world space

[wɜrld spes][wɜː(r)ld speis]

[计] 自然空间

  • Get world space size of a manipulator handle at given position .

    获取在给定位置 世界 空间的控制柄大小。

  • America is the leader of the world space borne Lidar and it has carried out two programs LITE and CALIPSO in detecting the global cloud and aerosol .

    美国是 载激光雷达的先行者,在气溶胶探测方面,它先后实施了LITE和 CALIPSO两项计划。

  • After Cold War the competition structure of the world space market took place the enormous varieties .

    冷战后, 世界 航天市场竞争格局发生了巨大的变化,国外 航天公司兼并重组活动风起云涌。

  • This will offset the Capsule Collider in world space and won 't affect how the Character pivots .

    该值决定胶囊碰撞器在 世界 空间 位置,并不影响角色的行动。

  • To outside scene partition arithmetic and OSP tree are used to cull object in world space and detect collision ;

    对室外场景采用分区算法,同时用OSP技术实现 世界坐标 空间中的物体剔除和碰撞检测;

  • The higher this value is the more the cloth will move as a reaction to world space acceleration of the GameObject .

    这个值越高,越多布料会以反作用力移动到游戏物体的 世界 空间加速度。

  • Matrix that transforms from camera space to world space ( Read Only ) .

    从相机空间到 世界 空间的变换矩阵(只读)。

  • Calculates the screen space distance from the mouse pointer to the disc section at given world space position with the given radius and normal .

    计算屏幕空间从鼠标指针到在给定 世界 空间位置和带有半径和法线的圆扇形的距离。

  • The Construction of the city and the environment man and nature such as several important contradictions between the means of communication ; open the interactive experience of people and the world space for the construction of a new reference for future development .

    其构建城市与环境、人与自然等几重矛盾关系中的交流途径;开启人与 世界的交互式体验 空间,为建筑的未来发展提供新的参考。

  • Culling and hiding-side eliminating is realized in world space ;

    世界 空间内实现了物体及多边形的剔除、背面消除;

  • Matrix that transforms a point from local space into world space ( Read Only ) .

    矩阵变换的点从自身坐标转为 世界 坐标(只读)。

  • Transforms position from local space to world space .

    变换位置从自身坐标到 世界 坐标

  • The world space bounding volume of the collider .

    碰撞器在 世界 坐标 空间的边界框。

  • The world space industry continue to rapid development since entering the 21st century but its byproducts - space debris problem has become more serious which threats on-orbit spacecraft and astronaut .

    进入21世纪以后, 世界 航天事业继续飞速发展,但其带来的副产品&空间碎片问题也愈发严重,对在轨航天器及航天员造成巨大的威胁。

  • This is particle 's size in meters in world space .

    这是粒子在 世界 坐标系中的尺寸。

  • DURING World Space Week ( October 4-10 ) you may learn about some of space myths .

    世界 太空周(10月4日&10日)期间,你可能会了解到一些太空之谜。

  • A locator is a node that marks a position in world space .

    一个定位器是一个节点在 世界 坐标 空间的标记的一个位置。

  • The Sampler Info node provides the world space coordinates of the point being shaded within the sphere . Get off your backside and do some work !

    第一,在球 的被着色点需要去从 世界坐标转换到相对于球体的物体 空间坐标。别老坐着,干点儿实事!

  • The impact point in world space where the ray hit the collider .

    世界 空间中,射线碰到碰撞器的碰撞点。

  • If only we break out the absolute domination of scientific positivism and technological reason the world space will obtain its new significance .

    只有打破实证观和技术理性的绝对统治, 世界 空间才会获得全新意义。

  • Calculates the screen space distance from the mouse pointer to the multi segment line that goes through the given world space points .

    计算屏幕空间距离,从鼠标指针到多段线通过给定 世界 空间点的距离。

  • When you deal with a world space system it 's even and isotropic throughout so you have a well-behaved system that in3D .

    世界 空间系当中,一切都是均匀和等向的,这样你就拥有了一个性能良好的3D系统。

  • Samples the height at the given position defined in world space relative to the terrain space .

    在给定位置定义的取样高度,相对于地形 坐标 空间

  • The starting speed of particles in world space along X Y and Z.

    粒子在 世界 坐标系内的开始速度,沿着X,Y和Z轴。

  • This article on the basis of four dimensional coordinates and four dimensional wave vectors of world space proves the phrase constancy of electromagnetic waves .

    作者在该文中从 世界 空间的四维坐标和四维波矢量出发,证明了电磁波的相位不变性。