


  • These measures are unlikely to be accepted as tamely as the government hopes .

    这些措施不大可能像政府所希望的那样被 顺从 接受。

  • Yet Caroline refused tamely to succumb .

    然而,卡罗琳不肯 就此 乖乖 屈服。

  • Are you to keep your own prize while I sit tamely under my loss and give up the girl at your bidding ?

    你想 什么? 打算守着你自己的 礼,而让我 双手此地吗?你想命令我把姑娘交 出去吗?

  • Yet they neither copy Japan nor submit tamely to foreign domination .

    但是,中国人既不模仿日本,也 不愿 驯服 屈从外国势力的控制。

  • Should not tamely submit to the unpredictable and ununderstood cycles of wars - Psychiatry .


  • Shanghai rose to barely half its former high and then tamely relinquished almost all gains .

    上证 指数涨至接近以前高位一半的 位置,然后就 乖乖 回吐了几乎所有涨幅。

  • Milo glided forward wordlessly to rescue him by leading him tamely to his private table . Be a poppet and get my gloves .

    迈洛一声不响地 上前去给他 圆场,他这 乖乖 跟着到独用的那张餐桌旁边。小乖乖去拿手套给我。