take a look

[tek e lʊk][teik ə luk]


  • Now take a look at the project and the orchestration to see what you have configured within the wizard .

    现在 查看 一下项目和编排,检查在向导中已经配置的选项。

  • I would like to take a look inside to satisfy my curiosity .

    我想进去 看看以满足我的好奇心。

  • We also want to take a look at minfree and maxfree .

    我们还希望 研究 一下minfree和maxfree。

  • You 'd best take a look .


  • You guys take a look at those pictures ?

    你们 那些照片了吗?

  • Let me take a look at this bag . Can you open it ?


  • Investors would do well to take a look at the Swiss economy .

    投资者应该 关注 一下瑞士的经济。

  • You don 't mind if they take a look round do you ?

    您不介意他们四处 看看吧?

  • Let 's take a look at how you can use the SplStack class to implement a stack .

    让我们 如何使用SplStack类实现一个栈。

  • You think so ? Just take a look here .

    你那么认为? 看看这。

  • Well I said suppose we take a look at the throat first .

    好了,我说,我们 看看嗓子吧。

  • Let 's take a look at how to define a closure in PHP .

    让我们 如何在PHP中定义闭包。

  • If you are baffled about how to incorporate more color into your wardrobe take a look around you .

    如果你不为怎样给你的衣柜增添更多的颜色而感到困惑, 看看你周围的人是如何做的。

  • In case you think I was incautious take a look at the map .

    如果你认为我不够仔细, 自己 看看地图。

  • Should we go and take a look ?

    我们应不应该去 呢?

  • Could you take a look at this ? I think it 's broken .

    你能 瞧瞧这个吗?我想是出故障了。

  • I had to get out of the rat race and take a look at the real world again .

    我得从疯狂的竞争中解脱出来,重新 审视真实的世界。

  • Take a look and you will definitely love this picture .

    尽情 欣赏 一下,你肯定会爱上这些图片的。

  • So actually first let 's take a look at how we got these orbitals .

    首先我们 来看 我们怎么得到这些轨道的。

  • First I 'll take a look at the benefits and costs of publishing with XML .

    首先,我将 研究 一下利用XML进行发布的优点和代价。

  • In order to understand this deal we need to take a look back in time .

    为了更好地理解此次交易,我们 需要 回顾 一下历史。

  • Let 's take a look at some of the figures involved .

    让我们 一下涉及的一些数字。

  • They would log into their account and take a look at prices and decide what they 'd like to do .

    他们会登入自己的账户, 查看价格后再决定怎么做。

  • Instead of beefing about what Mrs Martin has not done her critics might take a look at what she is trying to do .

    批评者不要老是抱怨马丁太太没有做什么事情, 不妨 看看她正要做什么事情。

  • I would also like to take a look on your yacht .

    我还想 一下你的游艇。

  • Let 's take a look at both Tomcat and Jetty 's support for Comet .

    我们来 看看Tomcat和Jetty对Comet的支持。

  • I want you to take a look at something .

    我希望你 一样东西。

  • This may not enough you have to take a look at a bridge .

    可就这并不够,您还得 天桥

  • But I suggest you take a look in the mirror .

    但我还是建议你 一下镜子。

  • Have take a look at this letter .
