

  • Tamarind seed polysaccharide is a kind of natural substance extracted from the seed of Tamarindus indica .

    罗望子多糖 TSP 是从 豆科 植物 罗望子种子中提取的一种天然物质。

  • The Status and Development Opinion of Tamarindus indica

    酸角 生产的现状及其开发意见

  • The conclusions show that the intercepted precipitation of Tamarind and ' Tamarindus indica + Cajanus cajan ' artificial forest are 97.9 mm and 145.4 mm making up 17.48 % and 25.86 % of yearly total rainfall respectively .

    结果表明:罗望子 人工林冠层和复合木豆人工灌木林林冠层年截留降雨量分别为 97.99和145.4mm,分别占全年降雨量水的17.48%和25.86%;

  • Tobacco added tamarindus extract can significantly improve the taste and rich aroma of cigarettes and reduce irritation .

    酸角 浸膏加入烟丝、烟叶后,能明显改善香烟味道,丰富香烟的香气,增强香烟的香味,减少刺激 使 烟气 更加 柔和圆润,改善卷烟余味。

  • Reproducible experiments and spiked recoveries experiments show that the precision and accuracy are good and can meet the the detection of Pb Cd Cr Cu in tamarindus extract .

    重现性实验和加标回收率实验表明方法精密度及准确度良好,能够满足 酸角 浸膏中铅、镉、铬、铜的检测需要, 具有 实际 应用 意义

  • Acid taste Tamarindus melancholy deep feelings Tamarindus cool shade of a tree .

    酸酸味 郁郁,酸豆树荫凉凉情浓浓。

  • A study on Management Effect of Tamarindus indica Vegetation System on Degraded Eco-system of Yuanmou Dry and Hot Valley

    子林 人工植被系统对元谋干热河谷退化生态系统的治理效应研究

  • The degenerated ecosystem was transformed into the fine ecosystem obviously and the degenerated land can be used reasonably by building the planted forest of Tamarindus indica .

    通过 罗望子人工林的营建,可以明显促使退化的生态系统转变为优良的生态系统,使退化土地得以合理利用。

  • Through experiments the factors affecting the color and harvest rate were studied and the methods for extracting tamarind seed polysaccharide from the kernel of Tamarindus indica seed were summarized .

    经试验,探讨了影响从其种仁 中提取罗望子多糖色泽和收率的因素, 以此总结出从 罗望子 种仁中提取罗望子多糖的方法。

  • Studies of beverage from Tamarindus indica


  • Effects of drought environment on water physiology of Tamarindus indica

    干旱环境对 罗望子水分生理的影响