working set

[ˈwə:kɪŋ sɛt][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ set]


  • The mined policies and rules will then have to be classified identifying business agility and it may be possible to derive a strawman for a working set of business policy directives .

    然后对于挖掘到的策略和规则需要进行分类以便确定业务敏捷性,这样可能就会产生一个假的业务敏捷策略指令 工作

  • The working set is the memory actually used or required for the workload on your system .

    工作 是系统上工作负载实际使用或需要的内存。

  • The working set of both LPARs is now larger than the shared memory pool size .

    现在,这两个LPAR的 工作 大于共享内存池大小。

  • The command vadump-os-p shows the working set for a given process ID.

    vadump-os-p命令显示给定的进程ID的 工作 信息。

  • As the working set size increases memory demand increases .

    随着 工作 大小的增加,内存需求也增加。

  • It then lists all of the DLLs in use by the process with their sizes followed by a summary of statistics about the working set and page-file usage .

    然后列出进程使用的所有DLL及其大小,后面是 工作 和分页文件使用的统计信息。

  • The more tasks performed and memory allocated during application startup the longer before an application is ready and the larger the initial working set .

    在应用程序启动期间执行的任务和分配的内存越多,应用程序准备的时间就越长,初始 工作 就越大。

  • Specify the committed memory and working set limits for this resource .

    指定此资源的提交的内存和 工作 限制。

  • Select the database you want to add into the working set and click Add .

    选择要添加到 工作 集中的数据库并单击Add。

  • Mem Usage : The online help calls this the working set of the process ( although many would call it the resident set ) & the set of pages currently in main memory .

    MemUsage(内存使用):在线帮助将其称为进程的 工作 (尽管很多人称之为驻留集)&当前在主存中的页面集。

  • The working set of an application is the set of memory pages currently available in RAM .

    应用程序的 工作 是RAM中当前可用的内存页的集合。

  • The user will demand that the tools in his working set be placed front and center in the user interface easy to find and to remember .

    中间用户通常要求这些常用功能中的工具 在用户界面的前端和中心位置,容易寻找和记忆。

  • Continue adding other databases into the working set .

    继续在 工作 集中添加其他数据库。

  • To determine which approach is best you need to have an idea of the working set requirements of your systems .

    为了决定最合适的方法,需要理解系统的 工作 需求的概念。

  • First of all the GC heap is part of your working set .

    首先,GC堆是你的 工作 的一部分。

  • We call a group of onscreen bubbles a working set ; working sets can be very useful for programming tools that naturally output multiple methods or locations in code .

    我们把屏幕上的一组气泡称为一个 工作 ,工作集非常利于那些经常输出多个方法或者代码位置的编程工具。

  • Gets the peak working set for the lifetime of the process to date .

    获取目前为止进程生存期的峰值 工作

  • Gets the working set for the process .

    获取进程的 工作

  • In the New Working Set wizard enter a name for your new working set .

    在New Working Set向导中,输入新工作集的名称。

  • Tools such as Task Manager report the working set as the total of shared and nonshared pages so it can be quite hard to determine the true effect of DLL use on footprint .

    TaskManager之类的工具将 工作 看作是共享和非共享页面的总和,因此很难确定使用DLL对内存占用的影响。

  • This is potentially an extremely high-value addition that provides a working set of solutions to a difficult and complex issue for the price of a new version of the models .

    潜在可能的是高价值的附件,为模型新版本的价格提供了复杂和困难问题的 解决方案。

  • Rather we need to know when working set is approaching the size of ram .

    相反的情况,我们就需要知道什么时候 工作 最接近内存大小。

  • Now you can use Data Source Explorer to easily find the databases you grouped together in the working set .

    现在,可以使用DataSourceExplorer轻松地找到分组在 工作 集中的数据库。

  • The working set is not big enough to allow the requested pages to be locked .

    工作 大小不足,无法允许所请求的页面锁定。

  • Those parts contribute to the process 's working set .

    这些部分将进入进程的 工作

  • In this scenario the working set memory requirements of all LPARs can exceed the physical memory in the pool .

    在这种情况下,所有LPAR的 工作 内存需求可以超过池中的物理内存量。

  • The Add the project to Modeling Working Sets page allows you to add the project containing your newly created model ( either from a standard template or from an existing model ) into such a working set .

    这个AddtheprojecttoModelingWorkingSets页面允许您将这个包含您新近创建的模型(要么从标准的模板中要么从一个现存的模型中)的项目添加到这样的 工作 空间中。

  • The initial working set is the memory pages the application consumes during startup .

    初始 工作 是应用程序在启动期间消耗的内存页。

  • The currently available options analyze the entire workspace a working set or a set of projects .

    当前可用的选项分析了整个工作区、一个 工作 、或者一组项目。

  • It produces a snapshot of the current working set ( the pages actually in main memory at a given point in time ) .

    它可以生成当前 工作 的快照(某一给定时刻实际存在于主存中的页面)。