take from

[tek frʌm][teik frɔm]


  • I just wanted to see how much could they take from me !

    我就是想 看看,他们究竟能 我多少钱!

  • And he said unto them that stood by Take from him the pound and give it w_2507 to him that hath ten pounds .

    就对旁边站着的人说, 过他这一锭来,给那有十锭的。

  • The priest is to take from her hands the grain offering for jealousy wave it before the Lord and bring it to the altar .

    祭司要 妇人的手中 那疑恨的素祭,在耶和华面前摇一摇,拿到坛前。

  • The process from specifying technology requirements to team process and tool training should take from two to three months early in the initiative .

    从明确技术需求到团队过程和工具培训的过程 初始版本的开发中 持续二到三个月。

  • The craftsman uses materials such as pear wood plumwood and ebony to create the pieces which take from two weeks to three months to make .

    这位工匠师的制作材料包括梨木、 李子木和乌木,制作过程 两星期到三个月不等。

  • Google declined to comment on the statements but confirmed the percentage it planned to take from game makers .

    谷歌并未回应这些评论,不过再次确认它确实计划 游戏制作者手中 提成5%。

  • And what message did it take from London 's ceremony ?

    伦敦奥运会开幕式中 获得了什么信息?

  • The complete analysis may take from three to four months and should evolve in parallel with the develop solution components and content workstream .

    完整的分析 进行三到四个月,并应与“开发方案组件和内容”工作流程并行进行。

  • What I take from Sam is her humbleness her ability to reach out to others to give effortlessly .


  • Of all the things that can be stolen from you – your possessions your youth your health your words your rights – what no one can ever take from you is


  • Or at up to 3x what Zuckerberg originally agreed to take from Yahoo ( yhoo ) before Yahoo mistakenly got cold feet .

    这个出价也是扎克伯格当初同意 接受雅虎公司(Yahoo)出价的三倍,只是后来雅虎看走了眼,自己放弃了。

  • How long will the trip take from here to New York ?

    这儿到纽约航行 多长时间?

  • It is simple enough to say that since books have classes fiction biography poetry we should separate them and take from each what it is right that each should give us .

    说来容易:既然书有各种各样小说、传记、诗歌该把它们分门别类,并且各按其类 汲取每本书理应给予我们的内容。

  • You were created to add to life on earth not just take from it .

    很多畅销书籍 建议人如何 尽量 生命“ ”,但这不是神造你的目的。

  • In many ways there 's a culture of separation and we need to get beyond that so we can take from each side what it does best .

    在很多方面,存在着文化上的差别,并且我们需要 得到每一方都可以最好得工作的超越。

  • The nine justices choose which cases to take from those submitted to the Supreme Court .

    九名法官 上诉到最高法院的案件中有选择地进行审理。

  • In more complex scenarios you can dynamically control a TCP / IP Receive node in defining the number of bytes of data it should take from the input TCP / IP stream .

    在更复杂的场景中,我们 可以定义 输入TCP/IP流 获得的数据字节数,从而动态控制TCP/IPReceive节点。

  • Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experience it again .

    享受生命中的每一刻,尽你所能从中 汲取,因为以后你可能没有机会再有同样经历。

  • The message I take from this study is simple he said . If you want to reduce your risk of heart disease be more active .

    这项研究中 得到的启示很简单,他说道,如果你想要降低患心脏病的风险,就得更有活力一点。

  • You can then open the chest and take from it as many pence as you please they are only copper pence ; but if you would rather have silver money you must go into the second chamber .

    于是你就把箱子打开,你想要多少钱就 取出多少钱。这些钱都是铜铸的。

  • This activity may take from four to five months and will evolve in parallel with the design solution workstream .

    这一活动大约 需要四到五个月,并同“设计方案”工作流程并行进行。

  • Discussion on popular certification web sites like Certification Magazine and CertCities indicate that most IT pros take from two to six weeks studying for each test .

    流行的认证Web站点,像CertificationMagazine和 CertCities上的讨论表明大多数IT专业人员平均 两到六个星期的学习来准备一门考试。

  • Cranes take from four to seven years to mature before they pair up .

    4 7岁才成熟交配。

  • JPMorgan suffered a 57 per cent fall in net income to $ 858m as its performance was affected by a variety of accounting charges – such as the profits and losses banks are forced to take from swings in the value of their own debt .

    摩根大通投资银行部门净利润下滑57%,至 8.58亿美元。这份业绩受到一系列会计准则调整的影响,比如自身债务价格变化导致的利润和损失。

  • Then the king commanded Ebedmelech the Ethiopian saying Take from hence thirty men with thee and take up Jeremiah the prophet out of the dungeon before he die .

    漆德克雅王对耶肋米亚暗地 发誓说:「那赐 我们这生命的上主永在,我决不将你处死,也决不将你交在这些图谋你性命者的手中。」

  • If he also is placed upon my apron he cannot hurt you and you may take from the chest what gold you will .

    你只消把它放在我的围裙上,它就不会伤害你了。你 那个箱子里能够 取出多少金子来,就 取出 多少来吧。

  • But is that really the lesson that the corporate world should take from the events of the past week ?

    但这真的是企业界 应从上周的事件中得到的教训吗?

  • YOLO or the you only live once philosophy there are lessons we all can take from it .

    YOLO是你只能活一次的简称,我们 可以 这种观念中学会很多。