take it from me

[tek ɪt frʌm mi][teik it frɔm mi:]


  • Take it from me your troubles are nearly over .

    相信 ,你的麻烦就要结束了。

  • Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me .

    关于这事,我曾三次求 主使 脱离

  • Don 't you ever take it from me .

    没有人 夺走

  • I found quickly the Negroes were for eating the flesh of this creature so I was willing to have them take it as a favour from me .

    很快地看出那些黑人有意思要吃那动物的肉,因此乐得 送给他们,作为人情。

  • Take it from me — this is the greatest achievement by any Formula One driver ever .

    没错——这是一级方程式赛车手有史以来所 取得的最高成就。

  • But take it from me the blue-eyed ones are the worst .

    记住 ,蓝眸子的人最坏。

  • I won 't let you take it away from me .

    我不会让你 手上夺走的。

  • Take it from me : Even if you 're only mildly addicted to stress it 's best to get into rehab now .


  • Whatever you want you can take it from me .


  • You can take it from me everything will is all right . Cast off this child All shall be well !

    你可以 相信 ,一切都会好的。甩开这孩子!一切都会好的!

  • Oh take it take it from me .

    噢,抓住它, 抓住

  • And take it from me it is the best place in the world to watch the sunset .

    采取 来说,这是最好的在世界上的地位看日落。

  • I was willing to have them take it as a favor from me .

    我乐得 送给他们,作为人情。

  • You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint a customer particularly an old customer like you .

    可以 相信,最不愿做那些使顾客失望的事情,像你们的老客户。

  • You can take it from me that patrick 's worried .

    你完全可以 相信 ,帕特里克很是忧虑。

  • Take it from me . you * You want to give people time .

    的,你 给别人时间。

  • I know you are nervous But take it from me Cause you .

    情还是爱情, 不要 他们 你的 身边悄然溜走。

  • A chaste man can never get possessed take it from Me – can never get possessed .

    一个有贞洁的人永远不会被附体, 相信 ,永远不会。

  • Ross : Take it from me as the groom all you have to do is show up and try to say the right name .

    罗斯: 相信 ,新郎所要做的就是当天出现并且说出(新娘的)正确名字。

  • You may take it from me he won 't keep this job long .

    相信 的话,这项差事他不会干长的。

  • She 'll never marry you take it from me .

    相信 ,她不会嫁给你。

  • Just take it . it 's a gift from me .

    拿去 ,算是礼物。

  • Take it from me and in exchange bind me to you with a garland for I am ashamed to stand before you with this jewelled chain on my neck .

    这儿取走 ,用一个花环把我系在你的身边作为交换,因为我羞于这样站在你面前&项上挂着这样的珠光宝链。

  • That 's the truth take it from me .

    事实就是如此, 相信

  • You can take it from me that he won 't help you .

    你可以 相信 ,他不会帮你忙的。

  • You take it from me that you 'll be the dean .


  • Take it from me . A real man makes his own money . I think you should break up with him .

    相信 ,一个真正的男人是会赚自己的钱的。我看你应该跟他分手。

  • Well said the president young Murphy comes from an honest family and you can take it from me that if he says he didn 't knock them down then he is bloody-well telling the truth .

    “哦,是这样的,”主席解释说,“小墨菲来自诚实的家庭,你可以绝对 相信 ,既然他说了他没有推倒城墙,那他的确是讲了真话。”

  • It is wrong to take it away from me .

    拿走 的东西是不对的。

  • I don 't dare to use the phone in school because they will take it away from me says John hill a student in london .

    “我不敢在学校里使用手机,因为它会被 没收。”伦敦的学生 约翰希尔说。