



  • The sensor can be used in entrance control access control and tailgate detection applications .

    感应器可用在出入口控制处,访问控制和 监测。

  • Remove adjusting elements for tailgate .

    拆卸 调节件。

  • The large boot is accessed via a two-piece tailgate while the60:40 split-fold seats drop quickly and easily to increase load space .

    大型开机,是连接两件式 ,而60:40分裂倍席位下降快速,轻松地以增加负荷的空间。

  • The lock output relay requires only one output for each card reader to grant access to the tailgate system and unlock the door .

    锁定输出继电器要求每个读卡器只能向 挡板系统输出一个出入信号且打开大门。

  • He let down the tailgate so the dog could jump out .

    他放下 后背 ,好让狗跳出来。

  • The reactor tank fired four prominent tailgate when stirring the liquid in the vessel wall to block the change in liquid flow play a spoiler role to achieve better mixing effect .

    釜内胆烧制四条突出的 挡板,搅拌时在釜壁阻挡液体从而改变液体流向,起到扰流作用,达到更理想的搅拌效果。

  • The result shows that the borehole destruction occurs in the dynamic process of coal face advancing and it is more stable when the borehole location is close to tailgate .

    认为钻孔的破坏是随着工作面推进而发生的动态过程,布置在靠近 回风 钻孔更加稳定。

  • A. They tailgate which means to drive too closely behind the car in front of them .

    他们 追尾,意味着离他们前面的车太近。

  • The application of the V-typed tailgate in unsteady flow hydraulic model The Hydraulic and Unsteady Discharging Characteristics of Shaft Aperture Inlet

    V型 在河工模型试验中的应用竖井孔口式泄洪洞恒定及非恒定泄流特性探讨

  • Do you want your windscreen cleaned too ? When the tailgate was lowered Frankie jumped down .

    不要把挡风玻璃也清洗一下?后 挡板 打开 ,弗兰基跳了下来。

  • The author has newly developed a kind of V typed tailgate which has been used successfully in several flood control hydraulic models .

    该文作者 根据多年的 经验,研制了一种 新式 &V

  • When the tailgate was lowered Frankie jumped down .

    挡板 打开 ,弗兰基跳了下来。

  • The laws of strata behavior for the gob-side tailgate in the Jining No.3 Coal Mine


  • On the Method for Control of Tailgate Water Level of a Hydraulic Model

    模型 水位控制方法研究

  • We had a great tailgate party before the Washington Red socks played the New York Yankee .

    我们在看华盛顿红袜队和纽约扬基队的比赛前举行了很精彩的 野餐会。

  • Most of the traditional mine ventilator use direct startup methods with constant speed achieve air volume regulation by adjusting the blade angle of the fan and the tailgate of air passage . The method is simple but has great ventilation resistance caused a lot of wasted energy .

    传统矿井通风机的控制大都采用直接启动方式,电机恒速运行,通过调节风机叶片角和 风道 挡板实现风量调节,该方法简单但通风阻力大造成电能大量浪费。

  • We 've got a tailgate jump here .

    我们这里可以从 后门跳出去。

  • Assemble the dual lock fastener in alignment with 2 . Install the tailgate window glass in the same way the protrusion of the tailgate flange .

    与2校正成一 直线 安装上双锁扣;用同样方法对正后挡板凸缘后安装 挡板窗玻璃。

  • In addition by pressing the lion badge opens the tailgate .

    此外,在按下狮子徽章,打开 栏板

  • Paul slammed the tailgate of the volvo .

    保罗把那辆沃尔沃轿车的 后门砰地关上。

  • Police pulled him over doing 120km / h making rapid changes and tailgating .

    警察令他把 靠边停下, 因为他的时速高达120公里还一直快速变 紧贴 行驶

  • Optimum design of tailgate lift mechanism of combination lift vehicle

    栏板起重运输车 栏板起重机构的优化设计

  • Secure him by the tailgate .


  • The judges liked its split tailgate removable centre console storage and easily folded rear seats .

    法官们喜欢其分裂 挡板,移动存储和中控台容易折叠后排座椅。

  • I don 't suppose they tailgate in new york .

    我想纽约的 球迷 可能 聚会吧。

  • Perhaps the fact that the car was tailgating him made him accelerate

    或许是因为那辆汽车跟 太紧,他才加速的。

  • By taking tailgate gas discharge and adjusting air flow the upper-corner gas gauge is solved .

    通过采取瓦斯 巷引排和调节进风量办法来解决上隅角瓦斯超限问题。

  • The influence of tailgate on effect of blade curving
