


  • Tamarind seed polysaccharide is a kind of natural substance extracted from the seed of Tamarindus indica .


  • Study on the Technological Process of the Tamarind Gum


  • You can also see coconut milk sliced red chilli kaffir lime leaves tamarind palm sugar sliced chicken and red curry paste in the middle .

    还包括椰浆、切碎的小红辣椒、卡菲尔柠檬叶、 罗望子酸角)、椰糖、切块的鸡肉和摆在中间的红咖喱酱。

  • O'er plains where the tamarind grew .


  • The parrots were screeching across the window going to the fields and later they would return to the tamarind .

    鹦鹉们尖叫着飞过窗户,飞向田野,晚些时候它们会回到那 罗望子 上。

  • Objective : To investigate the edible security and health protection of tamarind .

    目的:探讨 酸角的食用安全性及保健作用。

  • The palm trees in a row by the lake are smiting their heads against the dismal sky ; the crows with their draggled wings are silent on the tamarind branches and the eastern bank of the river is haunted by a deepening gloom .

    湖边的一行棕树,向暝暗的天空撞着头;羽毛零乱的乌鸦,静悄悄地栖在 罗望子的枝上,河的东岸正被乌沉沉的暝色所侵袭。

  • Its use with tamarind is very beneficial for the cure of Vitiligo .

    它和 罗望子 一起使用对于白癜风的治疗十分的有益。

  • Boiled eggs laced with green chutney are topped off with chili sauce tamarind extract lemon juice roasted cumin green chili and salt .

    用绿酱装饰煮好的鸡蛋,上面再撒上辣酱、 罗望子酱、柠檬汁、烤小茴香、青椒和盐巴。

  • Structure properties and production of tamarind gum were introduced and its applications in food industry were summarized for example taken as adding viscosity stabilizer ice crystal stabilizer gel forming agent and quality improver and so on .

    介绍了 罗望子胶的结构、性能、生产及其在食品工业中用作增黏稳定剂、冰晶稳定剂、胶凝剂、品质改良剂等;

  • Besides the application of tamarind seed polysaccharide on daily chemical industry was introduced .

    进而论述了 罗望子多糖在日用化学工业等领域中的应用。

  • The extraction of polysaccharide from tamarind seeds and its rheological properties were studied .

    研究了 罗望子种子多糖的提取及其流变性质。

  • Or maybe she was the one given the tamarind water .

    或者只是给她 了一 而已

  • Remove the prawns and stir in the ginger green chili and tamarind mixture.Add100 ml boiling water and simmer for5 minutes .

    姜茸、指天椒碎及步骤1内的材料放镬内爆香, 加入100毫升热水,用慢火煮5分钟;

  • There are fried chicken wings as well as hot-and-sour steak tartare cabbage-and-pork dumplings as well as clams cooked in a Thai basil and tamarind broth .

    你可以品尝到炸鸡翅、酸辣鞑靼牛肉末、猪肉白菜馅饺子和罗勒与 罗望子调味的泰式蛤蜊汤。

  • Tamarind is native to Africa and its seeds have been used traditionally to treat a range of disorders including burns .


  • The report also questions whether the US-based universities of Texas and Georgia should have been able to patent a product for treating sunburn that is based on extracts of tamarind seeds .

    这份报告也质疑了美国得克萨斯大学和佐治亚大学是否应该为一种治疗日光灼伤的产品申请专利。该产品是用 罗望子的果实萃取物 制成的。

  • Production of tamarind seed gum and its application


  • Mix the tamarind chili powder cumin turmeric and salt with 2 tbsps cold water .

    罗望子 浓缩 、辣椒粉、茴香粉、黄姜粉、盐与两汤匙水拌匀。

  • If you possess a lot of brass and copperware wet them and rub them over vigorously with tamarind or apply the juice of lemon even the juice of stale lemon would do just the same .

    如果你是拥有大量的黄铜和铜器,湿擦他们交给他们,积极与 罗望子 或申请的柠檬果汁甚至是陈旧的柠檬果汁会做一样。

  • The Elfin was driven out from the green grass and from me the summer dream beneath the tamarind tree ?

    把小妖从绿茵中驱除,又从我这里把 罗望子树下的夏梦逐出?

  • Through experiments the factors affecting the color and harvest rate were studied and the methods for extracting tamarind seed polysaccharide from the kernel of Tamarindus indica seed were summarized .

    经试验,探讨了影响从其种仁粉中提取罗望子多糖色泽和收率的因素,以此总结出从罗望子种仁中提取 罗望子多糖的方法。

  • Extraction and Application of Polysaccharide in Tamarind Seed

    罗望子种子多糖的 备及在 再造 烟叶中的应用研究

  • Tamarind ready-mix powder is available in Asian food store .


  • Transfer to a deeper pot and add another cup of coconut milk together with the wax gourd . Once the wax gourd is cooked season with equal amounts of tamarind juice sugar and fish sauce .

    接着把所有食物转移到一口深锅里,再加一杯椰浆、并放入冬瓜。冬瓜好了之后就加入1:1:1的 酸角汁、汤和鱼露。

  • Tamarind gum is one of polysaccharides and can be used as a natural thickener stabilizer and gelatinizer for food .


  • You can use lime juice if you don 't have any tamarind .

    如果没有 酸角的话,也可以用青柠汁 代替

  • Main ingredients : red dried chillies garlic tamarind juice .

    主要成份:乾燥红辣椒、大蒜、 罗望子汁。