work load

[wɚk lod][wə:k ləud]


  • She had been semi retired with reduced work load never been a big problem to others .

    她曾经半退休,减少 工作,并没有 什麽大问题。

  • Its role is to the sun 's radiation is converted to electrical energy stored in batteries or sent to them or to promote the work load .

    其作用是将太阳的辐射能力转换为电能,或送往蓄电池中存储起来,或推动 负载 工作

  • Computer systems engineers technical-training instructors can also split their work load with a partner .

    计算机系统工程师,技术培训指导也可以与搭档分享 工作 负担

  • The reasonable equipment with the use nursing staffs may lighten its work load and the pressure enhances the work degree of satisfaction .

    合理配备与使用护理人员,可减轻其 工作 负担与压力,提高工作满意度。

  • Due to heavy work load in front of the computer I 've hurt a muscle near the scapula .

    因为经常 在电脑前 工作,我们肩胛附近的肌肉已经损伤。

  • Principle 4 : Average work load ( Equalization ) . We should work like the tortoise in the race .

    原则4:使 工作 负荷平均(平准化),工作应该像龟兔赛跑中的乌龟一样。

  • APS addresses granular constraints at the plant level across multiple plants and synchronizes capacity with work load .

    APS的重点是详细工厂级的约束,通过多工厂和同步与 工作 负荷能力。

  • The work load in house and on farm was more reduced by modern conveniences .

    家务 劳动和农场 劳动 负担由于多种现代化设备而减轻了。

  • A failed BPEL instance can be recovered on a different cluster instance and the processing work load will migrate to an available BPEL instance as actions that reference the flow are processed .

    失效的BPEL实例可以在不同集群实例上被恢复,处理中的 工作 被作为引用被处理流程的活动迁移到一个可用的BPEL实例上。

  • When the work load becomes too difficult some kids may resort to cheating .

    学习 负担变得太重了,有些学生就可能采取作弊的办法。

  • Now that you understand each person 's job and work load consulting services can fill in gaps .

    既然您已了解每个人的职责和 工作量,咨询服务可以弥补不足。

  • The tensioning mechanism can automatically adjust the tightness of the caterpillar band and lightens the work load of workers .

    本实用新型可以自动调节履带松紧度,减轻了工人的 工作 负担

  • The utility model has the advantages of simple structure prolonged life span of the spray gun and can reduce work load of maintenance .

    本实用新型结构简单,可延长喷枪的使用寿命,减少了维护 工作量

  • The name given to the members of the same lan sharing the same programs and files and most likely coordinating tasks and work load .

    给同一局域网中所有成员取定的名称,这些成员共享同样的程序和文件,并很可能相互间要协调任务和 工作 负荷

  • Teacher specialized training and study few work load big the welfare treatment is low ;

    教师专业培训与学习偏少, 工作量大,福利待遇低;

  • Female workers during their pregnant and lactation period have their work load and work time reduced .

    对处于孕期和哺乳期的女职工减少其 工作量和工作时间;

  • This increased cardiac work load !

    这个增加了心脏的 工作 负担

  • The job of the employee is not to add to work load of the boss .

    员工的职责不应该是给老板增加 工作 负担

  • Currently the widely-used ZD6 electric switch machines are a heavy work load in maintenance yet low in reliability .

    目前,普遍应用的ZD6电动转辙机,其维修维护 工作量大、可靠性偏低。

  • The total power of at the same time in the work load must be less than the household solar PV power output power .

    同时 工作 负载的总功率之和必须小于太阳能户用电源的输出功率。

  • Another way to show the team 's work load is in the Team Load section in the Team Central view .

    另外一种显示团队 工作 负荷的方法,是TeamCentral视图中的TeamLoad部分。

  • The exception would be if the query work load results in many TEMP tables being created ( you can determine this by using the explain utility ) .

    如果查询 工作 负载导致创建许多TEMP表(您可以通过使用解释实用程序来确定)时除外。

  • In view of steel gears the material selection and the corresponding heat treatment process is analysed based on the size of work load speed and the accuracy of gears .

    介绍了齿轮 工作中的失效形式和性能要求,针对钢制齿轮,根据齿轮 工作载荷的大小、转速的高低及齿轮的精度,分析了齿轮材料的选择和相应的热处理工艺。

  • Three staff simply can 't cope with such a heavy work load .

    三个工作人员应付不了这么重的 活儿

  • When the tasks are assigned to owners the work load for the team members is immediately adjusted .

    当任务被分配给某个所有者时,该团队成员的 工作 负荷会立即得到调整。

  • You are advised to spread the work load .

    给你的指示是将 工作 负荷平均分摊。

  • He scolded about anyhting that he thought was wrong ; we grumbled about the increased work load .

    他对他认为错的任何事情发 牢骚;我们对增长的 工作

  • Pace the work load versus efficiency and schedule ;

    针对效率和日程安排 工作量

  • Correlation analysis was performed according to different sex different seniority different professional title and different work load .

    并对不同性别、不同工龄、不同职称及负责 工作量的不同 相关分析。

  • The work load is double and triple .

    也给 生产增加两至三倍的 负荷