work steady

[wɚk ˈstɛdi][wə:k ˈstedi]


  • Make social work a steady career and they could help stabilize communities by caring for distressed teenagers or senior citizens in earthquake areas .

    应该使社会 工作成为一个 稳定的职业,他们可以通过关爱在震区中受灾的青少年或是照顾孤独老人,使社会达到稳定。

  • But it 's also very rewarding to be able to look back over the history of the work we 've produced and see the steady rise in quality .

    但是,能够回头看到我们为之骄傲的 工作,并看到质量的 稳步提升也是相当值得的。

  • Work and Energy in Steady State of Forced Vibration

    稳定受迫振动中的 与能

  • Once retired work 's not there to provide a steady income or social life .

    一旦他们退休,就没有 工作来提供 稳定的收入或社交生活。

  • The electrical work was calculated for steady state flow systems using the Clausius inequality derived .


  • Also skilled artisans did not work by the clock at a steady pace but rather in bursts of intense labor alternating with more leisurely time .

    另外,技术工并不是按时间来安排 工作的,不过更 情愿在闲暇时间突然有紧急的工作。

  • Such fine work require a steady hand and a steady eye .

    做这样精细的 工作,手要 、眼要准。

  • China will work with the NTC to realize a steady and smooth transition and development of bilateral ties he said .

    他还表示,中方将会与过渡委共同 努力,推动中利关系平稳过渡和 稳健发展。

  • The case is comparative general of policy unsteady at present Perform the work of policy steady the meaning very large for keep social steady and advance social govern .

    目前,政策不稳的情况比较普遍,做好政策 稳定 工作,对于保持社会稳定、促进社会管理意义重大。

  • It has features of being long time continuous and acquiring pressure of oil layer on real time that completes work of steady testing and transient testing to make up the shortages of others testing ways which provides abundant data for dynamic monitoring of oilfield .

    该技术具有长期、连续、直读测取油层压力的特点,可以完成 稳定试井和不稳定试井 工作,弥补了其它测试方法的不足,为油田动态监测提供了丰富的资料。

  • Also they have not as some feared led to adults reducing their work outputs in response to the steady income supplement .

    此外,它们并没有像一些人担心的那样使得成年人由于 稳定的收入补贴而减少 工作时间。

  • In this work a steady two-dimensional ( 2D ) axisymmetric free burning GTAW arc model has been developed .

    基于自由燃烧的GTAW电弧建立了二维 稳态的轴对称模型。

  • The flow of office work is steady relatively with clear responsibility so the method of work flow fits for the exploit of automation .

    工作流是伴随软件自动化技术而来的,由于办公 业务的流程相对 稳定,业务职责明确,因而工作流方法适合办公自动化软件的开发。

  • We will work hard to maintain steady export growth by competing on quality and efficiency and diversifying export markets .

    走以质取胜、集约化、多元化的发展路子, 努力保持进出口 稳定增长。

  • Application in program shows this structure realized easy can work steady and economize memory space .

    应用标明该结构具有容易实现, 稳定好,节约存储空间等特点。

  • The average work week held steady at 34.4 hours while average hourly earnings edged up to $ 24.21 .

    平均每周 工作时间 保持在34.4小时,而平均时薪微幅升至24.21美元。

  • Maintenance of a healthy work group requires steady personal contact .

    维护一个健康的 工作小组需要 经常性的人员接触。

  • I hope that the international community will strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination push forward reform of the global governance structure resolutely oppose trade and investment protectionism advance trade and investment liberalization and facilitation and work jointly for an early steady recovery of the world economy .

    国际社会一定要进一步加强宏观经济政策协调,推进全球治理体系改革,坚决反对贸易投资保护主义,提升贸易投资自由化、便利化水平,共同 推动世界经济尽快 稳定复苏。

  • In this work an analysis of steady free convection flow of water at 4C passing a vertical infinite porous plate in a rotating system is considered .

    本文 研究了旋转系统中4℃的水流经竖立的无穷大多孔板时 自由对流的分析解。

  • Everyone 's future is created by each oneself . I am determined to work everything out in a steady way and offer my pleasure for each confrontation !

    未来是要靠自己创造的,我愿意 踏踏实实 做好每一件事,开开心心地直面每一次风雨!

  • He was put on permanent disability and was unable to work at a steady job .

    他失去了有一份 稳定 工作的能力。

  • What we can work for is steady progress toward building transparent and accountable institutions .

    我们可以为之 努力的是朝着建立透明和负责人的机构的方向 不断取得进步。

  • China will continue to work with ASEAN countries to fully and effectively implement the DOC and will work for positive and steady progress in the consultations on a code of conduct in the South China Sea ( COC ) on the basis of consensus building .

    中方 同东盟国家继续全面有效落实《宣言》,并在协商一致基础上,积极 稳妥推进南海行为准则(COC)磋商。

  • Behave a responsibility very strong work steady heavy can be easy to get along with with person pay attention to a cooperation communication coordination .

    为人责任心很强, 做事 稳重,能与人很好相处,注重合作、沟通协调。

  • Practice indicate control network operate reliable MPS work steady and the data sharing has been realized .

    实践表明控制网络运行可靠、MPS 工作 稳定,实现了控制数据的共享。

  • I am a very optimistic person the University 's most prosperous times come out to work to learn of silence and steady .

    我是一个很乐观的人,大学的时候最鼎盛,出来 工作了,去学习了沉默和 稳重