working structure

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈstrʌktʃɚ][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈstrʌktʃə]

[计] 工作结构

  • The working principle and structure characteristics of VTC-90 vertical turbine classifier were analyzed .

    分析了VTC-90立式涡轮分级机的 工作原理和 结构特点。

  • The Working principle structure characteristics and ion detection methods of a three-dimensional quadrupole ion trap are described .

    介绍了三维四极离子阱的 工作原理、 结构特点和离子检测方法。

  • This paper introduces the working principle and structure of Single-cylinder Electric Power Confined Piston Engine and lists the dynamics equation .

    文中阐述了单缸电力约束活塞发动机的 结构工作机理,建立了系统的动力学模型。

  • The structural analysis of inclined boom suspension bridge includes following two geometric nonlinear problems the changing working structure form and the large flect .

    倾斜吊杆悬索桥的结构分析包含“变 作用形式”和大 位移两个几何非线性问题。

  • In the paper a new working layer structure of diamond core drill for solving the problem is introduced which can increase the efficiency and the working life of the drilling tool .

    文章介绍了金刚石钻孔工具一种新的 工作结构,该 结构可以有效解决钻孔工具排粉散热难问题,提高钻孔工具的工作效率,延长钻孔工具的使用寿命。

  • This article solves some problems of the turbine meter in pump capacity measurement through its working principle structure features and installation .

    从气体涡轮流量计的 工作原理出发, 分析了它在人工煤气区域计量应用中存在的问题,提出解决问题的对策。

  • The fact that migrant workers are becoming the main body of industry in our country has brought about historical changes to the original working group structure .

    农民工正成为我国产业工人的主体,使 工人队伍 结构发生了历史性的变化。

  • Elastic-plastic analysis on staircase participated in the working of building structure

    楼梯参与 结构整体 工作的弹塑性分析

  • Mainly introduce the working principle . Structure and main technical parameters .

    主要介绍了QYB50型气动液压泵的 工作原理、 结构和主要技术参数。

  • Mainly described are the working principles and structure features of the number marking device for the computer-controlled signal board .

    主要介绍了微机控制标志板打号机的 工作原理及 结构特点。

  • Correspondingly an electrical active suspension configuration is proposed and its working principle and structure are described .

    相应地,提出了一种电动主动悬架,并就其 工作原理及 结构方案进行了描述。

  • The working principle and structure of piezoelectric acceleration geophone is discussed .

    阐述了压电加速度地震检波器的 工作原理和 结构

  • Study for Working Mechanisms and Structure of Centrifugal Pellet Dryer

    颗粒离心干燥机的 工作原理及 结构研究

  • Detroit firefighter uses an axe to cut a hole in the roof at the scene of a working daytime residential structure fire in the top floor of an apartment building .

    白天,公寓大楼顶层的住宅 建筑火灾现场,一位底特律消防队员用斧头在屋顶上砍了一个洞。

  • The work includes the design of its working principle and structure and how to rebuild the origin braking system .

    进行了该 系统 工作原理 设计,对原挂车制动系统的改造以及硬件的设计。

  • This paper introduces the working principle and structure parameter of the picker finger seed drill .

    本文阐述了指夹式排种器的 工作原理和 结构参数。

  • Secondly for the working principle and structure of the circuit chip a component composition based on thread-tree was presented .

    其次,针对电路芯片的 工作原理和 结构特征,本文提出一种新的基于线索树的构件组装方案。

  • Under conditions of a slab caster and the working tip structure of SEN used comprehensive mathematical description and simulation concerning fluid flow of liquid steel fluctuation of bath surface and heat transfer and solidification of steel were performed .

    结合连铸机设备工艺条件和所采用浸入 水口 结构进行了结晶器内钢水流动、自由液面以及传热凝固等冶金现象的综合描述和数值分析。

  • The paper introduces the slurry pumps transferring two-phase flows with solid particles and describes its working principles structure and performance features .

    介绍一种用于输送含有固体颗粒的两相流体的浆体泵,论述它的 工作原理、 结构和性能特点。

  • In this paper the working principle 、 structure 、 calculation and control system of a new-type multiplayer vibration drier of reciprocating conveying are introduced .

    本论文介绍了新型多层往复输送振动干燥机 工作原理、 结构 组成、计算和控制系统。

  • East Hampton New York firefighters operate out of a tower ladder above the smoke and flames at the scene of a working daytime structure fire .

    白天 建筑火灾现场,纽约州东汉普顿市的消防队员从烟火上方的云梯消防车中展开行动。

  • The system working principle structure of hardware software design project are introduced .

    阐述该系统的 工作原理、硬件 构成及软件设计方案;

  • The working of structure - building right forms the motive action of rhetoric illusion and furthermore changes the world and the languages .

    建构权的 运作形成了修辞幻象的动机行为,进而改变世界和改变语言。

  • The working principle and structure of3-cylinder hydraulic confined piston engine ( HCPE ) is put forward and the working process differential equations is constructed .

    阐述了三缸机械液压约束活塞发动机( HCPE工作原理,建立了系统工作过程的微分方程。

  • In this paper the working principles and structure features of the CLC type train wheel transducer are introduced .

    介绍了CLC型列车车轮传感器的 工作原理和 结构特性。

  • To explore the employees ' working responsibility structure and its character 870 objects from Nanjing city and Shanghai city were surveyed by the Employees ' Working Responsibility Questionnaire .

    本人在编制员工工作责任心问卷的过程中,对南京地区和上海市共870名被试进行调查。研究探讨了员工 工作责任心的涵义、 结构,进行了员工工作责任心的特点研究。

  • Most people have the impression that big companies should have the following characteristics : large scale of operation strong working capital structure and lots of head-counts ;

    在一般人的印象里,大公司应该具备以下特点:规模庞大,资金 雄厚,人数众多。

  • This paper presents the system constitution working principle structure of the manipulator and the control method in detail .

    详细介绍了系统组成, 工作原理,机械手的 结构以及控制方法。

  • With widely applying of profiled sheet it is not only reflect the working of structure but also obtain benefit that considering the ability resistance to shear of profiled sheet in the plane itself .

    随着压型钢板的广泛应用,充分考虑这些面层在其平面内的抗剪能力&受力蒙皮作用,不仅能真实反映 结构的实际 工作,而且还可获得相当的经济效益。

  • This paper analyses working principle structure design dynamic equation and working parameters of ZKB2448 vibrating screen .

    对ZKB2448振动筛的 工作原理、 结构设计、动力学方程及工作参数等进行了说明。