常要消耗 运营资金中的现金,而如果利润并不丰厚,那么 现金将耗尽。

  • Or more often to be told that the credit card machine isn 't working right now so how about paying in cash ?

    或者,更常见的是,得知信用支付机现在无法 使用,那么就 现金支付如何?

  • Working funds and cash flow management is an important part of modern finance and accounting management .

    营运资金与 现金流量管理是现代财会管理的重要内容。

  • In the working capital management cash management practices of SMEs in China is not reasonable . There are insufficient funds or excess phenomenon .

    营运资金管理方面,我国中小企业的 现金管理行为较为主观。

  • Just as well that Rusal has wiggle room under its covenants and better working capital management has helped free enough cash to pre-pay most debt falling due in the first half of 2013 .

    幸好俄铝在其债务契约中留有回旋余地,加上更好的 营运资本管理,使其释放足够的 现金,提前支付多数将于2013年上半年到期的债务。

  • And now there ` s another reason to hate Mondays as a study reveals that not only do we feel ugliest on the first day of the working week - but that information is used by cynical beauty companies who cash in on our insecurities .

    现在我们又多了一个讨厌周一的理由&研究显示,不仅我们 一周的头一天觉得自己最难看,而且尖刻的美容公司正在利用我们的这种不安全感来 赚钱

  • Working capital management also follows the general request of corporate financial management . That is to guarantee the long-term planning forecast cash flow smoothly create value for enterprises and maximize the value of enterprises .

    营运资金管理同样遵循着企业整体的财务管理要求,即保证企业长期规划中预测 现金流量的顺利实现,为企业创造价值,实现企业价值的最大化。

  • Working ratio cash working expenses divided by operating revenues expressed as a percentage .

    营业费用比率即 现金经营费用除以营业收入,以百分比表示。

  • We are getting a lot of requests now to help customers move into Hong Kong dollar said a senior banker working on trade finance and cash management at a large western bank in Moscow .

    在莫斯科的一家大型西方银行,一 主管贸易融资和 现金管理的资深银行家说:现在我们接到大量请求,帮助客户兑换港元。

  • The management of working capital by changing payment terms to suppliers or from customers as well as cutting inventory has become central to many companies ' focus on a cash is king strategy in the current recession .

    当前的经济衰退中令许多企业注重 现金为王的策略。通过削减库存、更改供应商或客户的支付条款来管理 营运资本,已成为重中之重。

  • Explanation to the Definition and Working out of the Regulation Project of Net Profit of Cash Flow Statement
