technical data

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈdetə][ˈteknikəl ˈdeitə]


  • We are ready for first-rate service at any time and keep absolute confidentiality for technical data of customer .

    只要贵司有需要,我们做到随时为您们服务,我们对客户的 技术 数据做到绝对保密。

  • Then we collected all relevant technical data available in the country .

    于是我们搜集了国内能找到的一切有关 技术 资料

  • At first no ready technical data were available but we managed to go without .

    起初,我们没有现成的 技术 资料,但也设法照样干下去了。

  • That 's the locksmith should be with good technical and rich experience well special field tools the factory technical data .

    这三项条件就是锁匠的开锁经验和技术、好的专用工具、相关厂家的 技术支持( 数据和资料)。

  • For details of the prescribed amount of refrigerant see technical data for air-conditioning system .

    有关制冷剂的规定数量的详细信息,请参见空调系统 技术 数据

  • Perfect kinds of technical management system and technical data of the boiler chemical supervision ;

    健全锅炉化学监督的各项技术管理制度和各种 技术 资料

  • Make sure the appropriate business or technical data is added to the modeled faults .

    另外,请确保向此模型化的故障添加合适的业务或 技术 数据

  • Beyond checking the report for clarity and accuracy in the presentation of technical data the author of a research report should review for basic grammatical and mechanical accuracy .

    为了清楚和准确除检查报告中陈述的 技术 资料外,一份研究报告的作者应该为了基本语法和习惯性准确再检查一遍。

  • Unpublished technical data other than data necessary to demonstrate compliance with technical regulations or standards ;

    未公布的 技术 数据,但为证明符合技术法规或标准所必需的数据除外;

  • They met with many difficulties for they lacked equipment experience and technical data .

    因为缺少设备,缺乏经验和 技术 资料,他们遇到不少困难。

  • Checking secondary technical data of bidding document according to the requirement of client ;

    参照用户要求,检查投标文件的二次 技术 参数

  • Technical data sheets for all paints shall be supplied at the time of submission of quotations .

    应在提交报价时提供所有油漆的 技术 数据表。

  • The focusing lens set is designed with the related technical data of fiber and LD .

    根据 激光二极管和光纤的相关 参数设计了聚焦透镜组。

  • Supporting scientific and technical data ;

    科学和 技术佐证 数据

  • Application of Vba Program in Technical Data Management

    Vba程序在 技术 资料管理中的应用

  • Ok I can give you some technical data regarding our products and production line .

    好的,我可以给您一些有关我方产品和生产线的 技术 数据

  • Please provide us with the necessary technical data and if possible some drawings connected with the design and building of the new equipment .

    请向我方提供必要的 技术 资料,并且如果可能的话,也请提供一些与新设备的设计和生产有关的图纸。

  • All buildings are subjected to plane elevation and profile design according to technical data provided by relevant disciplines .

    各建筑物均依据其相关专业所提供 技术 资料进行平面、立面及剖面图设计。

  • Due to certain legal regulations in different countries deviations in the technical data described here can occur .

    因为在不同国家有不同的规定,所以在 技术 数据的描述上会有一些偏差。

  • So everybody has new technical data to share with me at once oh !

    所以大家有新 技术 资料马上和我分享喔!

  • Quality and technical data to be strictly in conformity with the description submitted by the seller .

    品质和 技术 数据必须与卖方所提供的产品说明书严格相符。

  • When the generating set is improved the Seller shall provide the new technical data free and timely .

    在机组(设备)有改进时,卖方应及时免费提供新的 技术 资料

  • All documents and technical data mentioned above shall be in Chinese with internationally accepted symbols .

    以上所有文件及 技术 资料应为中文版本,采用国际通用的图形符号。

  • Here are some catalogue and technical data .

    这儿有一些产品目录和 技术 资料

  • Those arguments often take the form of technical data impact assessments and similar information .

    所谓的论据一般是 技术 数据、影响评估及类似的材料。

  • Beyond checking the report for clarity and accuracy in the presentation of technical data .

    除了检查研究报告是否在 技术 资料方面表达清楚、准确外。

  • However considerable technical data on the airplane is also available online in discussion groups or other websites .

    不过这种机型的相当多 技术 数据也可以在讨论小组或其他网站上获得。

  • Related data available in Technical Data Actuators and Accessories sections .

    有关参数在《 技术 参数、执行机构和附件》章节中。