worst case analysis

[wɚst kes əˈnælɪsɪs][wə:st keis əˈnæləsis]


  • There have been two ways to analysis the quality of an algorithm ( 1 ) worst case analysis and ( 2 ) average case analysis .

    算法的复杂性分析方法通常有两种:(1) 情况 分析;(2)平均情况分析。

  • The modules information is a useful way to get a worst case view of the footprint that 's due to DLLs which you can further refine by more detailed analysis using other tools if necessary .

    模块信息是一种很有用的方式,提供了“ 情况 ”由于DLL造成的内存占用,需要的话可以使用其他工具作更详尽地 分析

  • The worst - case precision error ought to be determined . The analysis and experiment results of worst - case preci - sion error for a point an edge and a straight-edged shape are proposed in this paper . matching the subsection beeline of edge figure ;

    文中用 分析和实验的方法给出了基于空间矩的边缘定位方法,对于边缘点、边缘直线以及直边缘区域的最 情况定位精度分析。拟合边缘轮廓的分段直线;

  • Secondly the Worst Case Response Time of the simulation tasks are analyzed based on Markov chains and the schedulability analysis rules for simulation task are presented .

    而后,基于Markov链对仿真任务的 反应时间进行了分析,并提出了仿真任务的可调度性 分析规则;

  • Worst Case Traffic Analysis and Two Stage Leaky Bucket Algorithm

    ATM业务监控的 通过分析及二级漏桶算法

  • Also given are a lower bound of the worst case asymptotic performance ratio of KC A and analysis of the asymptotic worst case average case performance ratio of the KC A algorithm when A is NF FF BF or WF .

    分析了当选用的算法A是著名装箱算法NF,FF,BF,WF时KC-A算法的 情况渐近性能比和平均性能比;

  • This paper discuses symbolic worst case execution time analysis methods analyzes the characteristics of symbolic worst case execution time analysis methods compares and studies two existing symbolic worst case execution time analysis methods gives future research directions .

    文章讨论了基于符号的 执行时间 分析方法,分析了其特点,对两种基于符号的最坏执行时间分析方法进行了比较和研究,并给出了将来的研究方向。

  • In a distributed real time system the worst case transmit time analysis of messages is very important to system schedulability analysis .

    消息 最大发送时间的定量 分析是该研究方向中的一个关键问题。

  • The worst case analysis and monte carlo analysis by means of software PSPICE are implemented on a forward exited switch power supply with feedback loop . The analysis results offer a criterion to definite error range of the device parameters .

    用电路分析软件PSPICE对带反馈环的正激式脉宽调制(PWM)开关稳压电源进行 情况 分析和蒙地卡罗分析,为在设计开关电源时确定元件参数的误差范围提供了依据。

  • Tolerance Analysis of Doppler Amplifier Based on the Worst Case Analysis

    基于最 情况 分析 的多普勒放大器容差分析

  • Soft ware PSPICE Used to Worst Case Analysis and Monte Carlo Analysis of Switching Power Supply

    PSPICE用于开关电源 情况 分析和蒙地卡罗分析

  • Worst case analysis shows that critical charge variation caused by gate length variation can be as large as 81.7 % .

    情况 分析表明,沟道长度扰动引起的临界电量偏差最高可以达到81.7%。

  • Study on Worst Case Analysis Method for Flight Control System

    飞控系统 情况 分析方法研究

  • This paper puts forward the technique of worst case analysis for flight control system under the influence of some important factors .

    提出了飞控系统在其主要影响因素(自然风、推力偏心、控制参数偏差、结构误差等)的作用 进行 情况 分析的方法。

  • So as a consequence we 're going to stick with the worst case analysis .

    因此,我们要坚持,对 情况进行 分析

  • Officials stuck to worst case analysis because it was safer .

    官员们执着于 假设 情况,因为这样 比较保险。

  • This paper introduced worst case analysis and monte carlo analysis with software of EWB .

    举例说明用EWB进行 情况 分析和蒙托卡诺分析的具体方法和步骤。

  • Wiener Filter Based Waveform Comparison Method and Its Application in Worst Case Analysis

    基于Wiener滤波器的波形比较方法及其在 情况 分析中的应用

  • An Overview of Worst Case Execution Time ( WCET ) Analysis

    实时系统程序 情况执行时间(WCET)的 分析

  • This paper put the method of calculating the worst case response time which is proposed by Tindell into practice and get the schedulability analysis of a digital control system based on CAN network .. A ideal work baudrate of CAN bus is also gained .

    本文通过应用Tindcll提出的计算最 响应时间的方法,对基于CAN总线的数字化操控系统进行了可调度性 分析,并得出了总线的理想工作速率。

  • Worst Case Analysis of Array Amplitude-phase Errors by Modified Particle Swarm Optimization

    基于改进粒子群算法的阵列幅相误差 情况 分析

  • Some vector mathematical definitions are first given to position tolerance zones ; the equivalent dimension method is adopted to the position tolerance analysis in order to worst case analysis ; at last tolerance analysis to a part is given .

    首先给出了一些位置公差带的数学定义,并采用等效尺寸法进行位置 公差的极值 分析,最后给出了一个零件的位置公差 分析 实例

  • A novel waveform comparison method based on Wiener filter is presented for worst case analysis .

    提出一种基于Wiener滤波器的波形比较方法,应用于数模混合电路的 情况 分析