take for example

[tek fɔr ɪɡˈzæmpəl][teik fɔ: iɡˈzɑ:mpl]


  • Take for example the key concept loose coupling .


  • Take for example choosing a cookbook .


  • Take for example the structure of a sentence in english .

    我们 可以 英语的句子结构

  • Take for example when I said I am going to run in a marathon ; could you cook some rice cake for me early in the morning ?

    举例 来说,当我说“我隔天要去跑马拉松,你可以在清晨时帮我准备些饭团吗?”

  • Take for example a shopping basket and the product SKUs inside the basket .


  • Take for example genetically modified ( GM ) food .

    转基因食品 例子

  • Take for example our Multi-Bank Solution ( MBS ) and optimised interest Rate Scheme ( OIRS ) .


  • Take Tom for example many students have passed the exam .

    汤姆 ,有很多学生通过了考试。

  • Take for example Caduveo face painting .


  • Take for example Iran I don 't see why Western nations should demonize Iran and see it as a threat when it is them whom have treated Iranians poorly .

    伊朗 比方,我就是看不明白西方国家要视为伊朗为恶魔,把它当作威胁,相反正是这些所谓的民族人士,热爱和平的人士非常不好的正对待着伊朗人民。

  • Take for example a lady who is irregularly contracting at 32 weeks gestation .


  • Take me for example . I 'm not smart . I have an awful memory .


  • A Preliminary Study on the Method of Urban Design in the Framework of Landscape Structure & Take for Example the International Competition for Urban Planning and Design of the New Core District of Foshan

    景观结构框架下的城市设计方法初探& 佛山市中心组团新城区规划与城市设计国际竞赛

  • Take for example Hangzhou the International Garden City . It can be turned into an optimal living new paradise as it enjoys exceptional advantages in both national and historical conditions .

    国际花园城市杭州 ,有得天独厚的自然、历史条件,可以营造最佳人居新天堂。

  • Take for example the telnet server .


  • Take for example the need for customer data .

    比方 要得到消费者的数据。

  • Take for example the highly effective chokehold .

    比如最有效的 扼住喉咙。

  • To illustrate this we take temperature for example .

    为了说明问题,我们 温度

  • And then of course it sometimes turns out that the perfect environment is not perfect . Take for example the fastidiousness a certain segment of modern parents enthusiastically cultivates .

    当然,有时理想的环境实际上并不理想。 部分现代家长乐此不疲地培养孩子时的一丝不苟的态度 来说吧。

  • Take for example how he handled the situation when he boarded the team bus recently and was greeted by his coach Larry Krystkowiak .

    上队车和小K教练打招呼 来说吧,最近一段时间他是怎样做的呢?

  • Take for example the report prepared by V.K.Raina released by India 's Ministry of Environment and Forests .


  • Take for example minecraft the blockbuster block-building game that has been loaded up on PCs and iPads across the globe .


  • Take for example a story where a cruel monster is described as having the appearance of a mountain lion and where later we find a seemingly virtuous man also compared to a mountain lion .

    比如 ,有个故事里有个残酷的怪物有个狮子的外表,然后故事又拿一个看起来很高尚的男人和狮子相比较。

  • Chinese students that study in the United States all know that in America there are few people and lots of land take for example my hometown in Wisconsin that only has40 people .

    去美国留学的中国学生都知道,跟中国相比,美国人少田多, 比方说我老家在美国威斯康星州只有四万人口。

  • Take for example thalidomide babies parkinson 's sufferers autism or people who have cerebral palsy .


  • Let 's take Mary for example .

    让我们 玛丽 吧。

  • Take for example the dynamic analysis of the circle and turnover of capital analysis of dynamic balance of social capital in motion .

    例如 对于资本循环和周转的动态分析,对于社会资本运动中的动态平衡的分析,等等。

  • Take for example the simple sentence : ' The man climbed up the hill '
