tap dance

[tæp dæns][tæp dɑ:ns]


  • The third part takes Riverdance as an example carries on the research to the cultural inheritance of the Irish tap dance .

    第三部分以《大河之舞》为例,对爱尔兰 踢踏 的文化传承进行研究。

  • JODY : Well many of the women have used tap dance to help recover from serious illnesses .

    杨晨:真的? 踢踏 还可以帮助她们恢复身体健康啊?

  • Going through the tap dance he sang his own accompaniment

    他边 踢踏 一边给自己伴唱

  • I always wanted to learn to tap dance .

    我一直想要学 踢踏

  • I tap Jason lightly on the shoulder and say timidly Hi uh would you like to dance with me ?

    我轻轻地 拍拍杰森的肩忸怩地开口:“嗨,嗯,请你跳 好吗?”

  • Tap into your inner artist to draw a picture play an instrument or do a little dance .

    挖掘你内心里那个艺术家的 潜能来画一幅画、演奏一种乐器、或者是来一段 舞蹈

  • The Irish tap dance has been sweeping the whole world .

    从此,爱尔兰 踢踏 风靡全球。

  • For the talent portion of the audition I did a comprehensive dance combination including elements of jazz dance tap dance ballroom ballet and Shaolin Kung Fu .

    在海选的才艺展示部分我表演了一段组合舞蹈,包含爵士、 踢踏 、交际舞、斗牛和少林功夫等元素。

  • You should see me tap dance .

    你应该看我 踢踏

  • This paper is divided into five parts as follows : The first part summarizes the basic situation of the Irish tap dance mainly describes the origin development and evolution process of the Irish tap dance .

    文章结构分五部分:第一部分对爱尔兰 踢踏 的基本情况进行概述,主要描述了爱尔兰踢踏舞的起源、发展与演变过程。

  • Well many of the women have used tap dance to help recover from serious illnesses . On the Rehabilitation of Health Qigong Baduanjin to Patients with Diabetes

    真的? 踢踏 还可以帮助她们恢复身体健康啊?析健身气功八段锦对糖尿病患者的康复作用

  • I enjoy what I do I tap dance to work every day .

    我享受我做的事情,我每天都 跳着 踢踏 去工作。

  • When you learn to tap dance you 'll learn how to brush your feet gracefully .

    当你学 踢踏 ,你就会明白该如何优雅地擦步。

  • I snapped a nice photograph of her . a solo tap dance emphasizing sharp taps .

    我给她拍了一张很好的快照。一种 独舞强调快速的拍打。

  • Its characteristics of the project one form of flexible can be a form of dance such as Latin jazz hip-hop tap dancing but dance is also a combination of species .

    它的项目特点,一是表现形式灵活多样,既可是一种舞蹈的表现形式,如拉丁、爵士、街舞、 踢踏舞等,也可是 舞种间的组合。

  • I slung it off and I did a tap dance on it until it was dead .

    克雷格接着说道:我把它甩掉后就在它身上狂 一通,直到它死了才停下来。

  • Okay I don 't really know how to tap dance .

    好吧,我其实不知道怎么 踢踏

  • Morning noon afternoon rock & roll as well as tap dance .

    上午,中午,下午,摇摆 踏踏