working papers


  • Audit working papers which can be use as evidence of action contain certain legal meanings ;

    可作为诉讼证据的审计 工作 底稿所包含的法律意义;

  • Audit evidence and working papers

    审计证据与 工作 底稿

  • Obtaining audit evidence preparing audit working papers to ensure the evidences obtained support the audit findings suggestion and purpose ;

    收集审计证据、编写审计 工作 底稿,确保审计证据支持审计发现、建议和目的;

  • That is because just before the hearing the CSRC coughed up the working papers on Longtop financial technologies .

    原因是直到听证会召开前夕,中国方面才不情不愿地交出了东南融通(LongtopFinancialTechnologies)的审计 工作 底稿

  • Although the PCAOB reached a deal to share working papers in connection with investigations it remains banned from inspections which are its most important function .

    虽然美国上市公司会计监管委员会(PCAOB)已经和中方在共享涉案审计 工作 底稿方面达成了一致,但中方仍不同意这个机构就此展开调查,而进行调查是PCAOB最重要的职能。

  • Establish policies and procedures for delivering audit working papers ;

    建立有关提交审计 工作 底稿的措施及程序;

  • To save copying costs I will provide pre-publication working papers in class and citations are given below .

    节省复制的成本,我将于课堂中提供过去发表的 工作 文章,并将引用列于其下。

  • On November 21 2013 the firms asked to be able to supplement the hearing record with evidence that more working papers had been turned over in the past few months .

    2013年11月21日,这几家事务所表示,有证据表明此前几个月中它们就已经转交了更多的审计 工作 底稿,同时要求将这项内容添加到听证记录之中。

  • The SEC case could lead to the administrative trial judge penalizing the five firms for failing to provide working papers to the sec .

    SEC一案的结果可能是行政初审法官判定五家会计师事务所未向SEC提交审计 工作 文件应受处罚。

  • If you 're a teen bring your working papers .

    如果你是一位青少年,带好你的 就业 证件

  • Documents available on the site include articles technical reports working papers conference papers and theses .

    文献类型包括论文、技术报告、会议 论文等。

  • Actively participate in a repository or online working papers community offered by other academic institutions ( e.g.SSRN ) .

    积极参与其它学术团体提供的文献库或网上 论文交流活动(如 SSRN)。

  • Working papers have been developed on issues such as programmatic suitability of vaccines new approaches to testing and regulatory oversight of vaccines manufactured in multiple sites .

    就疫苗在规划中的适用性、检测新措施以及对众多地点生产的疫苗进行管制监督等问题编写了 工作 文件

  • The Effect on Audit Evidence of Working Papers

    审计 工作 底稿的证据作用

  • Brief Analysis About The Application of Electronic Audit Working Papers

    浅析电子化 工作 底稿在审计中的应用

  • This follows the earlier charges against Deloitte for the same issue and the court action against Deloitte for failure to produce the working papers for Longtop financial technologies .

    在此之前,德勤(Deloitte)也由于相同原因被诉诸法庭,因为它拒绝提供东南融通(LongtopFinancialTechnologies)的审计 工作 文件

  • Though feeling a little tense during the test these experienced construction workers are working on their examination papers as seriously as students taking their college entrance examinations .

    考试过程中,平日里忙着实践 操作的建筑工人们虽然紧张,但 做起 试卷来也很认真,和学生参加“高考”的感觉没什么两样。

  • The IMF produces about 650 publications a year ranging from the high-profile world economic outlook and financial stability report to working papers and submissions to outside journals .

    IMF每年要制作大约650份刊物,从备受关注的《世界经济展望》与《金融稳定报告》,到 工作 报告以及向外部刊物的供稿。

  • The amount of working papers as prescribed in the Procedures for Foreign-related Tax Audit is large so all the localities may use them by selection .

    《涉外税务审计规程》中规定的 工作 底稿量较大,各地可以选择性使用;

  • Coming to China to do audits would require them to obtain a temporary practice certificate which would require them to follow Chinese law which prohibits them from turning over working papers to the sec .

    要到中国开展业务,它们就得取得临时营业执照;取得执照后,它们就得遵守中国法律;而按照中国法律,它们就不能把审计 工作 底稿 给SEC。

  • In the Longtop case the SEC wants working papers to be produced .

    在东南融通的案件中,SEC要求提供 工作 底稿

  • Frequently used to sort countries into blocs and to write working papers and draft resolutions .

    经常在组成国家集团及写作 工作 文件和决议草案的时候采用。

  • Deloitte with the support of the other firms filed for summary disposition on the basis that the SEC now had the requested working papers .

    在其他事务所的支持下,德勤(Deloitte)要求法院作出即决判决,理由是SEC已经拿到了它所要求的审计 工作 底稿

  • The examination and certification regulations referred to in the preceding paragraph shall specify matters related to the audit procedures to be carried out by the cpa the audit working papers the audit report the preparation of financial statements and other matters to be observed .

    前项查核签证规则,应订明会计师执行之查核程序、查核 工作 底稿、查核报告、财务报表之编制及其它应遵行事项。

  • America 's Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) subpoenaed Deloitte 's working papers for the Longtop audit in May .

    美国证交会(SEC)于今年5月传唤 德勤提交东南融通的审计 文件

  • China has submitted several working papers to the Conference putting forward its suggestions on the main points of a future interna-tional legal instrument .

    中国曾多次向裁谈会提交有关 工作 文件,就未来的国际法律文书要点提出建议。

  • Ministers let alone Prime Ministers are advised against working on their official papers while using public transport .

    政府建议所有部长在使用公共交通工具时都不要打开官方 文件 办公,更别说首相了。

  • On one hand the US has demanded that auditors hand over their working papers after a series of Chinese companies listed in the US defrauded investors by exaggerating their profits and lying about their business ventures .

    一方面,在一连串在美国上市的中国公司夸大利润,谎报商业项目,构成对投资者的欺诈后,美国方面要求审计师交出审计 底稿