




  • The souls of emperors and cobblers are cast in the same mould * The same reason that makes us wrangle with a neighbour causes a war betwixt princes .

    皇帝和鞋匠的灵魂都是一个模子铸就,邻里 纠纷的起因也和王子们相互 征讨的缘由别无二致。

  • The two sides have spent most of their time wrangling over procedural problems

    双方大部分时间都在围绕程序问题 争论 不休

  • Somehow Mulberry managed to wrangle that color and put it on a handbag and for that I salute them .

    不知何故,桑树管理的 ,颜色,放在一个手提包,又为这一点, 包包 网站我向他们致敬。

  • They were involved in a long legal wrangle .

    他们陷入长期的法律 纠纷中。

  • The wrangle over his ownership rights continues with West Ham claiming they own Tevez 's registration while Joorabchian 's Media Sports Investment group say they own the economic rights of the player .

    这个 争吵从头到尾是关于特维兹的所有权,西汉姆联断言他们拥有特维兹的登记注册书,然而Joorabchian的媒体体育投资集团说他们拥有特维兹的经济权。

  • He soon became intolerant of dissent and began to wrangle with opponents who suspected he had always wanted to run in next year 's election .

    不久之后,他就无法容忍别人的异议,并开始与怀疑他一直想要参加明年大选的反对者 起了

  • A group of MPs is still wrangling with the government over the timing of elections .

    一群下院议员仍在与政府就选举的时间安排 争吵个不停。

  • That means a wrangle over their valuation is still to come .

    这意味着围绕这些 认股 权证的价值,仍会出现一 争论

  • The two of them began to wrangle the moment they got talking .

    他们两人一谈就 牛儿

  • This debate is a dry procedural wrangle .

    这次辩论是一场关于程序 问题 枯燥 争论

  • Perhaps more importantly however it is now also caught in a wrangle over oil between longstanding ally Sudan and the year-old South Sudan that threatens its economic and diplomatic relations with both .

    不过,更重要的一点可能是,中国如今还卷入了长期盟友苏丹与 成立 1年的南苏丹之间的石油 争端,这对中国与这两个国家的经贸和外交关系都构成威胁。

  • To engage in a disagreeable argument usually over a trivial matter ; wrangle .

    争吵卷入一场不愉快的争吵,通常由琐事 引起口角

  • Bargain or wrangle ( over a price terms of an agreement etc. ) .

    讨价还价或 争论(就价格、协议条款等)。

  • It is a matter for scholars to wrangle over .

    这是要学者们去 争论的事。

  • It 's so hard to take the trouble to wrangle all the stuff together the night before but it really pays off .

    虽然要在 头天夜里把一切东西都准备好真是太难了,但真地有好处。

  • Men will wrangle for religion ; write for it ' fight for it ; die for it ; anything but live for it .

    人们会为宗教 争辩、写作、斗争、甚至于死; 总之 除了为宗教而生存外,什么事情都干得出来。

  • After a brief wrangle in the bankruptcy courts Britain 's Barclays has taken over Lehman 's American operations .

    在破产法庭上简单 争执之后,英国的巴克莱银行收购了雷曼美国的运营部门。

  • The wrangle between the school and the local council has gone on for two years .

    学校和当地市政会之间的 纷争已经持续两年了。

  • The two countries fell out in a bitter wrangle over imports .

    这两个国家在 有关进口 问题的激烈 争吵中闹翻了。

  • Don 't wrangle with others over trifles .

    别为一些琐事与别人 争吵

  • The incident which led to a minor diplomatic dispute between the two countries marks a violent turn in a contractual wrangle between the Romanian group and a subcontractor .

    袭击事件导致了两国外交纠纷,也标志着这家罗马尼亚集团与一家分包商之间的合同 纠纷出现了暴力倾向。

  • But the longer that the wrangle about Greece continues the harder it will be for banks to argue that sovereign CDs is a good hedge for their counterparty or credit risk .

    但在希腊问题上 争论得越久,银行越难以辩称主权cds是其对手方或信用风险的一种有效对冲。

  • City are yet to discuss personal terms with Jones 25 as they wrangle with the Black Cats about his price .

    伯明翰还没有跟25岁的琼斯商讨过个人的条件,他们 正在与黑猫对他的价格 讨价还价

  • He will give in to his opponent 's claim rather than wrangle over a disputed point .

    他会向对手的要求让步,而不会因争议点 争论

  • In Canada during a nationwide wrangle combining anger and silliness the country adopted a new national flag .

    在加拿大,新国旗的 式样,在一场 交织着愤懑和愚蠢的全国性 辩论中通过。

  • He was reluctant to plunge into a bitter personal and partisan wrangle .

    他不愿卷入这种个人之间的和党派的激烈 争论

  • To try and wrangle all these guys by yourself .

    想自己把这些家伙全 搞定

  • How do one wrangle an invite to dinner at yr place ?

    一个人怎样可以 争取到到你 家用晚餐?

  • He was reluctant to plunge into the bitter partisan wrangle .

    他不愿卷入这种激烈的 党争