working routine

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ruˈtin][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ru:ˈti:n]


  • Objective : To investigate the effect of working therapy affiliated with routine therapy .

    目的探讨 娱疗法辅助 常规药物治疗的作用。

  • Methods The classification and summarization regarding to the produced cause and overhauled method of the trouble in CT machine were performed based on the working principle of CT machine and the author 's experience accumulated in routine works .

    方法根据CT机的 工作原理以及作者在CT机 日常维修和保养过程中积累的经验,从产生故障的原因、故障检修的原则及方法进行分类汇总。

  • Make eating well and working out routine and you 'll have the resilience necessary when sudden developments – both crises and opportunities – demand extra energy .

    注意营养, 定期 锻炼,这样在面对突发事情,无论是挑战还是机遇,需要格外多能量时才会有足够的韧性。

  • In any working condition they can easily work at optimal economic routine recover braking energy and improve the efficiency of the entire vehicle .

    两者任何 工况下都能方便地工作在最佳经济 工况,方便地回收车辆制动能量,提高整车效率。

  • The structure and working principle routine troubles and diagnosis of the electric wiring in the starting system are described .

    介绍了该起动系统电路的结构及 工作原理,以及该电路的 常见故障与诊断。

  • The following article makes an introduction to the performance indexes main characteristics and working principle of Model JW-3 mobile digital temperature detector employed in the routine temperature detection of grain .

    本文介绍了用于粮食温度 常规检测的JW&3型数字温度巡回检测仪的性能指标、主要特点和 工作原理。

  • Methods Based on the great political and ideological working the reformation construction and development of hospital the political and ideological working and routine working were linked up with worker 's ideas and lives etc.

    方法据大政工的新格局,从医院改革、建设和发展的大局出发,将做好职工的政治思想 工作 日常工作,将职工思想现状、群众生活等联系起来。

  • Experts suggest that working a20-minute nap into your routine will help your body expect it .

    专家们建议 日常安排中加进20分钟打盹会让身体对它产生期待。

  • For an engineering construction project to achieve the goals of investment control progress control and quality control the auther discusses the working routine and method ; and puts forward corresponding effective measures .

    讨论工程建设项目为达到投资控制、进度控制和质量控制三大目标,于实施阶段进行设计监理的 工作 程序和方法,并提出相应的实施措施。

  • Working out standardized nursing techniques routine tbr nucleus - attack wounded soldiers ;

    制订规范化的核伤员护理技术 常规

  • Based on certain experiences accumulated through practically solving the problem of claim in engineering construction the aspects to be taken notice of are put forward the importance of claim is expounded and the working routine in doing it is summarized .

    通过多例工程建设索赔的处理实践,积累了一定的经验,提出了索赔问题处理应注意的几个方面,阐明了索赔的重要性,总结了一套处理索赔问题的 工作 程序

  • Then I eat good food and big meals as a reward for working hard . 8 . Develop a pre – game routine to start your day .

    之后我会 好好吃一顿,作为对自己努力 工作的奖励。

  • Turning off any screens an hour or two before bedtime ( instead of working up until the last possible moment ) and starting a simple bedtime routine .

    睡觉前一两个小时最好关掉所有显示器(不要 工作到临睡前最后一刻),从现在起养成固定的就寝 作息

  • The feasibility research is an important contents before the investment and an essential working routine in investment decision .

    可行性研究是项目投资前期工作的重要内客,是投资决策中必不可少的一个 工作 程序

  • Combining with the construction practice of one project this paper introduces the process principle process flow working routine and technical standards and makes the analyses on the time limit quality benefit and use value of this technique .

    结合某工程施工实践,介绍了 螺纹 钢筋 接头的工艺原理、工艺流程、 工作 程序及技术标准,并对其工期、质量、效益及应用价值进行了分析。

  • Have carried on the discussion to concrete working routine and the method and participation method that the public participated in SEA .

    对公众参与SEA的具体 工作 程序和方法及参与方式进行了探讨。

  • In order to know the influential factors on the working quality of routine immunization reporting system three counties were selected with care survey .

    为了解影响安徽省 常规免疫接种率报告质量的因素,用典型抽样调查方法确定3个县进行调查。

  • Your jitters should be over pretty soon so don 't despair . there 'll still be plenty to keep you busy but you 're working up a routine .

    你的恐慌很快就会结束,不要绝望。仍有许多事要忙的,但你会赶上 进度

  • Now that school has started many parents find themselves struggling to shift their kids back to a working routine .

    新学期开始了,很多家长正努力地把孩子拉回 正轨

  • Quality inspections of working routine including the inspection of pipe surface condition derusting anchor pattern surface dust and secondary contamination preheated temperature etc. ;

    工艺 过程的质量检验,包括管表面状态、除锈等级、锚纹深度、表面微尘及二次污染、预热温度的检测等内容;

  • The anxieties of the last few days had flayed havoc with his working hours and disrupted his routine .

    最后几天的焦虑不安打乱了他的 工作时间,扰乱了他的 正常 生活 秩序

  • This paper described the structure the working principle and routine maintenance of CRX-400R High Voltage Generator in PQ-5000 CT Machime .

    本文着重介绍了PQ-5000中的高压发生器系统CRX-400R结构组成、 工作原理及 日常维修工作。

  • In group B the same doses of cisplatin and fluorouracil were given in the daily working time from 8 am to 5 pm by the routine infusion method .

    常规新辅助化疗组所用药物及剂量同时辰化疗组,用药时间安排在正常 上班时间(8am~ 5pm)。

  • According to the modular principle it shows the C language procedures of angle calculation and working of encoder main function of microcontroller interrupt routine and regulator etc. At the same time it gives the corresponding modules of the software flow chart .

    依据模块化设计原理利用C语言开发了编码器角度计算及 工作程序,单片机主程序,中断 程序和调节器程序等,并给出了相关模块的软件流程图。

  • Objective Applying five-routine working regulation in the management of daily routine works in CCU to create a safe comfortable and effective environment in CCU .

    目的引入 五常法管理CCU 日常工作,营造安全、舒适、整洁、高效的CCU环境。

  • The constructure and working principle of AC contactor and how to select AC contactor and its routine maintenance are presented .

    介绍了交流接触器的结构和 工作原理,及如何正确选用和 日常维护交流接触器。

  • The bioassaying workers of our country should open up new working fields in addition to the routine work of biological assays to suit the needs of scientific development and make full use of modern technology to guarantee the quality of drugs .

    我国生测工作者除坚持现有生测品种的 检定工作外,还应适应发展需要,拓宽 工作面,与现代先进技术配合,把好药品质量关。

  • It is the requirement that the hospital strengthens one 's own management and a requirement of improving working efficiency and making information more accurate that incorporate the computer to the routine and carry on essential management to the work of the hospital with the modernized management tool .

    把计算机融入到 日常 工作中去,利用现代化的管理工具对医院的工作进行必要的管理,这既是医院加强自身管理的要求,也是提高 工作效率以及信息的准确程度的要求。