


  • Even grandfather has come to the worksite .

    连爷爷也到 工地来了。

  • A clean worksite is a safe worksite .

    一个整齐清洁的 工地是安全的工地。

  • Serious disturbances on the worksite should jeopardize the industrial control computer through power supply .

    工业 现场的严重干扰,会通过工业控制机电源对工控系统造成严重危害。

  • Early in the morning he left for the worksite .

    他一早就到 工地 了。

  • The contractor agrees that it will not claim any lien or charge on the work or any property of the company in the possession of the contractor or at the worksite .

    承包商同意不会对本工作或承包商拥有的或 工地上的业主的任何财产主张任何留置权或收取任何费用。

  • Grave worksite accidents frequently occur .

    重大 安全事故时有发生。

  • Daniel this shows how local Linzhou people set off to the worksite of the project .

    大牛,你看,这就是当年 林州人奔赴漳河源头修渠的情景。

  • Responsible for maintaining the relevant packing tools work efficiency and the clean worksite .

    有良好的组织能力,负责保管好包装有关工具,工作效率高,维护 场地干净。

  • A feasible maintaining strategy has been put forward according to the worksite practice and the statistic method of reliability data .

    根据 现场实际, 依靠可靠性数据统计方法,提出切实可行的维修维护策略。

  • In order to provide the best customer service our computer systems company always went the extra mile and provided free installation and user training at the customer 's worksite .

    为了提供最好的客户服务,我们公司经常做一些额外工作,在客户 办公地免费装机和培训。

  • You must move the rest coating and solvent out of the worksite to reduce the air pollution there .

    不急用的涂料、溶剂,要 及时 移出 施工 场所,减少 现场的空气污染。

  • The doctor had told him to stay in hospital a few more days but he slipped back to the worksite .

    医生让他在医院里再呆几天,他却抽冷子跑回了 工地

  • This product is mainly used for sand factory electric pole factory worksite of building and concrete dam to wash classifying and de-watering various sands .

    该产品适用于建筑 工地、砂石厂、水电站混凝土大坝工地、邮电电杆厂需单位砂石及铸造用“七 ”砂、 玻璃厂石英砂及油井回填用压力砂的洗选、分级和脱水。

  • To people 's surprise it was not crowded and noisy on the worksite as usually imagined but there was an atmosphere of orderliness and self-confidence .

    现场,人们惊奇地发现,这里没有想象中的 热火朝天 场面,也 人声鼎沸的气氛,有的是从容和自信。

  • Our study provides a potential model for the assessment of work-related stress at an individual level and suggests that stress management programs can be implemented at the worksite Pagani said .

    “我们研究为个人工作相关压力评估提供了潜能模式,并表明 工作 地点可以实行压力管理方案。” Pagani说。

  • I flew from the station to the worksite .

    我一 跑着从车站赶到 工地

  • Principle instrument model of temperature compensation main technological parameters and a measurement record at worksite are introduced .

    给出了仪表的结构、作原理、的温度补偿模型、要技术指标及 现场测试数据。

  • In charge of civil construction management on the worksite and verify the workload .

    负责土建 专业 现场施工管理、负责核实现场 签证工作量;

  • The design and implementation of volume adaptive control at worksite

    一种 现场 环境下音量自适应系统的设计与实现

  • Practical application shows that the method can achieve more correct cooling time prediction of annealing furnace and meet the need of worksite .

    现场应用表明,该方法能够较为准确地实现退火炉冷却时间预报,满足了 现场要求。

  • He emerged from the accident unharmed . Grave worksite accidents frequently occur .

    他在事故中安然无恙。重大 安全事故时有发生。

  • These days workers of the cartoon square worksite in Baimahu ecological idea city were very busy .

    这几天,位于白马湖生态创意城的动漫广场 工地上节奏尤为紧张。

  • They started off early so that they could reach the worksite in time .

    他们动身很早,以便及时到达 工地

  • The civilization worksite construction is the significant characteristic of persisting in human-focus and building a harmonious society and the important target and assurance of constructing the superior quality and efficient project .

    摘要创建文明 工地建设是坚持以人为本、构建和谐社会的重要特征,是建设优质高效工程的重要目标和重要保证。

  • They shall not be left at any worksite .

    不得将其遗留在任何 工作 场所

  • These management review meetings are to be held at the contractor 's main design office during the design phase and thereafter at the main construction worksite .

    在设计阶段,这些管理审查会议将在承包商主要设计办公室中举行,随后在主要施工 工地上举行。

  • Washing facilities will be near the worksite and will be equipped to enable employees to remove all harmful substances .

    盥洗设施应装备在 工作 现场附近并能使职工洗去所有的有害物质。

  • Limitation of applying CFG piles composition foundation in special worksite On Shortcomings and Route of Solution of Chinese Environment Education

    浅谈特殊 环境中CFG桩复合地基的缺陷我国环境教育的缺陷与解决路径分析

  • Expected time of arrival at worksite per item .

    每个物件到达 工地的预期时间。

  • Methods To analyze the results of cruor test from inquisition in external quality assessment and worksite in Chongqing in 2005.Results It is not satisfactory at examining ability for blood coagulation tests in Chongqing .

    方法对2005年重庆市凝血试验的室间质量评价活动和 现场调查结果进行分析。