working interest

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈɪntrɪst][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈintrist]


  • That caveat aside if memory for parsing a particular JSON object is ample this approach can be favorable for many applications particularly if working with the DOM is of little interest .

    另外,如果解析特殊JSON对象的内存是足够的,则这个方法将很受应用程序欢迎,特别是,几乎不 需要 使用DOM的应用程序。

  • Economists are working on the assumption of an interest rate cut .

    经济学家 正在 研究降低 利率的假设。

  • You can ease any suspicions your boss may have by working harder when you are at the office showing interest in long-term projects and taking initiative .

    你可以通过在公司努力 工作,对长远项目表现出 极大 兴趣以及积极主动的做事来消除你的老板的疑虑。

  • Abstract This paper summarizes the relationship between the reverent working spirit and the personal interest and trys to indicate that the whole society advocates this spirit and librarian should do their best to promote the service quality and working efficiency .

    本文通过对 敬业精神与个人 利益关系的论述,说明全社会都在呼唤敬业精神,图书馆人更应该从自己做起,提高服务质量和工作效率。

  • If it is not seen to be working right away real interest rates will continue to rise sharply and quickly as they have this week .

    假如人们没有看到该计划马上 奏效,实际 利率将继续大幅、快速地攀升,就像上周的情况一样。

  • In that same year HL7 began actively working with XML through its SGML / XML special interest group .

    在同一年,HL7开始通过它的 SGML/XML特别 兴趣小组积极研究XML。

  • Results There were significant differences in working interest asepsis operating ability and knowledge ( P < 0.01 ) between control group and observation group .

    结果观察组护生对手术室 工作 兴趣、无菌操作能力、动手配合能力、出科理论和操作考试成绩与对照组相比较,有显著性差异(P<0.01)。

  • To this ambiguity is added the complication that public relations houses do not have to disclose who they are working for or which corporate or political interest lies behind a campaign .

    更为复杂的是,公关公司不需要披露他们为谁 工作,或者造势活动背后有着什么样的公司或政治 利益

  • The work stress for military teachers consists of working load career development interpersonal relationship role stress and working interest .

    本研究的初步结论是(针对蚌埠市军校教员):第一,军校教员的工作压力主要来源于五个方面,即工作负荷、职业发展、人际关系、角色压力和 工作 乐趣

  • Job burnout is a kind of syndrome which is formed in the individual for long time working pressure . Now days it has aroused general interest in psychology .

    工作倦怠是指个体在长期的 工作压力之下形成的一种综合征,是心理学的一个研究 热点

  • The results indicate that the PSACS using H2O / LiBr as working fluid has some remarkable advantages under the same working condition the electric price structure and the loan interest rate .

    计算结果显示,在同样的 工作条件、电价结构及银行贷款 利率情况下,水/溴化锂潜能蓄冷空调具有一些明显的优点。

  • Cross-selling is nothing more than team-selling with other specialists within your own hotel all working in partnership on behalf of the customer 's best interest .

    交叉销售不仅仅是在您自己的酒店里随其他专家而团队销售,所有的合作 工作了代表顾客最大 利益

  • But journalism that is aimed at the interests of the middle and working classes and journalism done in the general public interest is a ghost of its former self .

    但面向中产阶级和 工人阶级的新闻,以及为公众 利益服务的新闻,现在已经形同游魂野鬼。

  • By working with others you 'll open new paths of interest and growth .

    通过与他人的 合作,你会发展新的 兴趣 爱好

  • Most reporters working in this so-called shadow banking system found it hard to interest their superiors who controlled space and who were more interested in broadcasting the good news story of rising property prices and economic growth .

    工作在这个所谓的影子银行体系的记者大多很难 引起上级的 兴趣。拥有版面控制权的上级更感兴趣的是传播房地产价格上涨或经济增长等好消息。

  • Knowing how advisers get paid will help you tell if they 're working in your best interest .

    知道顾问的薪酬情况有助于你判别他是否 符合你的最佳 利益

  • The management representative appointed by management committee or the person or working group who has no interest relationship with the complaint and appeal will conduct the settlement to the complaint and appeal .

    管理委员会指定管理者代表或与投诉、申诉没有 利益关系的人员或 投诉委员会对投诉和申诉进行处理。

  • All the projects funded are relevant to HP Lab's24 major'big bet'research projects allowing the lab to broaden the number of researchers working on its main areas of interest .

    所有项目的经费,来自惠普实验室内相关的24个主要的“大赌注”研究项目,它们帮助实验室在主要 兴趣的研究领域扩大研究 队伍

  • In short the federated cloud is a world that reconfigures the old way of working to aggregate skills and assets in the interest of an optimal response to contemporary society and especially commerce and the general social economy .

    简言之,联合云就是 为了最佳响应当代社会,尤其是商业和整体社会经济而重新配置旧的聚合技能和资产的方式。

  • Basing on national interest Japan and Southeast countries are working together to get the mutual interest and common interest by the energy sources cooperation which also affects the regional situations .

    合作中,日本和东南亚国家基于各自的国家利益,通过能源 合作来获得互补 利益和共同利益,通过能源合作来影响地区局势的发展。

  • The W3C has four Working Groups that are creating specifications of particular interest

    W3C有四个 工作组正在建立一些特别 有趣的规范

  • So a man 's working enthusiasm and job interest must be the prerequisite of his work efficiency .

    即良好的工作效果必须以饱满的 工作热情和潜在的工作 兴趣为前提。

  • It 's held that only by setting up a working system that can satisfy both personal interest and collective interest and establishing a specific organization to lead the development of TCS can it have a harmonious development with modern competitive sports .

    进而认为:只有建立起既满足个人 理性又满足集体理性的 运行机制,并建立起我国民族传统体育统一的组织领导机构,才能促使其与现代竞技体育的协调发展。

  • Every part of her capable of externally expressing affection was in action working to arouse his interest .

    她身上每一处能表露爱慕之情的部位都动了起来,为了引起他的 注意

  • The wget command which stands for Web get is a useful command for recursively working through a Web site and grabbing content of interest .

    wget命令(代表Webget之义)是一个获取Web内容的有用工具,它可以递归 遍历Web站点并从中提取 兴趣的内容。

  • Results of the study indicate that there are five major types of college working stress-working pledge teaching pledge relationship working load and working interest .

    结果显示,大学教师的工作压力主要类型为包括工作保障压力、教学保障压力、人际关系压力、工作负荷压力和 工作乐趣压力。

  • Marathon will retain a 10 per cent working interest in the block .

    马拉松石油公司将保有该区块10%的 开采 权益

  • Working is my interest and I will be happy to take every job .

    工作是我的 爱好,我会愉快的按受每一份工作。

  • I understand that tomorrow morning there will be several working group meetings to explore other areas of common interest .

    我知道明天上午将举行多个 工作小组会议,探讨共同 兴趣的领域。