working account

[ˈwə:kɪŋ əˈkaʊnt][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ əˈkaunt]


  • Considering the actual needs for the lab to build wireless measure and control system taking indoor working environment into account RF technology is adopted .

    课题针对实验室组建无线测控系统的实际需要, 考虑室内的 工作环境,选择射频通信技术。

  • No matter it is progressive or backward its formation and development is carried out by the masses of the working people on their own account without any forces and resistances involved .

    不管它是进步的,还是落后的,它的形成与发展都是由广大的 劳动人民自觉 完成的,不掺杂任何的强迫和抗争。

  • The method of CBD is introduced in this paper . With actual experience of working various factors are taken into account in dealing with the event-handling mechanism of CBD procedures .

    介绍了基于程序构件的软件开发方法CBD,并且结合在实际开发 工作中的体会,进一步探讨构建CBD技术的事件处理机制应 考虑的因素。

  • RES_ ULTS : Through excel a clear shift records account of emergency pharmacy drugs was achieved the recording and statistics of prescriptions become more convenient and fast both the working efficiency and the congruity between the account and the drugs were greatly enhanced .

    结果:应用Excel后急诊药房药品交班记录帐目清晰,处方录入、统计方便、快捷,大大提高了 工作效率和 物相符率。

  • To verify that your account is working click test account settings .

    若要验证帐户是否 工作 正常,请单击“测试 帐户设置”。

  • The agent shall inform the applicant after accepting the property within five working days and remit the remaining sum to appointed account by applicant after deducting the agency fee .

    代理人接受执行财物后,5个 工作日内通知申请人。扣除代理费后,并将余款汇至申请人指定的 账户

  • In the previous trading scenario it 's a safe assumption that only one trader will be working on the particular trade and account at any given time .

    在之前的交易场景中,我做了一个安全的假设,即只有一个交易者会在特定的时间 操作特定的交易和 帐户

  • Couples of dynamic and static quantitative and qualitative factors working on the goaf stability were taken into account such as the rock mass structure and the geological structure factors ;

    综合 考虑影响 空区稳定性的各动态、静态、定量、定性因素,如岩体结构、地质构造等因素;

  • On the basis of the original model the paper takes the expectation working years into account and adds a new definition - expectation working years coefficient . Making use of the data of 1995 the paper gives a demonstration analysis and compares the different results .

    在原有模型的基础上, 考虑了预期 工作年限,引入了预期工作年限系数,并利用1995年抽样调查的劳动人口数据进行实证分析,比较了模型更改前后所得的结论。

  • Module 3 is named Communication and Counselling in Working with Adolescent and their Families . It gives an account of the fundamentals about how to improve the skills to communicate and advise especially the knowledge which is quite needed when health expert communicated with adolescence and their family .

    模块三:与青少年及其家人沟通与咨询的 技巧讲述了如何提高沟通与咨询技巧的入门知识,特别是健康专家在与青少年及其家人进行沟通时需要的知识。

  • Working in a team we have to taken into account how each individual member works best .

    在团队中 工作,我们必须 考虑个人如何充分地发挥作用。

  • In many places the number of private kindergartens is far more than that of the public kindergartens . Preschool teachers working in private kindergartens account for principal parts of the preschool teaching force .

    在很多地方,民办幼儿园的数量远远超过 公办幼儿园,民办学前教师成为 学前教育师资的主体。

  • According to working experience for many years give an account of the remarkable problems of machining mould parts with a machining center .

    总结多年 工作经验, 叙述了加工中心模具零件时应注意的问题。

  • It works great as long as the framework we 're working with can account for everything our application needs to do .

    只要 使用的框架可以 说明应用程序需要完成的操作,它就可以正常 运行

  • HR or HR related working experiences will be taken into account firstly .

    有人力资源及相关 工作经验者优先 考虑

  • The loss is much more surprising for maintenance or stop working on the account of invalidation for the modern big enterprise .

    特别是现代大型工业,因维修或失效 停机 造成的损失更为惊人。

  • Refer to the working status Account Manager initiates the internal proposal formally for one or two times so as to perfect the proposal .

    客户经理根据进度, 制定内部提案时间,到时进行内部正式提案,不断完善提案,一般会进行一到两次。

  • But if you re working in a high security environment you need to take into account all of the possibilities discussed in this article .

    但是,如果您 工作在一个对安全性要求很高的环境中,那么您需要 考虑本文所讨论的各种可能性。

  • She 's over there working the daluca account .

    她在那里为 daluca的展台 工作

  • Chapter 5 on the device of hierarchy controlling production process is managed by two accounts . And designed parts-account and working procedure account in detail .

    第五章以分层递阶控制策略,采用两级台帐管理生产过程,详细设计了零件台帐和 工序 台帐的数据库,给出了缺件清单生成和零件状态查询等功能单元的实现。

  • She is working as an account executive in Beijing for Hill & Knowlton the public relations company .

    现在,她在北京一家叫做 Hill&Knowlton的公关公司做客户经理。

  • The report also argues that the savings delivered by taking time to pursue intelligent shopping strategies means that a woman shopper can save more money than she might make by working after taking into account taxes and costs such as work clothing and childcare needs .

    这份报告还表示,如果 考虑 税赋、职场衣物及儿童保育费用,一位女性购物者花时间去实施“聪明”购物策略可能比自己出去 工作更有钱途。

  • He had the idea while working as an account manager in the UK consumer products division and entered an internal innovation competition .

    他在担任英国消费者产品部门 客户经理时 萌生了这个想法,于是参加了公司内部的创新比赛。

  • Besides the gas viscosity the amount of gas emitted water temperature and other working parameters are also taken into account which make the simulation results more in line with the actual .

    同时, 考虑实际激发采集过程中的气体的粘滞性,气体喷出量,海水温度等 工作参数,使得模拟的结果与实际更加的符合。

  • In addition WHO is working on a cost-benefit analysis of interventions that-beyond health-will take into account all the benefits associated with improved household energy practices .

    此外,世卫组织正在 致力于对超越卫生的干预措施进行成本效益分析&这些干预措施将 考虑与改进家庭能源做法有关的所有益处。

  • The pay gap between professional staff and managers employed in emerging economies in Asia and eastern and central Europe and those working in the developed world is narrowing rapidly after taking into account inflation according to a study to be released today .

    今日即将发布的一份研究显示, 计入通胀因素后,受聘于亚洲、东欧和中欧新兴经济体的专业人员和管理人员与其发达国家 同行的薪资差距正迅速缩窄。

  • But it must be given appropriate suface treatment so as to prolong its working life on account of the poor corrosion resistance of carbon steel itself .

    由于碳钢本身的耐腐蚀性能很差,在应用过程中,常常需要对其进行适当的表面处理来增加 使用寿命。

  • This is the action of one individual at our agency working on a pro bono account .

    这是我们公司的某个个人 的一个公益 项目