


  • The other is sub-Saharan Africa most importantly Ghana Uganda Tanzania Kenya Mozambique and Nigeria .

    二是撒哈拉以南非洲地区,最重要的是加纳、乌干达、 坦桑尼亚、肯尼亚、莫桑比克和尼日利亚。

  • Mali Senegal and Tanzania are among the countries hosting roundtables for investors and actively strengthening their business environments .

    马里、塞内加尔以及 坦桑尼亚等国主要了投资者圆桌会议,并正积极改善其商业环境。

  • Haiti and Tanzania have new laws in preparation .

    海地和 坦桑尼亚正在准备出台新法。

  • Regional emergency operation for refugees and displaced persons in burundi rwanda Tanzania and zaire ;

    援助布隆迪、卢旺达、 坦桑尼亚和扎伊尔境内难民和流利失所者区域紧急行动;

  • Permission has not yet been granted for the airline to overfly Tanzania .

    这家航空公司还未获得飞越 坦桑尼亚领空的许可。

  • The newly built airport acts as a starting point for safaris into the game parks and reserves of northern Tanzania

    新建的机场是去 坦桑尼亚北部野生动物园和保护区观看野生动物的出发点。

  • The Commonwealth Development Corporation has agreed to reschedule Tanzania 's debt .

    英联邦开发公司已经同意推迟 坦桑尼亚的债务偿还时间。

  • Other investors are looking to countries such as Mozambique Tanzania Senegal and Nigeria for farmland .

    其它投资者正考虑从莫桑比克、 坦桑尼亚、塞内加尔和尼日利亚等国家租用农田。

  • A family of e African languages spoken by Nilotic peoples from the Sahara south to Kenya and tanzania .

    从撒哈拉南部到肯尼亚和 坦桑尼亚的尼罗河人所说的东部非洲语系的一个分支。

  • This will have a bad effect on the mountain 's ecosystems and on Tanzania 's travel industry .

    这会对山地的生态系统和 坦桑尼亚的旅游业造成不良影响。

  • Liberia is one of the countries on his itinerary along with Benin Tanzania Rwanda and Ghana .

    利比里亚和贝宁、 坦桑尼亚、卢旺达以及加纳,都在布什总统这次访问非洲的行程中。

  • He says the right environment can be provided as has been shown in Romania and Tanzania .

    他说,正如罗马尼亚和 坦桑尼亚所表明的那样,适当的环境是可以创造出来的。

  • For instance she says signs of improvement can be seen in places such as Tanzania and Rwanda .

    譬如,她说在一些地方,像 坦桑尼亚和卢旺达,有进步的迹象。

  • Five competitions have been held in Africa including one in Tanzania last year .

    并且在非洲也举办了五届比赛,包括去年在 坦桑尼亚的那一届。

  • He excavated at many sites in Kenya and tanzania .

    他曾在肯尼亚与 坦桑尼亚的多处遗址进行过挖掘。

  • Uganda and Tanzania are following Kenya 's lead to draft their own anti-counterfeiting legislation .

    乌干达和 坦桑尼亚跟随肯尼亚起草了它们自己的反伪造法。

  • In Tanzania the government controls most aspects of agricultural marketing .


  • We have a good example in Tanzania .

    我们在 坦桑尼亚有一个很好的例子。

  • Visit africa 's Serengeti Plain in Northeast tanzania near kenya .


  • Among these countries are Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania .

    这些国家有肯尼亚和 坦桑尼亚联合共和国。

  • We traveled to Kenya and Tanzania of East Africa in May 2007 .

    今年五月我们游历了东非的肯尼亚和 坦桑尼亚

  • Mr Bush and his wife will visit Benin Ghana Liberia Rwanda and Tanzania .

    布什先生和他的妻子将访问贝宁、加纳、利比里亚、卢旺达和 坦桑尼亚

  • In its first phase clean-up and prevention activities have started in six countries ( Mali Morocco Nigeria South Africa Tanzania and Tunisia ) .

    在第一阶段中,它已经在六个国家(马里、摩洛哥、尼日利亚、南非、 坦桑尼亚和突尼斯)展开了清理和预防活动。

  • The governments of Rwanda and Tanzania were also praised & for investing in their own health research .

    卢旺达和 坦桑尼亚的政府也因为向自身的卫生研究计划投资而受到了表扬。

  • By contrast control of corruption has improved noticeably in Tanzania and Serbia .

    相比之下, 坦桑尼亚和塞尔维亚的“腐败控制”得到了显著改善。

  • It will be tested on data from Peru Tanzania and Thailand before being released to the international community .

    在公布给国际社会之前,将利用秘鲁、 坦桑尼亚和泰国的数据加以检验。

  • Other schools are in India Rwanda Kenya South Africa and Tanzania .

    其他学校分别位于印度、卢旺达、南非和 坦桑尼亚

  • Tanzania is a union of the states of Tanganyika and Zanzibar .


  • The operation involved police customs and drug regulatory authorities across Burundi Kenya Rwanda Tanzania Uganda and Zanzibar .

    布隆迪、肯尼亚、卢旺达、 坦桑尼亚、乌干达和桑给巴尔的警察、海关和药品管理部门参与了这次行动。