working cycle

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈsaɪkəl][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈsaikl]


  • A working cycle of the output of the number of metal blocks to statistics the design of the piece of metal photoelectric detection circuit to detect transmission schedule and control the material level .

    设计了光电传感电路对金属屑块传送的行程物位进行检测并控制传送带工作,并可对一个 工作 周期 输出金属屑块的数量加以统计。

  • In the crank and rocker mechanism when the rocker acts as the driving link there will be two dead points in one working cycle .

    在曲柄摇杆机构中,当以摇杆为原动件时, 工作一个 循环以后,直观看出有两次死点位置出现。

  • The composition and distribution of vibration signals in a working cycle was analyzed the exhaust-stroke signals were extracted owing to less disturbance and used as characteristic phase of piston-liner wear after the elimination of adjacent cylinder disturbance .

    通过分析振动信号各成份在一 周期内的分布情况,提取了干扰较少的排气冲程阶段信号,并在消除了相邻缸的振动影响后,作为活塞缸套磨损的特征相位段。

  • This paper introduces the driving principle system working cycle and rolling check attachments of a flexible gear milling machine that is capable of cutting arc and cycloidal gears .

    本文介绍了一种技术灵活性强,能实现弧线和摆线两种齿线等高齿加工的铣齿机的传动原理、系统、 工作 循环以及滚动检查附件。

  • Based on the experience of designing the working cycle of the system has been provided .

    并根据设计经验详细地论述了此套系统的 工作 节拍

  • Its working principle and the four phases in one working cycle ( clamping steady working exceeding loosing ) are analyzed .

    分析了其工作原理,并讨论了 工作 过程中的夹紧、稳定运转、超越和放松4个阶段;

  • This paper advanced an idea that cam profile could be designed by displacement function taking the harmonic of finite term as a working cycle of cam mechanism .

    提出了用有限项的谐函数作为凸轮机构一个 工作 循环的位移函数来设计凸轮廓线。

  • In the entire machine design established working cycle and conformed work in relations of main fixtures ( feeding forming retractor sealing driving ) through analysis of packaging machine overall plan ;

    在整机设计中,通过对包装机总体方案的分析,编制了 工作 循环图,确定主要装置(供送、下料、成型、牵引、封切、传动)之间的相互配合关系;

  • Analysis of the Working Cycle in a Diesel Engine with a Special Spring in Its Transmission Mechanism

    柴油机传动机构中具有弹性环节时的 工作 循环

  • Through the theoretical analysis for working cycle of grinding in this paper one may draw up a rational scheme of working cycle of grinding more correctly and thus lay the foundation for building automatic working cycle and carrying out grinding of high productivity and quality .

    通过本文对磨削 工作 循环的理论分析,使我们有可能正确制定合理的磨削工作循环方案,为建立自动工作循环和进行高生产率磨削、高质量磨削打下基础。

  • The rules of variation of the shape error of ground suface occured in the period of working cycle of grinding has been proved so that one may control the grinding process and get advantage to increase grinding quality and productivity .

    推证了磨削 工作 循环期内被磨表面形状误差的变化规律,从而控制磨削过程,以利于提高磨削质量和生产率。

  • Calculation and Analysis of Working Cycle in Hydraulic Diesel Engines

    液压柴油机 工作 循环的计算和分析

  • In this paper the four stages of working cycle of grinding and the different methods to carry out every stage has been analysed .

    本文分析了磨削 工作 循环的四个阶段,以及实现每个阶段的不同方法;

  • A new ICE working cycle with a partial isothermal compression stroke is advanced .

    本文提出了一种新的 内燃机理想 循环&具有部分等温压缩冲程的内燃机 工作过程。

  • A reciprocating piston the inhalation and from a liquid known as a working cycle ;

    活塞往复一次,各吸入和排出一次液体,称为一个 工作 循环

  • The experiment results obtained show that the working cycle can be improved by introducing this spring into the transmission mechanism of an engine .

    本文分析了传动机构中弹簧容积控制装置对柴油机 工作 循环的影响,并给出了初步的实验结果。

  • Theoretical analysis of working cycle of external cylindrical grinding

    外圆磨削 工作 循环的理论分析

  • Method and Application of Modeling Working Cycle Process of Gasoline Engines

    汽油机 工作 循环预测方法与应用

  • This paper describes the process of building up a fault diagnosis expert system for diesel engine working cycle by using gray theory .

    阐述了一个柴油机 工作 过程故障灰色诊断专家系统的构造过程。

  • And analyse that the working cycle of EPSON system is better than that of IA system so the new system is accepted by client and runs in production .

    以及分析EPSON控制系统的 工作 周期要优于原来的IA控制系统,所以新系统的开发客户认可,投入到生产线中使用。

  • Secondly an improved method is adopted to calculate the exhaust process in order to shorten the simulating time of the working cycle of diesel engine at the same time the simulation precision is high .

    其次,采用一种改进的方法计算排气过程,在满足计算精度要求的同时,缩短 工作 过程仿真的计算时间;

  • Bigger treatment capacity shorter working cycle lower cost .

    处理量大, 循环快,造价低。

  • Firstly we suppose a relationship between energy and time for a single cross bridge during the working cycle .

    首先,假设了单个横桥分子在 过程中的能量与时间关系。

  • For this reason the modeling and optimization analysis of working cycle time for excavator are carried out in this thesis .

    为此,本文结合企业产品实际要求深入开展了液压挖掘机 作业 循环时间的建模和优化分析等研究 工作

  • Analysis on working cycle of high speed upsetting machine type AMP 30

    AMP30高速镦锻机 工作 循环图分析

  • Simulation results show that the device operates at 5 V power supply with a working cycle of 120 ns .

    仿真结果表明,铁电存储器在5V工作电压下 工作 周期为120ns。