technical difficulty

[ˈtɛknɪkəl ˈdɪfɪˌkʌlti][ˈteknikəl ˈdifikəlti]

[法] 诉讼程序问题, 技术性的困难

  • Staining as a result of organic cotton is a very high technical difficulty of the project the world can do much of the staining of the enterprise the standard has not yet developed .

    由于有机棉染色是一个 技术 难度很高的项目,目前世界上能够做这个染色的企业不多,标准还未制定出来。

  • As technical difficulty the author makes experiment and undertakes research on the technology of dosing electronic body detailed .

    作为 技术 难点,作者对粘性环氧料灌封电子本体技术进行了详尽地研究和试验。

  • The author has made an exposition of the theory of airlift reverse circulation machines and tools and its making way as well which has solved the construction technical difficulty .

    本文着重阐述了气举反循环理论和机具制做方法,从而解决了在岩溶发育地区的施工 技术 难题

  • According to the technical difficulty of high-density serial communication this paper analyzes the systemic net-work and data transmission .

    针对高密度串行通信 技术 难点,分析了系统网络互联和流量;

  • Size is expected to start from the calculation cutting straight seam welding the whole round press-fit girth welding leak detection have a certain degree of technical difficulty .

    从下料展开尺寸的计算、裁剪、直缝焊接、整圆、压装、环缝焊接、检漏等都有一定的 技术 难度

  • If the technical difficulty can ′ t be solved in the future the deep water oil and gas projects should hold less attraction .

    如果未来不能很好地解决深水 技术 难题,将会降低深水油气资源项目的吸引力。

  • Above all speak up if you are having any technical difficulty .

    最重要的是,如果你有任何 技术 困难,就得大胆地说出来。

  • For this we need to overcome some technical difficulty for analysis on noncompact manifolds .

    为此,我们需要克服一些 非紧流形上分析时的 困难

  • The thesis subject must result from production practice or definite engineering background with application value . Additionally it must involve certain technical difficulty and workload .

    选题应直接来源于生产实际或具有明确工程背景与应用价值,并具有一定的 技术 难度和工作量。

  • Combined with practical experience technical analysis is made based on the organization architecture of IT network management system and function division technical difficulty on constructing IT network management system is discussed related technical suggestions are given .

    基于IT网管系统的组织架构及功能划分,结合实际工作的经验,进行了相应的技术分析,进而对建设IT网管系统的几个 技术 难点进行了探讨,提出了相应的技术建议。

  • The Tibetan format criterion brings much technical difficulty to the Content Management System .

    藏文的版式规范为内容管理系统的实现带来了很多 技术上的 困难

  • The Analysis of Technical Difficulty and Project Practice in Foundation Pit Design and Construction

    深基坑工程设计施工中 技术 难点分析与工程实践

  • The good performance characteristic of ETO can effectively avoid or alleviate the above technical difficulty .

    ETO良好的性能特点能够有效的避免或者缓解上述 技术 难点

  • However its technical difficulty and construction more difficult economic indicators have also increased .

    但是,其 技术 难度和施工难度加大,经济指标也加大。

  • Evaluation and Analysis on technical difficulty for volleyball serve based on total probability

    基于全概率 思想的排球 发球 技术水平的评价与分析

  • Robert charged himself with the task of overcoming a technical difficulty .

    罗伯特承担了攻克 技术 难关的任务。

  • We may be having technical difficulty .

    我们遇到一点 技术 问题

  • Attacked and captured VFP the technical difficulty which automatically judged in the procedure code design aspect ;

    攻克了VFP在程序代码设计方面自动评判的 技术 难关

  • According to the rehabilitation principles of the project technical difficulty within this project is slight .

    按照本项目的修复改造原则,在本项目范围内, 技术 难度不大。

  • Technical Difficulty Discussions and Advices in Water Resource Argumentation of Construction Projects

    建设项目水资源论证中的 技术 难点探讨及建议

  • Time domain analysis of the flexible supporting structure is a technical difficulty in the engineering .

    对柔性支承结构进行风振响应时程分析,在工程上是一个 技术 难点

  • In addition it analyzes the technical difficulty for developing the space membrane reflectors and summarizes the development application and current status of the membrane reflectors .

    最后总结了反射镜近期的研制情况、存在的 问题和应用发展趋势。

  • Integrallty realize the key arithmetic and technical difficulty of urban rail transportation simulator system .

    完整地实现了城市轨道交通列车运行调度指挥的计算机仿真系统的关键算法和 技术 难点

  • Meanwhile more and more complicated network environment put greater technical difficulty for distributed network communication .

    同时,日益复杂的网络环境更是加大了分布式网络通信 技术 难度

  • The current pelvimetry approaches were reviewed to analyze the relationship between pelvic dimension and technical difficulty in rectal surgeries .

    回顾当前各种骨盆测量手段,分析骨盆径线与 直肠癌手术 难度的关系。

  • Serious collapsing is always existed in the drilling process in Shaximiao formation of Zhongjiang area which brings technical difficulty in drilling operation and huge economic loss .

    中江地区沙溪庙组地层在钻井过程中一直存在比较严重的垮塌现象,给该区钻井施工带来较大的 技术 难题和经济上造成较大损失。

  • Tests show that rich component library and the function module of the platform can greatly improve development efficiency and reduce the technical difficulty and also improve the software quality and reduce the overall software development costs .

    测试表明,平台开发丰富的基础构件库和功能模块,大大提高了开发效率和降低了 技术 难度,也提高了软件质量,从整体上降低了软件开发成本。

  • The technical difficulty is accurately controlling the low-pressure rotor speed through adjusting nozzle throat area .

    技术 难点在于通过调节喷管喉道面积,精确控制发动机低压转子转速。

  • This also lies the technical difficulty of the project .

    这也是本工程的重要 技术 难点