


  • JAXB is strongest in the very areas where JiBX is weakest so this final article will be a nice wrap-up to a series that 's covered a full range of tools and techniques .

    JAXB最擅长的领域恰好是JiBX最薄弱的领域,因此,对于这个涵盖了数据绑定整个范围工具和技术的专题系列,最后一篇文章将是一个很好的 总结

  • Here you will have access to keynotes you may have missed ( along with the presentation slides ) and for the first time we have included the wrap-up video from this years conference !

    在此您将能访问您可能错过的关键部分(以及演示幻灯片),并且首次我们已经加入了今年会议的 简讯视频!

  • Finally wrap-up puts forward in solving the orphan works of public use problem must uphold the copyright law legislation purpose making work copyright holders private rights and public interest balance between .

    最后 总结 的提出,解决孤儿作品的公共利用问题必须秉承着著作权法的立法宗旨,使得作品著作权人的私权利与公共利益之间达到平衡。

  • I 'm waiting to hear the wrap-up of the news .

    我在等着 新闻摘要。

  • One key goal is to help people communicate more effectively and make wrap-up times more predictable .

    他们的关键目标之一是帮助人们更有效地沟通,使得 会议 总结更易预见。

  • Do this every two hours or so to make everybody around you feel that you are taking some serious pains to wrap-up your days work .

    每两个小时左右 口气,让你周围的人觉得你因对付这一天的工作而遭受着很大的痛苦。

  • The Times ran a wrap-up under the byline of Walter . Abstract : The formula for analyzing the stability of coiled tubing in horizontal well is deduced with consideration of boundary conditions .

    《泰晤士报》连续刊载一篇 署名为沃尔特的新闻摘要报道。文摘:考虑端部约束条件,建立了连续油管在水平井中的稳定性方程。

  • Wrap-up discussion . Help design next year 's contest !


  • Together with the preamble chant and the wrap-up chorus the entire ritual takes about an hour and half to perform .

    加上序曲的吟诵和 总结的合唱,整个仪式的进行大约会花费一个半小时。

  • The three most-basic theoretical synthesis specific cases and the final wrap-up .

    本文分三大部分&基础理论综述、具体案例和最后的 小结

  • R : Can we please save the social commentary for the post battle wrap-up ?

    我们能把这篇社会评论 留待 打扫战场 时候 再说么?

  • Seminar Wrap-up : The Post-Kyoto Policy Framework

    后京都政策构架 学术研讨会 综述

  • The program was composed of a three-day workshop a five-day field visit and a final half-day wrap-up session .

    此次活动包括了三天的研讨会、五天的实地考察活动和最后半天的 总结会。

  • Another way is to wrap-up business rules as services and use partner links in the process to access the services .

    另一种方法是将业务规则 封装为服务,使用流程中合作伙伴的链接来访问服务。

  • Through the acoustics design with the top cote of the tennis court in revenue of Chongqing it prove the application of the wrap-up line that is created by reflection sound ray of the spherical conformation .

    用重庆市国税局网球场球冠天棚的声学设计实例说明球形构造声反射的 包络线在实际工程中的应用。

  • Seminar Wrap-up : Contemporary International Relations Theories and Chinese Foreign Policy

    当代国际关系理论与中国外交 学术研讨会 综述

  • It is regarded as a definitive indicator of letting-go of stress or just having gotten over something that was really demanding . Do this every two hours or so to make everybody around you feel that you are taking some serious pains to wrap-up your days work .

    每两个小时这样做一次,让你周围每个人都感觉到你在 挣扎着完成自己的每日工作。

  • With all its resolutions new beginnings and flash-forwards the finale really seemed to neatly wrap-up the lives of the Fisher clan .

    通过各种决定,新开始和对未来的预述,最终回清晰地向我们交代了 费雪一家的 情况

  • Requirement : Produce a work product at the wrap-up of a repeatable activity

    需求:在一个可重复活动的 包装上生产一个工作产品

  • The team should select one member to be the presenter one to lead discussion and one to be rapporteur ( give wrap-up comments ) .

    每组应该选出一位上台报告者,一位带领讨论,以及另一位当 纪录员(并对报告做一个 总结)。

  • Now this is a quick wrap-up and these are just a few of the situations scenes and characters that Jill Nelson has created in'Sexual Healing .

    目前,这些都只是匆忙地报道了一下, 吉尔·尼尔森在《性治疗》中创造的一些情节、场景和人物。

  • You can perform this task as part of the project wrap-up and it will be worth the effort .

    可以作为项目 收尾工作的一部分进行此工作,这样做将会物有所值。