work period

[wɚk ˈpɪriəd][wə:k ˈpiəriəd]

[计] 工作周期

  • Several basic concepts firstly are defined f reliability of system safety system mean work period et al .

    首先给出了这方面的几个基本概念:系统安全的可靠性、系统的平均 工作 时间等。

  • Yueji Kiln Ceramic Art Center cannot offer storage accommodation after the work period is concluded .

    驻地计划结束后, 记窑陶瓷艺术中心不提供驻地艺术家之 作品仓储。

  • Risk Analysis of Tunnelling Work Period

    影响隧道 施工 工期的风险分析

  • It has undergone pioneering work period expanding period difficult period and second time pioneering work period so it represents a certain sections of the private-owned enterprises .

    其发展经历了 创业、壮大、面临困境、二次创业几个 时期,在民营企业中具有一定的代表性。

  • The designing unit develop engineering gross contracts that it can develop the predominant function of engineering design valid control work period benefit to guarantee the engineering quantity availably control the investment .

    设计单位开展工程总承包能发挥工程设计的主导作用,有效控制 工期,有利于保证工程质量,有效地控制投资。

  • The reconstruction of old cement concrete pavement with a asphalt overlay has the advantages of short work period little influence on transportation little investment and comfortable drive etc which is a kind of simple and valid rehabilitation measure at home and abroad .

    而沥青加铺层改造旧水泥混凝土路面具有 工期短、对交通影响小、投资少、行车舒适等优点,已成为国内外的一种简单有效的修复措施。

  • On this premise the author believes that every bit should make the rock volume cutting by all bits in a work period equal and its work force minimal .

    在此前提下,作者认为每齿在 工作过程中必须遵从每齿在单位 工作循环 周期 的截割煤岩体积即截割量相等,且其受到破岩的工作反力最小。

  • Modified Morita Therapy including light work period heavy work period and return-to-society period . Each period lasted about 10 Months .

    改良式森田疗法包括轻 作业 、重作业期和社会回归期,每期大约10个月。

  • The investment of reformation is little the work period is short effect is taken quickly . It has a function of draw lesson for glacon sulfuric acid equipment which still adopting water washing process .

    水洗流程改为半封闭酸洗流程,投资少, 工期短,见效快,对现在仍然采用水洗流程的中小硫酸装置具有借鉴作用。

  • After enough turns of simulation the distribution of the total work period can be determined at the same time the critical path can be found in the probability concept .

    对大量仿真计算结果进行统计分析,可以得到总 工期及关键路线的概率分布结果,为 施工管理提供更多的信息。

  • Finally they should insist in using scientific methods to calculate claims of the work period and expenses .

    最后在 处理索赔问题时要坚持采用科学的方法来计算 工期索赔以及费用索赔。

  • Construction that it is above to technically synthesize application valid of economical of funds economized the work period for the engineering quantity degree of progress is with the construction safe provide emollient guarantee .

    以上技术的综合应用,有效的节省了资金,节约了 工期,为工程质量、进度和施工安全提供了有力的保证。

  • In construction work for making piles of large diameter to support the Zhengzhou highway bridge across the Yellow River a shortening of work period up to over one half the scheduled time was effected with technical indices satisfying design requirements .

    在郑州黄河公路桥大直径深桩施工中,该钻机使 工期缩短一半以上,技术指标达到了设计要求。

  • The text detailedly introduced crown block running system availability work period of bridge girder erection equipment and improve case for precast beams install .

    详细介绍了对双导梁式架桥机天车、行走系统、有效 工作 长度及预制梁安装就位的改进情况。

  • To make geologic map of high slope rock mass by conventional method has such disadvantages as difficult operation condition long work period inconvenient data preservation and large amount of reproduction .

    用传统的编录方法对高边坡建基岩体进行地质编录,不仅存在 工作难度大, 工期长,无法满足工程进度要求等缺点,且资料保存困难,复制工作量也大。

  • For the duration of the residential work period the artist must be insured for medical and personal liability and damages ( third party insurance ) .


  • In the imbalance system having symmetry voltage and aberrance current the detecting transition is the work period .

    当系统不平衡,电压对称无畸变,电流畸变时,测量的过渡过程为1个 周期

  • In order to guarantee the recognition in each period has a high recognition rate we adopt different fusion schemes in three different periods-the Work Period the Break Period and the Mid-night Period .

    由于医院在不同的 工作 时段其噪声的组成成分和噪声种类并不相同,为了保证各个时段的识别都有较好的识别率,我们决定针对医院不同时段的噪声情况采用不同的识别方案。

  • The method has the short work period and good performance and certain draw lessons from expansion value .

    该方法具有缩短 工期、安全效益好的特点,具有一定的借鉴和推广价值。

  • Optimum of Construction Organization Design for to Shorten Construction Work Period of Main Shaft Lading System

    优化施工组织设计,缩短主井装载系统建设 工期

  • This paper bases on the model analysis of the influence factor of the personal education choice setting up Three Period Overlapping Generation Model composed by growth period work period and pension period to study the problem of peasant households education choice .

    本文基于对个人教育选择的影响因素的模型分析,建立了由成长期、 工作 和养老期组成的三时期叠代模型来研究农户的教育选择问题。

  • Due to high investment long work period and etc. of rail transit construction different main body of business operation and profit would be concerned in rail transit construction and business operation .

    由于轨道交通建设造价高、 工期长等因素,轨道交通的建设运营中通常涉及到不同的运营、收益主体。

  • The Computer system for bracing design of Rectangular air & flue gas ducts improves the efficiency and quality of the design it reduces the work period from one person one week to one person one day and the computational result is more precise .

    矩形烟风道内撑设计计算机系统极大地提高了设计效率和设计质量, 工作 周期由原来的一人一星期减少到一人一天,且计算结果精确。

  • A model of work period prediction for exploration well

    一种探井 工期预测模型的建立

  • With the new model and the program steady seepage field in work period free surface position variable law with time at upper reaches in unsteady seepage period and seepage field variable law on the condition of different seepage coefficient and water decrease speed are stimulated .

    利用建立的模型和编制的程序能模拟 正常 运行 的稳定渗流场、非稳定渗流期上游水位变化时自由面位置随时间的变化规律以及不同的水位下降速度时渗流场的变化规律。

  • Under the premise of resolving two above-mentioned problems it can shorten the work period lower the engineering cost obtain the best processing effect .

    在解决上述两个问题的前提下,还要能够缩短 工期,降低工程成本,达到最佳的处理效果。

  • Research on the Learning Curve 's Application in the Prediction of Work Period

    学习曲线在建筑 施工 工期预测中的应用研究