


  • The paper analyzes the two factors affecting garment balance and especially the key factor that is the effect on surplusage above BL front . At the same time the work-out method is proposed .

    分析了影响衣身平衡的两个因素,重点分析了其关键因素,即前衣身BL(胸围线)以上浮余量的影响,并提出了 解决方法。

  • Are you coming with me for a work-out at the gym ?

    你将同我一 起来健身房锻炼吗?

  • Her nice figure is due to regular work-out .

    她良好的体态是经常 锻炼 结果

  • Fitocracy is a fitness social network that requires you to manually enter your work-out in order to gain points and move through the system .

    Fitocracy是一个健身社交网络,需要你手动输入 锻炼内容,从而获得积分和升级。

  • The destructive and disorderly operation of the small coal mines results in a lot of work-out sections creating hidden troubles for the eighth mining section of Honghuisan mine .

    小煤窑破坏性无序开采,造成了许多 区,给红会三矿八采区生产带来安全隐患。

  • Clerk : First of all we 'll design a custom-made work-out plan according to your habits .

    首先,我们会根据顾客的兴趣为顾客 一个 健身计划。

  • This is a solvency problem demanding a grand work-out .

    这是一个偿付能力的问题,需要一套宏大的 解决 方案

  • It has studied the key technological problems of these methods more careful work-out .

    对方法 涉及的关键技术问题进行了较 深入的研究。

  • Recreational amenities include a spacious fitness center equipped with high-tech work-out equipment an indoor swimming pool and Marriott 's award-winning Quan spa center that has10 treatment rooms .

    酒店设有一个设施齐全的 健身中心和室内恒温游泳池,另外,它并设有万豪获奖无数的“泉”水疗中心,内设10个理疗室。

  • It is of great significance for the prediction of deposition or scouring distribution of sediment to establish a predictive mathematical model with high precision . The model can also serve to work-out dredging plan and to reduce the topographical survey frequency in some degree .

    建立一种具有较高精度的泥沙冲淤量分布预报数学模型,对于 清淤计划的 制定,适度减少地形测量频次, 准确 把握 内外泥沙 运动 规律,具有十分重要的意义。

  • I said let 's have this meeting but I didn 't want to have a meeting where we all get together and talk but that should be a work-out and that work-out turned out to be a Manifesto .

    我说,就让我们开这次会议吧,但我不想所有人都聚在会上一起讨论,我们应该 制定 一个 结果,后来事实证明宣言就是会议 成果

  • I also want to learn dancing because it could not only give me a work-out but also improve my per-sonal temperament !

    我想学交谊舞,因为交谊舞既能 锻炼 身体,也能提升自身的气质!

  • If I 'd tried to have a more ambitious work-out I 'm sure I wouldn 't have exercised at all .

    如果我设定一个更高的 锻炼目标,我肯定根本不会去锻炼。

  • Sports mean a lot to me ! So I plan a daily work-out this semester !

    运动对我来说非常重要!所以我打算这个学期每天都 运动。( 生命 在于 运动 身体 才能学习 !)

  • Shirley : Oh my work-out card is about to expire .

    雪莉:是哦,我的 健身卡也快到期了。

  • Because of these problems such as unstable ore bodies moderately-stable wall rock large work-out area the design proposal of mining these ore bodies by filling-up method is presented .

    针对其矿体不稳固、围岩中等稳固,以及存在较大 区,矿体完整性遭破坏的情况,提出了上向进路充填法开采的设计方案。

  • It was a good work-out that 's for sure and all the players have had to work really hard to get the result . We 've got a big squad now and we 're going to need it I think .

    大家干得 不错,所有的球员都很努力才能得到这样的结果,我们阵容庞大,但我们就需要这样。

  • Field test and study on roof movement of work-out area from Shaodong gypsum Mine

    邵东石膏矿 区顶板位移规律的现场测试及研究

  • And he will give you a fitness assessment and then come up with the work-out plan for your needs .

    他会给你做一份健康和体适能评估,然后根据需求 制定 相应 健身计划。

  • Analysis and work-out method on unreasonable cases in lingerie wearing

    女性胸衣穿着不合理现象的分析与 对策

  • To avoid a decade-long work-out – with the political and economic risks – the world needs stronger growth in developing and developed countries .

    为了避免长达十年的 费力 劳神 同时 伴有政治及经济风险世界需要发展中与发达国家经济实现更为强劲的增长。

  • Certainly Shevchenko was full of enthusiasm after his first work-out with his new team-mates .

    当然 舍瓦在第一次与自己的新队友合练以后充满了热情。

  • The Control on Spontaneous Combustion in Work-out Area


  • Most people have experienced the feeling after a taxing mental work-out that they cannot be bothered to make any more decisions .

    大多数人都有这样的体验,就是在 过度的大脑劳累后,再也不愿被 劳烦去做任何决定。

  • May : So your stomach is the one that actually gets a lot of work-out .

    阿美:你的胃一定 了很多的 运动

  • If you absolutely have to work-out every day look for employers who offer a gym membership .

    如果你每天都 健身 运动,就找一家提供健身俱乐部会员卡的公司。

  • And then Wood is off heading back to his hotel - I decide not to ask if it is the Mandarin - for a work-out before a book signing .

    随后,伍德 起身离开,回到酒店我决定不问他是否 住在文华东方酒店在签名 售书前进行 锻炼

  • The study on the optimum strategy for bid-providers is beneficial to the work-out of the best bid-invitation plan .


