


  • The environment of tailing pond greatly affects the environment around it .

    尾矿 的环境对其周边地区的环境有着重大的影响。

  • Study of Tailing Dam System Based on Dissipative Structure Theory

    基于耗散结构理论的 尾矿坝系统研究

  • Application research of asbestos tailing in highway concrete

    石棉 尾矿在道路混凝土中的应用研究

  • Landslide surge brings enormous hazards on the facilities of tailing reservoir .

    滑坡涌浪对 尾矿库内设施的危害是巨大的。

  • The research method adopted in the paper has a reference for analysis and evaluation of similar tailing dams'stabilities .

    研究方法对其他 尾矿坝抗滑稳定分析与评价具有借鉴意义。

  • Research on concrete hollow block made of dry waste rock and tailing sand

    干选废石和 矿砂生产混凝土空心砌块的研究

  • Tailing pond of Malanzhuang Iron Ore Mine was as the example to introduce the constitute of the siphonic drainage system and the construction technique of siphonic well in tailing sand .

    以马兰庄铁矿 尾矿 为例,对尾矿库工程中虹吸排渗系统的组成和尾矿砂中虹吸井的施工方法进行了简要介绍。

  • Application technology research of tailing sand in ordinary dry-mixed mortar


  • This on-line monitoring system provided an effective technical mean to obtain the dynamic evolution information in the process of tailing pond operation .

    监测系统的 建成为获得 尾矿 坝体运营过程中的动态演化信息提供了有效的技术手段。

  • Finite Element Analysis of Storm Seepage Flow and Earthquake Liquefaction of High Tailing Dams


  • A Lead-zinc tailing of Hunan has a high content of fluorite and barite with similar floatability .

    湖南某铅锌 尾矿中主要矿物为可浮性相近的萤石和重晶石。

  • Reverse osmosis ( RO ) process is not much used in the tailing treatment in China .

    在我国将反渗透工艺应用于 尾矿 废水处理领域的 工程 实例并不多。

  • In this article lead-zinc tailing was used as raw material to prepare middle heat clinker .

    采用铅锌 尾矿为原料来烧制中热硅酸盐水泥熟料。

  • I 'll ask him why he 's tailing us .

    我去问他为什么 跟着我们。

  • Experimental study on the mine tailing sand used in ready-mixed concrete


  • Kaolin tailing is a kind of solid waste generated from mineral separation .

    高岭土 尾砂是高岭土矿精选后产生的固体废弃物。

  • Safety Analysis of Tailing Dam in Tailings Stoping Process

    尾矿回采过程中 尾矿坝的安全性分析

  • Further reduction of the tailing iron grade for comprehensive recovery of resource is imperative .

    进一步降低 尾矿铁品位,综合回收利用资源势在必行。

  • The safety and stability of tailing reservoirs are of great importance to the mining production and environmental protection .


  • The Thermodynamic Analysis and Experiment Research on Niobium Enrichment of Baogang Tailing

    包钢含铌 尾矿铌富集的热力学分析和实验研究

  • Scheme Comparison and safety assessment of earth and rockfill dams tailing dams and soft foundation .

    从事土石( 尾矿)坝、软土地基工程专业领域的设计方案技术论证、安全评价。

  • This result provides a basis for selecting a suitable tailing discharging disposal options for mine .

    研究结果为矿山选择合适的 尾矿排放方案提供了依据。

  • Tailing the process of carbonate spherulite formation is the key to understand the mechanism .

    对形成过程的动态 跟踪研究是了解球状碳酸盐矿物形成机理的关键。

  • Your work had been tailing off recently ; we expect you to keep up your former standard .

    你最近的工作 质量 下降,我们希望你能保持原水平。

  • Application of Vertical Antiseepage Technology in Mine Tailing Pond

    浅析垂直防渗技术在矿山 尾矿 中的应用

  • Experimental researches on comprehensive recovery and utilization of a cyanided tailing are carried out .

    对某氰化 渣综合回收利用进行了试验研究。

  • Unfortunately the briefcase had already been snatched up by Frank Burke a Secret Service agent tailing Albert .

    不幸的是,公文包已经被 尾随他的特工 弗兰克伯克(FrankBurke)夺取了。

  • Flotation Research on Recovery of Stannum from Tailing of Cassiterite-polymetallic Sulfide Ore

    从锡石-多金属硫化矿 尾矿中回收锡的浮选研究

  • The concrete admixture prepared with kaolin tailing through mechanical milling and the addition of chemical activator was primary researched .

    采用机械球磨机以及添加化学活性激发剂对高岭土 尾砂活化后作混凝土掺合料的 可行性进行了初步研究。

  • It 's not safe to meet the police are tailing me .

    我们见面不安全,警方在 跟踪我。