world's fair



  • The atmosphere of the simple home suggested by black iron trivets and World 's Fair souvenir plates on the walls flanking the window .

    那个黑色的金属支锅架和挂在窗户两侧墙上的那些在 世界 博览会 买的装饰盘烘托出了这间简朴的房间里的气氛。

  • Given such heady expectations for what will be the largest world 's fair the absence of the US would have been considered an enormous slight and a loss of face for the Chinese .

    鉴于 中国方面对这一历来规模最大 世博会有如此兴奋的预期,美国缺席将被视为一种严重的冷落之举,令中方大丢面子。

  • I congratulate China on what I 'm sure will be a spectacular world 's fair .

    我确信这将是一个非常壮观的 世界 博览会,我就此向中国表示祝贺。

  • In1851 the first World Expo or the World 's Fair became familiar to the world largely through the vigorous support of Victoria and Albert .

    1851年,被称作“ 万国 博览会”的首届世博会在维多利亚和阿尔伯特的大力支持下亮相于世,并于圆满结束后创造了18万英镑的盈余。

  • In consolation officials urge them to look at what a world 's fair did for Chicago in1933 and1934 during the Depression .

    为安抚民意,官员呼吁他们瞧瞧 世博会在大萧条(theDepression)时期赐予芝加哥 一切

  • Shanghai 's promoters say their World 's Fair will attract 70 million visitors .

    上海的申办者称 世博会将吸引7000万游客。

  • I 'm talking about the art contest held by the world 's Fair .

    我在说 万国 博览会举办的艺术竞赛。

  • Your place looks like the world 's fair I said .

    “你府上看上去像 世界 博览会一样。”我说。

  • Companies would sometimes print the news of the award they won on their product labels for years after a world 's fair .

    公司有的时候会在 世博 之后 很多年里,一直将获奖的消息印在产品的标签上。

  • My trip to the World 's Fair was nothing to write home about .

    我的 世界 博览会之行不值得大书特书。

  • The Brazilian Pavilion of the World 's Fair is sponsoring an international art competition .

    万国 博览会巴西馆将举办一项国际性艺术比赛。

  • I 'm looking forward to hold the world 's fair in Shanghai Shanghai has been continuously in progress our motherland people is also invested in2010 world expo .

    我很期待上海举办的 世界 博览会,上海一直不断在进步,祖国人民也很投入在世博。

  • In1910 modernisers in the imperial court sought to whip up national pride by staging a world 's fair .

    1910年,朝廷的改革者试图通过举办一 世界 博览会,来激发民族自豪感。

  • In1937 Wallace K.Harrison and J.Andre Fouilhoux designed this model for the Theme Center of the1939 World 's Fair in New York .

    这是1937年华莱士·K·哈里斯和J·安德烈·福霍克斯为1939年纽约 世博 的主题中心设计的模型。

  • Mary : The incandescent lamp was displayed first in a World 's Fair and then introduced into people 's life . So did the Edison gramophones its voice were first heard by visitors in World Expo .

    玛丽:白炽灯也是通过世博会的展示 被普及使用的。还有爱迪生发明的留声机,也是在 世博会上第一次让人们听到了从留声机里发出的声音。

  • The incandescent lamp was introduced into people 's life through its first display in a World 's Fair .

    白炽灯是通过 世博 的展示才被普及使用

  • Mr. Higinbotham President of the World 's Fair kindly gave me permission to touch the exhibits and with an eagerness as insatiable as that with which Pizarro seized the treasures of Peru I took in the glories of the Fair with my fingers .

    希金鲍瑟姆先生 世界 博览会的主席,他为人随和并且允许我随意触摸展会上的展品。于是,我就像贪得无厌的皮萨罗掳掠秘鲁的珍宝一样,我用手指吸纳了博览会的所有精华。

  • During December we will be exhibiting as many entries as possible at the World 's Fair Museum of Modern Art .

    巴西馆将在十二月份尽可能将所有的参赛作品陈列于 万国 博览会现代艺术馆供大众观赏。

  • Xiao Luo : In a word World Expo ( also World Exposing or World 's Fair ) is known as the Olympics in fields of economy science & technology and culture .

    小罗:简单来说, 世博会被誉为 世界经济、科技和文化的“奥林匹克”。

  • The French Pavilion at the world 's fair .

    世界 贸易 洽谈 的法国展点。

  • We will do a good job bidding to host the 2010 World 's Fair in Shanghai .

    做好我国申办2010年上海 世界 博览会的工作。

  • The Shanghai Expo is the first World 's Fair to host an online platform that allows viewers to take a glimpse of all of the pavilions .

    上海 世博会首次为 世博引入“网上世博会”的概念,将各个展馆的精华搬上互联网,供 全球观众参观欣赏。

  • World 's Fair Expo is a short this is a world of large-scale non-trade products and technology exchange activities .

    世博会是 世界 博览会的简称,这是一项世界性的非贸易性的大规模的产品展示和技术交流活动。

  • The French pavilion at the World 's Fair . NORINCO China Northwest Investment and Business Forum

    世界贸易 洽谈 的法国展点中国西北投资和实业国际洽谈会

  • On Types of Permeable Pavement Layed on Sidewalk A Test Section Construction and a Ponder of Perviousness Sidewalk for the Park of World 's Fair in Shanghai

    用于铺设在人行道上的透水面层类型上海 世博 园区透水人行道试验段的施工与思考

  • Louis world 's fair was the biggest of all time just as the Beijing Olympic Games may well be the biggest Olympic Games of all time .

    圣路易斯的 世界 博览会是当时历史上最大的一届,正如北京奥运会也许会成为史上规模最大的奥林匹克运动会。

  • Your mother never got to the world 's fair .

    你妈妈没有去成 世博

  • Because this invention was an American contribution to the World 's Fair it has become a staple of the fairground .

    而且因为这个发明是美国对 世博 一个贡献,它已成为 博览会上的常客。

  • The first World 's Fair was hosted by London Britain in1851 .

    最早的一届 世博 1851年在英国伦敦举办的。

  • Located in the heart of the city this former World 's Fair 's site in 1962 .

    这个1962年的 世界 博览会会场旧址位于市区中心。