


  • ' Shrek'is a type of Asian sheepshead wrasse which are well-known for the odd protrusions on their head and are relatively common in the waters around Japan .

    这是来自亚洲的羊首 濑鱼,它被经常出没日本海域的人们所喜爱,人们给它起了一个花名“怪物史瑞克”。

  • Methods : The clinical data of 26 patients with Hump Head Wrasse poisoning was analyzed and tested their serum with the imported ciguatoxin kid .

    方法:对一起 眉鱼中毒的26例患者临床资料进行分析并用进口试剂盒检测其标本。

  • Small wrasse of tropical Atlantic .

    热带大西洋中的小 濑鱼

  • Undisturbed species like Sandager 's wrasse attract sport divers from around the globe to Poor Knights reserve .

    颜色鲜艳的圣达哥 濑鱼吸引世界各地的潜水爱好者来到普奈茨海洋保护区。

  • Emergency care of patients with Hump Head Wrasse poisoning


  • The big fish will be on the take in the water . small wrasse of tropical Atlantic .

    大鱼在水中会伺机捕捉 小鱼。热带大西洋中的小 濑鱼

  • Large wrasse of western Atlantic ; head of male resembles a pig 's snout .

    西大西洋中的大 濑鱼成熟有象猪一样口鼻。

  • Methods The clinical data of 34 patients with Hump Head Wrasse poisoning was analyzed and the experiences of emergency care were summarized .

    方法分析34例 眉鱼中毒患者的临床资料,总结临床急诊抢救护理经验,并 追踪 调查 半年 患者的情况。

  • The wrasse 's stripes may signal that it is a useful helper rather than a ready meal .
