work to rule

[wɚk tu rul][wə:k tu: ru:l]


  • So how to reduce the uncertainty of simulation has become an important direction of current model research work . Currently the aim of parameter calibration is used to describe the characteristic of the rule in different water bodies .

    因此如何在现有的条件下 能够减少模拟的不 确定性,就成为了目前模型研究 工作中的一个重要方向。

  • In this work we try to introduce the notion of association rule into the Web mining system and represent the user traversal path in the form of association rule . The aim is to discover the visit patterns from the Web log .

    本文的 工作,是致力 将关联 规则的概念引入到Web挖掘系统中,将用户的访问路径以关联规则的形式表现出来,其目的在于从用户访问超文本系统的行为中发现用户的访问模式。

  • Strengthening management of clinical work to rule the order of clinical practice ;

    加强临床教学管理 工作 规范实习秩序。

  • How to make youth work to adapt new situation of Reform and Open how to embody characters of epoch rule and proficiency of youth work under new situation are important subjects for ideology workers to solve .

    如何使青年 工作 适应改革、开放的新形势,如何体现新形势下青年工作的时代性、 规律性和实效性,是思想工作者必须解决的重要课题。

  • Hence when you work for politics you manage to make official abide by the rule and to make people do well their own work . That 's all .

    所以从事政治的 工作,就是要 设法让官 其职,而百姓庶民将自己手上的工作做好,如此而已。

  • Inner accounting supervision lays the ground work of accounting supervision . Enhancing the inner accounting supervision and inner control system are the effective safeguard to implement accounting work by rule .

    内部会计监督是会计监督的基础,加强内部会计监督和内部控制制度,是会计工作 依法进行的有效保障。

  • The work mirrored the ethics which we would cherish forever but also it had the negative influence to people because they gave service to the federacy rule order ;

    报恩型 作品展示了传统伦理道德中值得永远珍视的一些道德规范,同时也有着直接为封建 统治秩序服务的消极因素;

  • The national executive of the union has ordered its members to work to rule .

    这个协会的全国执委会已命令其成员 故意死扣 规章进行 怠工

  • Detail work on the knowledge layer is explored which includes the definition of formal business rule reference to resources in a rule as well as the design and implementation of the rule system .

    重点 知识层形式化业务 规则的定义、资源和 服务的引用以及规则引擎等给出了详细的设计和实现。

  • The author combines his business system in the ten years of work experience trying to analyze the business from the perspective of administrative law enforcement problems and their causes and proposed to achieve industrial and commercial administrative enforcement of the rule of law concept .

    笔者结合自己在工商系统十多年的 工作经验, 试图从法治的视角剖析工商行政执法的问题及成因,并提出实现工商行政执法 法治化的构想。

  • By use semi-artificial thermocouple method which nipping metal thread in work piece to measure its temperature did some experimental researches of the change rule of the cutting temperature which following the cutting parameter ;

    采用 夹丝半人工热电偶法测量铣削区温度,对铣削温度随切削参数的变化 规律进行了实验研究;

  • To the chaos systems which parameters often change we have done many work to research their evolution rule and state . 3 .

    对于参数变化的混沌同步系统,其演化 规律和演化状态的研究,文中做了大量 工作

  • The books cataloging personnel must according the library circs to develop cataloging work and classify work so as to form a classify rule which measure up classify and characteristic easy to manage and to read the books .

    图书编目人员要根据本馆情况结合在版编目开展分编和分类 工作,形成既符合分类标准又具有本馆特色的分类 规则,便于图书的管理和查阅。

  • The methods to calculate the bearing capacity of single pile are determined through the work of pile and soil together and according to the load-settlement curve of static load test of single pile and the rule of load transmission .

    通过 桩静载试验的荷载沉降曲线的分析,依据荷载传递 规律,提出按桩土共同 工作确定单桩承载力的一种计算方法。

  • One can imagine situations in which you would need to work your way all the way back up the tree performing rotations and color switches to remove rule violations .

    可以想象这就必须沿着树一直向上来做各种 操作。执行旋转和颜色变化, 直到消除所有 违规情况。

  • Because I think the government officer should be the Citizens with a conscience and work for the nation and people but not to rule them only .

    因为我认为,所谓政府官员,并不应该是 统治者,而应该是为国家和人民 做事的,有良知的公民。

  • On the Party 's Good Style of Work and Ability to Rule

    论党的优良 作风与党的 执政能力

  • The main work and contribution on this thesis be summarized as follows : 1 . Analyze the system architecture of the COBOL remote IDE and design the Server End modules according to the top-to-bottom rule .

    通过对集成 开发环境的体系结构进行了分析,按照自顶向下的设计 原则,对服务器端模块的体系结构进行设计。

  • In this paper we first review previous work and propose a SVM-based hybrid method for new word discovery trying to integrate the advantages of the statistics-based method and the rule based method to improve the performance of the new word discovery and POS tagging .

    本文在分析前人的研究 成果基础上,提出一种基于支持向量机的新词发现混合模式, 试图综合基于统计的方法和基于 规则方法的优点,以吸收了统计方法的快速,保留专家系统的质量。

  • The arrangement of the WTO multilateral trade Frame has determined that keeping away foreign antidumping is a shoulder heavy responsibility and long-term work for any member country especially the Big Export Country . China is no exception to the rule .

    WTO多边贸易体制框架安排,决定了防范外国反 倾销对任何成员国尤其是出口大国而言是任重道远的一项长期 工作中国也是如此。

  • The key work for the SOE is to complete the systems rule by laws instead of individuals and inspire the labor by proper system .

    完善制度,变 人治法治,用好的制度去激励人, 是国企 好内功之所在。

  • Since this can cause a large amount of work to be lost make sure your developers follow to the rule of not making package-related modifications in their own schemas .

    因为这可以导致大量的 工作丢失,所以您 确定开发人员满足他们自己方案与包相关更改的 规则

  • When you start having thoughts of a vacation you realize that you work really hard and you can not afford to let that kind of stress rule your life .

    当你开始有度假的想法时,你意识到你 工作真的很辛苦,你不能 这种压力 控制你的生活。

  • To make sure to put the new procedure in to work reach the goal the article give you a suggestion to make sure put the flow into work including set up the protection rule of the flow and the flow management type .

    为了确保新流程 顺利实施,达到流程再造的目标,本文还提出了新流程实施的保障措施,包括建立流程维护 制度和流程管理模式。

  • To enhance administration trial work is a strategic need to rule the country by law and build socialist country ruling by law . Its focus should be put on managing the power and government officials by law and protect lawful rights of administrative sides .

    加强行政审判 工作,是依法治国,建设社会主义 法治国家的战略 需要,重点应放在依法治权、依法治官、依法保护行政相对方的合法权益上。

  • Last a Work Configuration is used to establish a rule that says when a Request of type Problem is created also create a Task of type Fix .

    最后, WorkConfiguration是 用来建立这样的 规则的:当创建一个Problem类型的请求,还要创建一个类型Fix的任务。

  • The first line of this function delegates its dirty work to the rule_to_abstract function .

    函数的第一行将 脏活 委托 rule to abstract函数。

  • Nurses are continuing to work to rule .

    护士们还在 消极怠工

  • The promotion of the Party 's style of work formed in leading the people in the revolution and construction is the prerequisite and safeguard of improving the Party 's ability to rule .

    在提高党的 执政能力的系统 工程中,大力弘扬党在长期领导革命和建设的 实践中形成的优良 作风,是不断提高党的执政能力的重要前提和保证。

  • This isn 't ideal because it forces users to do more work and forces you to write another validation rule to make sure that they did it correctly .

    这种做法不是很理想,因为它要求用户做更多的 工作,而且还要求必须 编写另一个验证 规则来确保用户能正确输入。