technical meaning

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈminɪŋ][ˈteknikəl ˈmi:niŋ]


  • Today science and technology power is the most important during international competition . Regard as a developing country of peasant occupy majority agricultural technical progress has very important meaning .

    当今的国际竞争最关键的就是科技实力的竞争,中国作为一个农业人口占多数的发展中国家,农业 技术进步具有突出重要的 意义

  • This essay explains general technical improvement plan of fire control system of X X Rocket Gun expounds basic principle of fire control system and discusses adopted advanced technical measures . It has important reference meaning to design or research work on artillery 's fire control system .

    论述了某型火箭炮火控系统改进的总体技术方案,阐述了火控系统的基本原理,以及所采取的先进 技术措施,对从事地炮火控系统设计或论证工作有参考 意义

  • To develop the strategic study on WISCO 's technical innovation by means of deeply understanding the economic definition of the technical innovation has great theoretical and realistic meaning for WISCO 's future improvement .

    基于此,开展武钢技术创新战略研究,从战略的高度深刻理解 技术创新的经济学含义,对武钢未来发展具有十分深远的理论和现实 意义

  • Choose a number of digital business card printing and membership card making and membership card before making the technical terms and acronyms their meaning and translation .

    这里选择了一些数码制卡和会员卡制作和会员卡制作前制作 技术名词和缩写词,介绍它们的译名和 意义

  • The research of the digital visual human body is one of the hot technologies of mankind 's scientific technical research in the 21st century ; it has a great meaning in the field of medical research .

    数字化虚拟人体研究是21世纪人类科学 技术研究的热点技术,在医学研究领域有重大的 意义

  • In recent years the development of experimental mechanics is closely related to computer the data processing technique of the latter leads the former to a new height and makes it modern and new high technology of important technical and economic meaning .

    近年来,实验力学的发展与计算机密切相关,计算机数据处理技术将实验力学带到了一个新的高度,使之成为具有重大 技术经济 意义的现代高新技术。

  • The natural form has the meaning of origin and the technical form has the meaning of development .

    技术传播形态具有音乐的发展性和进步性 意义

  • Recently along with the development of large scale railway constructions special bridge constructions increase and become technical which causes the contradiction between drawing supply and construction period meaning drawing demands exceeds supply .

    近年来,随着铁路建设大规模的开展,桥梁特殊结构比重增大而且 技术 含量高,造成了供图和工期之间的矛盾,图纸 供不应求

  • Streetscape planning and design of environmental facilities design is such a way through engineering and technical means to convey the meaning and cultural space .

    街道景观规划设计中的环境设施设计正是这样一种途径,通过工程 技术手段传达空间的文化 涵义

  • This text aims at elaborating the application of Energy Storage air condition technical meaning and its present condition combining the Energy Storage engineering design project of some market emphasizes that central air condition technique of the ice energy storage provided for cold system have the higher expansion value .

    阐述应用蓄能空调 技术 意义及其现状,结合某商场的蓄能工程设计方案指出冰蓄冷中央空调技术应用于供冷系统具有较高的推广价值。

  • Therefore this paper discusses formulation and the action mechanism of the technical leapfrogging policy by studying the meaning the pattern and the realization condition of technical leapfrogging .

    因此,本文通过研究技术跨越的 含义、模式和实现条件,来探讨 技术跨越政策的制定和作用机理。

  • It studies and calculates the result difference of back and forth scanning because of power density unsymmetrical distribution when scanning technical parameters are not varied . The analytic results have important meaning for actual application .

    研究计算在扫描 工艺参数不变时,因激光功率密度分布的非对称性引起往复扫描结果的差异,其分析结果对实际应用具有重要 意义

  • WebSphere Application Server V5 provides support for username token X509 identity assertion signatures and encryption as technical previews meaning that they are not supported .

    WebSphereApplicationServerV5提供了对用户名令牌、X509、身份断言、签名和加密的支持作为“ 技术预览”, 表示它们还没有得到正式支持。

  • Based on technical drawing standards this paper describes the union and simplification meaning of national standards .

    技术制图标准为依据,介绍了国标的统一和简化的 意义

  • This text gave the technical meaning in ASP and here the foundation is up with the solid a safety for expatiating the technique of ASP in the information legal power application in the safety from but biggest increases information .

    本文给出了ASP 技术 含义,并在此基础上以实例阐述了ASP技术在信息权限安全中的应用,从而极大提高了信息的安全性。

  • The third view is that the invasion refers to the use of technical meaning for the illegal landing behavior .

    第三种观点认为,侵入是指利用特殊的 技术 手段对相应的计算机信息系统进行非法登陆的行为。

  • Utilizing the pre-producing of computers can advance the precision of technical which has an important meaning to improve the economical benefits and enhance the competition of the enterprise .

    利用计算机的预生产,提高了 工艺的准确性,对提高企业的经济效益、增强企业的竞争力,具有重要的 现实 意义

  • Most of technical terms in computer English are formed by giving new meaning to common words creating new lexis and adopting technical phrases including many initialisms and clipped words .

    计算机英语的 专业术语主要通过旧词 新义、新创词、缩略词等途径组成,同时采用了较多的专业词组。

  • This article defines vocabulary concerning computer as the combination of the words giving the technical terms in IT field a sole meaning and the new set phrases of IT coming up in social life .

    该文把电脑词汇定义为:以 单义的方式对信息 技术领域科学概念命名的词和信息 技术与社会相结合而带来的固定结构新词语之总和。

  • From the perspective of legal theory malicious software is defined as : a software which prepared to profit-making purposes and through technical measures to the surface in the form of practical and meaning to cover up improper profit forcing the results to users .

    从法学的角度可以将恶意软件定义为:以牟利为目的编写的,通过 技术措施以表面实用的形式掩盖不当的牟利 手段并且达到对使用者强制效果的一种软件。

  • So it has profound historic significances both in technical meaning and social meaning .

    技术 意义和社会意义都是十分深远的。

  • The harmonious vocational - technical education has two aspects meanings on the one hand the meaning is the vocational - technical education and the social environment is harmonious on the other hand the meaning is the vocational - technical school interior harmony .

    和谐职业 技术教育有两个层次,一是职业技术教育与社会环境的宏观 和谐,二是职业技术院校内部教学的微观和谐。

  • In the preface of this article it gives the HDTV technical background the realistic meaning of designing and developing the HDTV digital video player as well as the key contents of this article .

    本论文在引言中介绍了HDTV的 技术背景、发展、研制该高清码流播放仪的现实 意义及本论文的工作内容。

  • The relationship between Technical Progress and Economy Increase is an important item for the Macro Technical Economy Gross analysis . So there is a great practical meaning to research the interrelation between Economy Increase and Technical Input .

    科技进步与经济增长的关系问题是宏观 技术经济分析的重点,因此,研究经济增长与科技投入之间的相互关系具有非常重要的现实 意义,这也是本文研究的出发点。

  • It has important technical value and practical meaning for study the application of anti-sensitive agents in toothpaste by the numbers .

    论文提出了对 牙膏中的重要抗过敏剂进行系统性的应用研究。

  • This paper discusses the technical meaning action principles and handling difficult points of the deep-acidizing for carbonate rocks the increase of acidizing depth a well as the current situation of acidizing .

    本文探讨了四川地区碳酸盐岩深度酸化的 技术 含义、作用原理、处理难点,酸化处理的现状,以及提高酸化深度的方法。

  • Meanwhile exploring the advantage of digital image processing based on FPGA and in-depth learning about the technical features of such kind of hardware design are also the significantly academic meaning of this subject .

    同时,进一步探索FPGA在数字图像处理上的优势所在,深入了解进行此类硬件模块设计的 技术特点,也是本课题的重要学术 意义 所在

  • The paper describes the technical innovation theory and introduces the meaning and purpose of the research .

    描述了 技术创新的理论,介绍了本课题研究的 意义和目的;