
[ˈwə:kɪŋ klæs][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ klɑ:s]


  • It was she who guided my every step in the working-class movement .

    是她在 工人运动中指导我的每一步行动。

  • Most of the people there are salt-of-the-earth good working-class people .

    那里的大多数人都是吃苦耐劳、心地善良的 工人 阶级

  • Our working-class scientists of outstanding talent are born of the people and serve the people .

    我们 工人 阶级的杰出人才,是来自人民的,又是为人民服务的。

  • Much has been contributed to modern liberal and working-class movements by men such as these .

    像这样的一些人,已对现代自由主义和 工人 阶级运动作出很大贡献。

  • Traditionally these have provided a rare leisure opportunity for working-class housewives with tough lives and dreary jobs .

    传统上,这些 俱乐部工人 阶层的家庭妇女提供难得的休闲机会,她们生活艰难、工作乏味。

  • In some ways I think that women benefited more than the working-class men from the Second World War .

    在某些方面,我认为女性比 工人 阶级的男性从第二次世界大战中获利更多。

  • He launches a frontal attack on working-class organizations .

    他对 工薪 阶层组织发起正面挑战。

  • Do you really expect these white middle-class men to be able to empathize with working-class women from ethnic minorities ?

    你真的希望这些中产阶级的白人能够同情 工人 阶级的少数民族妇女吗?

  • With my working-class background I feel like a fish out of water among these people .

    出身 工人 阶级,在这些人中感到很不自在。

  • These feminists did not seem to value children and the working-class women resented it .

    这些女权主义者似乎不太重视孩子,而 劳动 阶级妇女对这种做法却十分厌恶。

  • Born into a working-class family in Basle he joined Swiss Bank Corporation at 27 in planning and marketing .

    他出生在巴塞尔的一个 工人 阶级家庭,27岁时加入了瑞士银行公司(swissbankcorporation)的计划与市场部。

  • British artist LS Lowry 's paintings of industrial working-class Britain brought him popular fame in the UK .

    英国画家LS劳里的画作描述了工业时代下的、 工人 阶级的英国,因此在英国名声大噪。

  • Even more important may be the white working-class voters who backed her .

    更重要的也许是支持希拉里的那些白人 工薪 阶层选民。

  • All this makes him appealing to Obama-wary working-class voters .

    以上这些都使他对那些怀疑 奥巴马的选民非常有吸引力。

  • These photographs capture the essence of working-class life at the turn of the century .

    这些照片 成功 表现了世纪之交 工人 阶级的生活实质。

  • All the band come from good solid working-class backgrounds

    所有的乐手都来自值得 我们 尊敬 工人 阶级

  • To working-class women oppression was what the system did to both women and men not just something men in a patriarchal capitalist system did to women .

    劳动 阶级妇女所 的压迫,是这个制度对男人和女人做了些什么,并不仅 在这个家长式的、资本主义的制度下男人对女人做了什么。

  • John felt that he was held back from further promotion because of his working-class background .

    约翰感到自己由于 工人 阶级出身而影响了进一步提升。

  • Snobs who despised their working-class son-in-law .

    看不起 女婿工人的很势利的人。

  • Working-class voters form the bedrock of Labour 's support .

    工薪 阶层选民是支持工党的基本力量。

  • I 'm working-class and proud of it .

    我是 工人 阶级且以它为荣。

  • Hillaryland by contrast is a place of working-class voters particularly working-class women and the old .

    希拉里的阵营则是 工人 阶级的天下,尤其是妇女和老人。

  • He was born into a working-class family .

    他出生于一个 劳动 阶级家庭。

  • He is best known for his trilogy on working-class life .

    他最出名的作品是他那描绘 工人 阶级生活的三部曲。

  • This compares with 57 per cent of working-class white girls and 46 per cent of black boys .

    这个比较还有57%的 工人 阶级白人女孩和46%的黑人男孩。

  • She came from a working-class background

    她出身于 工人 家庭

  • But today 's study says white working-class boys are most at risk of underachieving .

    但是现今的研究表明, 工人 阶级的白人孩子正在冒着成绩很差的危险。

  • She now runs her own company which is pretty good going for a working-class kid .

    她现在拥有自己的公司,这对 工人 家庭的孩子而言,是了不起的成就。

  • He grew up working-class in Manhattan and was always drawn to the prep school mystique .

    他成长于曼哈顿的 工人 阶级,总是被预科神秘性所吸引。