working mixture

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈmɪkstʃɚ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈmikstʃə]


  • Its working principle is : converts the flow of oil water and fluid in the mixture of oil gas and water into electric signal outputs and is recorded and then the daily liquid-producing capacity is measured .

    工作原理是将油、气、水 混合物中的油、水液流量转化为电信号输出并加以记录,从而测量出单井的日产液量。

  • At present road workers are constantly working to find a kind of bituminous mixture that meets the pavement performance but aslo to save energy and to reduce emission .

    目前,公路工作者正在 努力找出一种既可以节能减排,并同时又能满足路用技术性能的沥青 混合

  • On heat transfer in a closed two-phase thermosiphon working with mixture of water and methanol

    水-甲醇 混合 质两相闭式热虹吸管传热特性的研究

  • Considering the working characteristics and performance requirements of tunnel pavement different performance analysis of micro-surfacing mixtures were conducted and the optimal constitution of micro-surfacing mixture used on tunnel pavements was proposed on the basis of laboratory tests .

    在室内试验的基础上,结合隧道路面的 工作特点和性能要求,对不同配比的混合料进行性能分析,并最终提出适用于隧道路面的微表处原 材料 性能要求和 配合 设计。

  • The rest of the world which was still working out the results of the system of private-profit capitalism surveyed the Russian experiment with a mixture of curiosity distrust and respect .

    世界其他国家还在 设法弄懂私人获利的资本主义制度将产生什么样的后果,它们以 好奇、怀疑、尊重的复杂眼光注视着俄国的实验。

  • Draw the conclusion : The single has the request of minimum working pressure ; the performance is affected by properties of the mixture .

    分离水力旋流器单体有最佳的工作范围、最小 工作压力的要求, 分离性能指标受 入口 混合物的物性的影响;

  • The air inflow in each circle is basically constant while the diesel engine is working . So each working condition is adjusted to change the output power by means of changing the oil injection ( changing the density of the gas mixture ) .

    柴油发动机工作时每个循环的空气进气量基本上都是恒定的,要改变输出功率,只有通过改变喷油量(即改变 混合气的浓度)来调节各个 工况

  • The construction and working principle of idle speed device checking and adjustment of idle speed as well as the adjustment of idle speed mixture are presented .

    介绍了怠速装置的组成及 工作原理;怠速转速的检查与调整及怠速 混合 的调整。

  • Working Mechanism of Lime Power Coal Ash Mixture and Measures for Its Forepart Intensity Improvement

    石灰粉煤灰 混合 强度形成机理及提高早期强度的措施

  • Boron nitride ( BN ) thin films were deposited on Si substrates using the conventional radio-frequency ( RF ) sputtering system with hexagonal boron nitride ( hBN ) target and working gas of mixture of nitrogen and argon .

    用射频 溅射(RF)方法在硅衬底上沉积了 氮化硼薄膜。

  • According to the working principle of two stroke gasoline engine for motorcycle the mixture formation process is discussed .

    从摩托车上使用的二冲程汽油机的 工作原理出发,论述了 混合 的形成过程。

  • Simplified Analysis on Working condition of Combustion with Coal and BFG Mixture

    煤和高炉煤气 混合燃烧 工况的简化分析方法

  • Measuring and evaluating indicator of working performance with cement and concrete mixture

    水泥混凝土 拌和 工作性的测定与评价指标

  • Analysis on working mechanism of lime power coal ash mixture and measures for its forepart intensity improvement on theory is helpful summarizing methods to improve the forepart intensity of this mixture .

    分析 石灰粉煤灰 混合 强度的形成机理,并通过理论分析说明提高石灰粉煤灰 混合 早期强度的措施,有助于归纳提高石灰粉煤灰混合 早期强度机理的方法。

  • Through analysis of working principle for reciprocating oil-gas multiphase pump combined with the balance equation of opening pressure for combination valve and adiabatic internal compression process for gas-liquid mixture the calculation formula of input power is deduced .

    通过分析往复式油气混输泵 工作原理,结合组合阀排出阀芯开启压力平衡方程和油气 两相绝热内压缩过程方程,推导出了输入功率的理论公式。

  • This paper describes the working principle features installation positions and process flow of the oil-gas mixture pumps .

    文章介绍了油气 输泵的 工作原理、特点、安装位置的选择及工艺流程。

  • In this paper batching system working characteristics and moisture control requirements of detection batching system in sinter mixture moisture control strategy is studied through simulation .

    本文主要针对配料系统的 工作特点和水分控制的要求对配料系统烧结 混合 水分的检测、控制策略通过仿真的形式进行研究。