take cover

[tek ˈkʌvɚ][teik ˈkʌvə]


  • Drop Cover and Hold & Take cover under a sturdy desk table or bench or against an inside wall and hold on .

    蹲下,寻找 掩护,抓牢& 利用写字台、桌子或者长凳下之空间,或者身子紧贴内部承重墙作为掩护,然后双手抓牢固定物体。

  • How good is your loving mercy o god ! The children of men take cover under the shade of your wings .

    神阿,你的慈爱,何其宝贵。世人 投靠在你翅膀的 下。

  • Two young children take cover in Xixi National Wetland Park in Hangzhou near Shanghai .

    和上海相邻的杭州 西溪国家湿地公园里,两个孩子 正打着雨伞。

  • AFTER the string of scandals that has rocked Citigroup the world 's biggest bank in recent years one might think it would open its trademark umbrella and take cover .

    花旗银行,世界上最大的银行,最近几年在经受一系列的丑闻打击之后,你也许以为它会撑开商标上那把雨伞在 下面 一会。

  • As a voice over the loudspeaker warned to take cover the crew raced up the metal stairs to a small gym that doubles as an air raid shelter .

    扬声器里传出警告众人 躲避 起来的播报,平台上的工作人员急忙沿着金属阶梯往上跑到一间小型健身房中&这里也是躲避空袭的庇护所。

  • Switch to Guardian mode we 'll take cover in the debris field .

    变形为守护者模式,我们 在残骸中 隐蔽 起来

  • The shooting makes them take cover so they can 't fire at you .

    开枪会迫使对方 闪避而无法继续攻击你;

  • Disarm the man you 're with then take cover .

    解除和你一起的那个人的武装, 起来

  • Usually this reaction is valuable leading us to take cover if we hear gunfire or stand our ground if a bully tires to push us around .

    通常这种反应是很有用的。听到枪声,它引导我们 寻找 掩护;被恶棍欺负时,它叫我们坚守立场。

  • The dusting with red dust should be considered a warning to take cover under metal or sod roof structures out of the wind .

    红色尘埃的沙尘暴应被认为是一个应该 立即 隐蔽在金属屋顶或草皮屋顶的避风的建筑里的警告。

  • Take cover in the community center again .


  • If rocks and debris are approaching run for the nearest shelter and take cover ( if possible under a desk table or other piece of sturdy furniture ) .

    如果岩石与碎屑在逼近,跑到最近的避难处并 起来(如果可能的话,躲在课桌,饭桌或其他坚固的家具下。)

  • Take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture ;


  • If you 're inside take cover in a basement or storeroom shelter .

    如果 在地下室 里面或者储藏室里。

  • If we take cover here we can overlook everything .

    如果我们 隐蔽在这儿,就能了解一切状况。

  • When you get there follow Jacob to the front door and take cover behind the wall as prompted onscreen .

    当你有,请雅各布到前门,并 采取 包括背后的墙上,作为屏幕上的提示。

  • They dropped down to take cover when the bullets whistled past their ears .

    当子弹从耳边呼啸而过时,他们 卧倒 隐蔽起来。

  • Drop down ; take cover under a desk or table and hold on .

    卧倒; 在课桌或餐桌下,保持不动。

  • As soon as its effects were known scientists said that people would start to take cover under trees or inbuildings or vehicles which would make the rain of darts ineffective .

    一旦知道它的效果,科学家说,人们会 开始 隐蔽在树下或建筑物里或交通工具里,这些会让飞镖雨无效。

  • Visitors take cover beneath an uprooted tree in Vancouver as the city braces itself for another storm .

    当温哥华再次遭遇风暴时,两名路人在已被连根拔起的大树下找到暂时的 安身之地

  • The animals take cover ; they remain in their dens .


  • There was no place where we could take cover from the storm .

    没有任何地方供我们 躲避这场暴风雨。

  • DROP to the ground ; take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture ; and HOLD ON until the shaking stops .

    爬到 上;钻到结实的桌子或其它家具下面;呆着别动直到晃动停止。

  • As soon as it begin to rain they take cover under a big tree .

    一开始下雨,他们 到一棵大树下 避雨

  • It rained so hard we had to take cover in a shop doorway .

    雨下得太大了,我们只得在商店出入口处 避雨

  • Stadium ushers asked fans to evacuate the seating bowl and take cover in the concourses hallways and restrooms .

    球场引领服务员要求球迷疏散到有 遮罩 座位区,走廊或休息室。

  • If you are in a crowded area take cover where you are .

    如果你处于一个比较拥挤的区域内, 原地则是明智之举。

  • Take cover under a sturdy desk table or other furniture .

    在坚实的书桌、餐桌或其它家具之下, 以此遮盖