working time ratio

[ˈwə:kɪŋ taɪm ˈreʃo][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ taim ˈreiʃiəu]

[电] 工作时间率

  • The results showed that the best inducing effect could be obtained under the conditions as follows : dunk by 16 hours colchicines concentration 0.16 % temperature 20 ℃ working time by 12 hours . The survivor ratio was 36.07 % . The inducement ratio was 24.67 % .

    结果表明:亚麻多倍体诱导,以清水浸种16小时,转入0.16%的秋水仙碱溶液,在20℃条件下浸泡12小时为最佳,其成活 36.07%,诱导率达到24.67%,则诱导成活率为8.9%。

  • Microwave radiation regeneration technology was an effective regeneration method ; the regenerated catalyst could restore the 91.67 % activity of the fresh catalyst with the following working conditions : power of microwave 500W ; exposure time 30 min ; SiC catalyst ratio 2:1 .

    微波辐射再生是一种非常有效的再生方法,其最优工艺条件是微波功率500W,辐照 时间30min,SiC与催化剂 比值2:1,在此条件下再生的催化剂活性可恢复到新鲜催化剂的 91.67%

  • Finally based on the results of nonlinear time history analysis working out a analytic procedure to calculate the damping ratio by using the FORTRAN 95 language discussing the definition of time history damping ratio of the steel frame with toggle-brace energy dissipation system .

    最后,基于非线性时程分析的结果,用 Fortran95计算机语言 编制了专门计算结构附加阻尼比时程曲线的分析程序,探讨了肘节式耗能支撑钢框架结构的 程阻尼 概念。