world energy sources

[经] 世界能源

  • The depleting fossil fuels and the deteriorating ecological environment have restricted the development of world so it is imperative to develop a new clean alternative energy sources .

    日益严重的能源和环境问题已经影响到了 人类 社会的发展,开发新清洁代替 能源势在必行。

  • Nowadays the energy shortage problem is very serious in the world . Efforts are always being tried to develop new energy sources including wind biomass hydro and solar . Much attention has been paid in developing these new energy sources .

    当今 世界能源短缺问题非常严重,我们一直在努力开发新 能源,风能、生物质能、水能、太阳能等 可再生 能源成为新能源主要开发对象。

  • As the huge development of the industrial and economic countries in the world are facing energy shortages the development of new energy sources and finding new ways of saving has been the concern of the world .

    由于工业及经济的巨大发展, 世界 各国普遍面临着 能量短缺问题,开发新 能源以及寻找节能新途径得到了世界各国的普遍关注。

  • With the rapid development of economic Energy-saving and environmental protection has become a major issue all over the world . A wide range of people are interested in using of renewable energy sources .

    随着经济的高速发展,节能和环保已成为 全球范围内的重大课题,利用可再生 能源也随之而引起人们的广泛兴趣。

  • Wind energy as an important renewable no pollution energy has been paid great attention by countries in the world on the time of energy sources crisis and environment crisis being serious increasingly The technology of wind power gets maturity more and more .

    能源危机和环境危机日益严重的今天,风能作为一种重要的可再生清洁能源已经受到 世界各国的重视,风力发电技术日臻成熟。

  • At present the fossil fuels become reduced gradually ; the world must find new alternative energy sources .

    当前,地球上化石能源逐年减少, 世界 各国必须找寻新的替代 能源

  • Tony Hayward his successor insisted hydrocarbons would remain central but that the world needed a more sustainable mix of energy sources .

    他的继任者唐熙华(tonyhayward)坚持认为,碳氢化合物仍将占据中心地位,但是 世界需要更可持续的 能源组合。

  • Many scientists all over the world are focusing on the researching for new energy sources .

    世界 各地的众多科学家正在致力于新 能源的研究与 开发

  • Mankind society has gained brilliant civilization through a history of thousands of years and meanwhile it is also facing the threaten of the world population health grain energy sources natural resources and so on .

    人类社会经过几千年的发展,在取得辉煌文明的同时,也面临 全球人口、健康、粮食、 能源、资源、环境等的威胁。

  • All over the world has accelerated the pace of development of alternative energy sources .

    世界 各国都加快了开发可替代 能源的步伐。

  • The fuel-ethanol is important energy sources in the world as energy sources and environment with latency crisis . All or part the gasoline is replaced by fuel-ethanol will be imperative under the situation for driving motor vehicles and farming machines in China .

    由于 能源、环境的潜在危机,燃料乙醇已经成为 世界 各国重点研究和推广的能源课题之一,在我国以乙醇代替汽油或部分代替汽油驱动机动车辆,农用机械也势在必行。

  • The sufficient exploitation of solar energy has been turned into the world energy strategic decision-making of continuable development because of the increase of energy sources crisis and environmental pollution .

    世界 能源的短缺与环境污染问题的日益突出使得充分开发和利用太阳能成为 世界 各国可持续发展的 能源战略决策,其中光伏发电最受瞩目。

  • With the world energy crisis coming nuclear power as one of clean energy sources have attracted more and more attention all over the world .

    随着 世界 能源危机时刻的到来,核电作为清洁 能源 之一,越来越引起全球各国的关注。

  • The world has numerous populations with the development of economy energy sources has been a fundamental demand .

    世界 拥有众多的人口,由于经济的发展, 能源是一个非常基础的需求。

  • With climate change and the world energy crisis intensifies the wind and other renewable energy sources are highly valued by more and more governments around the world .

    随着气候变化和 世界 能源危机的加剧,风能等可再生 能源越来越受到世界各国政府的高度重视。

  • Since the world get in industrial society the power has become an indispensable energy sources in modern human life .

    世界进入工业社会以来,电能已成为现代人类社会中不可或缺的重要 能源 之一

  • The world moves toward greater find and utilize of new type energy sources in this energy-shortage-century . Among of the various energy harvesting technologies the piezoelectric energy harvester has emerged as a prominent research area and continues to grow at a rapid pace .

    在面临 能源紧缺的 世纪,寻找和利用新型 能源是各国面临的重大问题,在各种能量采集技术中,压电式能量采集技术已成为一个重要的研究领域并且发展迅速。

  • In such circumstances of course the tropical parts of the world would have a head start in the race to find new energy sources .

    当然倘若这样, 世界的热带地区在寻找新 能源的竞赛中将会领先一步。

  • All over the world is committed to the explore of new energy sources at present . How to use it has become the focus of the world .

    当前 世界 各国都在致力于新 能源的开发,如何使用新 能源已经成为世界各国重点讨论的话题。

  • With the proliferation of the world s population and environmental pollution caused by traditional energy sources it s very important to explore green energy .

    随着 全球人口的激增以及传统 能源造成的环境污染,探寻绿色能源具有重要意义。

  • Energy and environmental problems are becoming increasingly prominent in the world today . Wind power as a kind of clean and renewable energy sources got a lot of attention recently .

    当今能源和环境问题日益突出的情况下,风能作为一种清洁的可再生 能源开始受到人们的关注。

  • In recent years along with the industrialization advancement rapid development the traditional energy has not been able to satisfy with the demand of the world economics development . Therefore there is great interest in exploring alternative energy sources .

    近年来随着工业化进程的飞速发展,传统能源即将满足不了 世界经济发展的需求, 全球 范围对于开发新的可替代 能源的兴趣越来越大。

  • With the fast development of global industrialization and the crisis of world energy sources currently how to utilize the sources efficiently is a key problem to be resolved .

    面对全球工业化的高度发展和 世界 能源危机,如何最有效的利用资源是当前亟待解决的问题。

  • In order to solve the energy crisis and environmental pressure caused by conventional energies the world began to search for alternative energy sources .

    为了解决能源危机和传统能源造成的环境压力, 世界 各国都开始寻找替代 能源

  • In recent years along with the world crisis of energy sources energy saving building are paid more attention step by step .

    近几十年来,随着 世界能源危机的日趋严重,节能建筑也日益为人们所关注。

  • Energy-saving becomes the urgent matter and people all over the world are looking for new energy sources and searching for new ways to save energy .

    节能成为当务之急, 世界 各国都在寻找新 能源和节能新途径。

  • Recently with the rapid development of seawater desalination solar thermal utilization and heat pump technology the study of seawater desalination is a hotspot in the exploitation of world energy sources gradually and the Solar Heat Pump Water Heater technology is popularized step by step .

    近年来,随着海水淡化技术、太阳能热利用及热泵技术的迅速发展,太阳能 海水淡化技术也逐步成为目前 能源 研究开发的热点,太阳能热泵技术的发展也同样逐步得到推广。