


  • This tameness makes French media attractive to billionaires .

    法国媒体的 温顺使 在亿万富翁 看来很有吸引力。

  • CONCLUSION : Representative personalities of children with functional dyspepsia are amicability tameness and introversion .

    结论:典型的FD儿童具有 驯服 温顺和内向人格倾向。

  • We fed them for a while amazed at their tameness .

    我们喂了它们一阵子,对它们的 温顺感到惊奇。

  • It is a pleasant thing to behold the tameness of animals .

    看见一 驯服的野兽是一件有趣的事。

  • Under the influence of foreign and traditional Chinese culture Chinese lion statues were given a heavy tint of tameness representing a grand new Chinese lion culture .

    中国的狮子 造型吸收外来 造型影响的 基础上,被赋予了浓厚的 驯良色彩,并 充分地与中国传统文化 融合, 演绎了一种全新的华夏狮文化。

  • Developing tree species in local area strengthening selec-tion and breeding especially introduction and tameness of color-leave plants to stress city gardens ' features of Beijing are the important tasks on selection and development of city greening tree species in Beijing at present .

    认为发展乡土树种,加强选种、育种工作,积极开展彩叶植物引种 驯化,突出北京城市园林特色,是当前北京城市园林绿化树种选择和发展所面临的重要课题。

  • A Result on the Tameness of Generalized Graded Local Cohomology Modules

    关于广义分次局部上同调的 tame性的一个结果