take a walk

[tek e wɔk][teik ə wɔ:k]


  • Before we go to see Riley get his medal Clifford and I take a walk .

    在我们去看Riley被授予奖章前,Clifford和我 散步 了。

  • Let 's take a walk shall we ?

    让我们 走走好吗?

  • My grandpa used to take a walk in this park .

    我爷爷过去常常在这个公园 散步

  • I 'd really rather not take a walk this afternoon .

    我今天下午实在不太 出去 散步

  • So Thursday is a wonderful day for me ! I can take a walk as far as the vineyards .

    因此,周四成为了一个多么美妙的日子啊!我可以 外出 散步,直到葡萄园边上。

  • I usually take a walk with my dog in the evening .

    我通常在傍晚和我的狗 一起 散步

  • Go take a walk and I 'll tidy up the place .

    散步 ,这里我来收拾。

  • I decide to take a walk outside .

    觉得 憋气。我决定去外面 散步

  • Isn 't it wonderful to take a walk here ?

    在这儿 散步真是好极了,是不是?

  • Take a walk or go to another room .


  • It 's raining fire outside and you want to take a walk ?

    外面热得像在下火,你居然说要 外面 散步

  • Take a walk go for a snack or have a conversation about something else than work .


  • Now let 's take a walk along the path .

    现在我们沿着小路 散步吧!

  • I can take a walk as far as the vineyards .

    我可以 一直 散步 葡萄园

  • The old couple always take a walk in the park in the morning .

    这对老人总在早上 公园 散步

  • I like taking a walk after supper but I don 't like to take a walk tonight .

    我喜欢饭后散步,但今晚我不想 散步了。

  • One way to practice this is to take a walk with the aim of concentrating on being present .

    做这练习的一个方法是, 散步时以全神贯注处在当下为目标。

  • To take a walk every day is good for you .

    每天 散步对你有好处。

  • If you like we can take a walk on the embankment .

    如果你乐意,我们可以在堤岸上 散步

  • I take a walk before working in the evening .

    晚上开始学习之前我 散步

  • He likes to take a walk in his free hours .

    空闲时,他喜欢 散步

  • They would like to take a walk around the centre of the park .

    他们绕着公园中心 散步

  • My wife and I usually cook together take a walk and sometimes go to the cinema .

    我和我的妻子通常一起做饭, 散步,有时去看电影。

  • Could we take a walk ? I feel like a little exercise .

    我们 散步好吗?我想活动一下。

  • Perhaps to escape the problem you can take a walk .

    或许,抛开此问题,你可以 散步

  • Grandpa and Grandma take a walk every day .

    爷爷和奶奶每天 散步

  • Do not think that I can take a walk together with others I will give others to caress .

    你不要以为,我会和别人一起 散步,我会给别人以爱抚。

  • I always like to take a walk after lunch .

    我总是喜欢午饭后 散步 一会儿

  • I tell you what you two take a walk .
