world crisis

[wɜrld ˈkraɪsɪs][wɜː(r)ld ˈkraisis]


  • Study on Social Stability under the Current World Financial Crisis

    当前 世界金融 危机下社会稳定问题研究

  • Global equity is the awkward issue lying behind the world food crisis .

    世界粮食 危机的背后,是全球公平性的棘手议题。

  • Rice is in short supply which is a terrible world crisis right now .

    稻米短缺,现在都成了可怕的 世界危机

  • Under the situation of current world financial crisis colleger employment becomes the hot problem of the whole society .

    在当前 世界金融 危机的环境下,大学生就业成为全社会都倍加关注的热点问题。

  • The unfolding of the Hungarian crisis now looks like a microcosm of the world crisis .

    现在看来,匈牙利危机的演变犹如 全球 危机的缩影。

  • That includes working together in the G20 to manage the world economic crisis that had such an impact not only on both our countries but on the entire world .

    这包括在20国集团(G20)共同努力,设法应对 世界经济 危机,这 经济 危机不仅对我们两国,而且对全世界都造成了如此重大的影响。

  • Analysis of impact of world financial crisis on economy and power demand of China

    国际金融 危机对我国经济及电力需求的影响分析

  • What began as a postwar fetish for sunbathing is rapidly developing into a world health crisis .

    开始是战后对日光浴的极度迷恋,而后迅速发展成 世界性的健康 危机

  • China has responded to the world financial crisis with what seems to be great success .

    中国针对 全球金融 危机做出的回应,看似极为成功。

  • That has again become the mantra for an unbalanced world in crisis .

    这又一次成为了 危机之中失衡 世界的口头禅。

  • We break the I not trying to prove anything but to break the universe life and truth let humans use I give us wisdom to resolve the world crisis .

    我们破解《老子》不是想证明什么,而是为了破解宇宙人生的真相,让人类用《老子》给我们的智慧化解随之而来的 天地 危局

  • Leaders of the European Union met Sunday in Brussels to discuss measures to deal with the world financial crisis .

    周日欧盟领导人齐聚布鲁塞尔,讨论应对 世界金融 危机的举措。

  • There was last week a glimmer of hope in the world food crisis .

    上周, 世界粮食 危机有了一丝希望的亮光。

  • This is caused by the world financial crisis many banks are struggling in one of the mechanisms .

    这也就是造成了 世界 很多银行在金融 风暴中陷入困境的机制之一。

  • Change and Choice : The Impact of World Financial Crisis on Ningbo and Countermeasures

    变化与选择: 全球金融 危机对宁波的影响和应对

  • That happened to millions of people two rs ago at the height of the world food crisis .

    两年前最严重的 世界粮食 危机 期间,数以百万人遭遇了这种情况。

  • The present world crisis should in principle be analysed from different temporal perspectives .

    原则上说来,目前的 世界 危机应该从不同的时间角度加以分析。

  • A main root of the world financial crisis is the weak housing market in the United states .

    世界金融 危机的根源在于美国房地产市场的疲软。

  • Since the world food crisis several years ago researchers have directed more of their attention to small farms .

    自从几年前的 世界粮食 危机起,研究者们就已经直接把他们的注意力集中在小型农场。

  • In recent years along with the world crisis of energy sources energy saving building are paid more attention step by step .

    近几十年来,随着 世界性能源 危机 日趋 严重,节能建筑也日益为人们所关注。

  • For many americans the world financial crisis created new unease about the risks of the global economy .

    对很多美国人来说, 世界金融 危机给他们带来了对全球经济的风险的新的不安。

  • Discussion on the Impact of 1929-1933 World Economic Crisis on China 's Economy

    浅议1929~1933年 世界经济 危机对中国经济的影响

  • For politicians globalisation has run into serious trouble with questions raised about everything from its role in the world economic crisis to its alleged contribution to environmental degradation and rising income inequality .

    对政治家而言,全球化遇到了很大的麻烦,引发的问题不一而足:从全球化在 世界经济 危机中扮演的角色,到在环境恶化和收入差距日益扩大方面的所谓“贡献”问题。

  • Provide you with information on the economy and trade throughout the world Crisis information communication takes effect on preventing and controlling crisis coordinating counter cycle and reassuring people .

    为您沟通 环球经济信息 危机信息沟通在预防、控制危机,加强反危机协调,稳定人心等方面有重要作用。

  • A world economic crisis unparalleled since the1930s .

    20世纪30年代以来空前的 世界性经济 危机

  • The world Financial Crisis : Opportunity to China 's Economic Structure Adjustment

    世界金融 危机:我国经济结构调整的契机

  • Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis

    银行家们害怕会发生一场 全球银行业 危机