take a letter

[tek e ˈlɛtɚ][teik ə ˈletə]


  • They can take the form of a memorandum of understanding or a commitment letter from the bank to the authorities and are less serious than formal enforcement actions .

    他们可以 采用谅解备忘录或银行向有关部门签署承诺 的形式。这些形式没有正式的强制措施那么严肃。

  • Approximately how long do if take for a letter to go airmail from here to beijing .

    航空信从这儿寄往北京大约要 多少时间。

  • Have take a look at this letter .


  • May I take it that you will write me a letter ?

    我可以 信赖你会给我 写信

  • Insurance agent and insurance broker should take a letter at underwriter policy-holder insurant also must want to have oneself management place .

    保险代理人和保险经纪人 取信于保险人、投保人、被保险人,也必须要有自己的经营场所。

  • It will not take long for a letter to get to beijing .

    到北京不用 多长时间。

  • It is reported your company will advertise for the graduating student therefore will take the liberty to write a letter looks together creates tomorrow with your company .

    据悉贵公司将招聘应届毕业生,故 冒昧 写信,望有幸同贵公司一起共创明日的辉煌。

  • She learnt to take a letter .

    她学习 记录 口授 函件

  • Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make Vice President Joe w_2088 Biden take over the presidency for the remainder of the term as it is the norm over there bin Laden wrote in a letter to one of his top lieutenants .

    拉登在写给他的一名最高级助理的 中说:奥巴马是无信仰之首,把他杀掉会让美国副总统拜登 接管剩下的任期,这是美国的传统。

  • How long does it take for a letter to go to tainan ?

    寄到台南的 多久

  • Will you please cut it for a while and come in here to take a letter ?

    请你暂时放一下,进来录写我 口授 好吗?

  • She asked her secretary to take a letter .

    她让她的秘书 口授 稿

  • You have probably played the game before where you take a single word and change just one letter to make a different word .

    您可能曾经玩过这样一款游戏, 得到 单词,然后只更改一个 字母就可以得到另一个单词。

  • Mr Bear wants to know how long it will take for a letter to reach his granddaughter .

    鸽子先生想知道他孙女 多长时间才能 收到

  • Take sth with a pinch of salt think that sth is not likely to be true ; not wholly believe sth Letter of credit belongs to banker 's credit .

    认为某事物不大可能属实;对 事物 半信半疑信用 属于银行信用。

  • How long does it take for a letter from here to Beijing by regular mail ?

    普通 邮件从这儿到北京 多长时间?

  • Take out a pen and paper right now and start writing your letter to your future self .

    现在 拿出笔和纸,开始给未来的自己写 吧。

  • Take a letter . Miss Jones .

    琼斯小姐, 记下来。

  • One suggestion is to take the first letter of the name and think of a suitable animal beginning with the same letter .

    有一条建议是这样的: 对方名字的首字母,然后想 以同样 字母开头的合适的动物名称来对应。

  • With my writing for example I always have to take a deep breath before reading an edit letter or meeting with an editor to remind myself I welcome criticism .

    例如,在我写作时,我总 在阅读编辑的 或和编辑见面前深吸 一口气,来提醒自己:我欢迎批评。

  • I take this as a red letter day not only for the Hong Kong compatriots but also for the Chinese people and the entire Chinese nation .

    今天不仅仅是值得香港同胞纪念的日子,同时也是中国人民和中华民族的 大喜日子。

  • Take a letter Miss Singleton .


  • When I apply for a visa I take it as a given that a letter from my employer will be required saying I have a job I can return to as will my bank statement and return air tickets .

    申请签证的时候,我已经习惯被要求出示雇主所写的一 、我的银行文件和返程机票。 内容是:我有一份工作在香港,我 回来的。

  • But it would take a long time for his letter to arrive .

    但是他的 经过 长时间才能到。

  • Take a list of all names and pass to GM for follow up letter .

    准备 客人的名单,总经理事后将 慰问

  • Would you please take a look at my application letter I 've just written ? I 'd like to have your opinion .

    我看看我刚才写的 求职 好吗?我想知道你的意见。