The considerate hostess removed the strawberry shortcake from the table so as not to tantalize her weight-conscious guest .
体贴 心细的女主人将草莓油酥糕从桌上拿走,这样那些担心体重的客人就不会因看到却吃不着而难受了。
It 's not her purpose to tantalize that guy he is too bananas not her type .
她并非要 招惹那男人,他太疯不是她要的型。
These people are trying to tantalize China into a mishap that they started in the cold-war period and alienate her from vast majority of the developing countries .
他们想 拉中国 “ 下水 ”, 承担冷战时期他们所 犯下的 错误, 同时又希望借此分化中国与广大发展中国家之间的关系。
I want to know what you do these days ! Don 't tantalize me again veduchina !
我就想知道你最近在干什么?别 跟我卖关子文国!
Give the dog the bone don 't tantalize him .
把那 块骨头给那条狗 吧 &别让 它 乾 着急了。
Science fiction writers and computer scientists tantalize us with visions of artificial intelligence : computers that think for themselves .
科幻小说家和计算机科学家 总是用人工智能 来 迷惑我们,计算机 可以自我思考。
The boy would come into the room and tantalize the dog with his feed .
那个男孩会到房间里拿狗食 逗弄狗。
He tried to tantalize me by revealing that the Soviet Union was prepared to discuss a package deal .
他想要 逗弄我, 于是 就露 出口 风说,苏联愿意讨论一揽子交易。