


  • Not just a savvy stock picker Grantham is also a veteran worrier about the implications of population growth and resource scarcity the sore subjects that are the focus of his latest quarterly letter .

    格雷厄姆不仅是一个精明的 选股者,长期以来也对人口增长和资源稀缺 保持 担忧,这 严峻的主题是其最新季度报告的重点。

  • Non-worriers are able to look at a problem and recognize what solution needs to be implemented but a worrier isn 't able to get that kind of distance she explains . The mind goes a lot faster .

    不易忧虑的人能够去看待难题并且找出需要的解决方法,但是易忧虑的 却无法达到那种程度,她解释道,他们的思绪转得很快。

  • But Moser says that talking a worrier through a scenario like this helps her understand how unlikely that outcome is to happen .

    莫泽讲到, 忧虑 谈及这样一个情形能够帮助她认识到这种结果出现的几率是多么小。

  • Indeed Samuel Johnson a prodigious worrier himself called worry a disease of the imagination .

    事实上, 塞缪尔约翰逊一个 担忧 重度 患者,称担心为想象力的疾病。

  • Don 't be such a worrier !

    那么 愁眉苦脸的!

  • I can 't help being a worrier & some people are just born that way .

    我总是 杞人忧天&有些人天生就是这样。

  • ' I started being a worrier then ' Mr. Sollars says .

    索拉斯说,然后我开始成为一个 焦虑

  • He was my inspiration when I was a boy a worrier to look up to .

    祖父 令人 敬仰 发愁 。当我是个小孩子时。

  • Among the three works The Women Worrier occupies an important place in the modern American literature and attracted enormous attentions .

    她的作品《女 勇士 在美国当代文学中占有重要地位,是倍受关注的 经典 著作

  • He was a worrier by nature .

    他天生是个 多愁

  • I am a talented worrier too .

    但我也是个才气 横溢的爱 发愁

  • But even if you are a worrier you 're not doomed & there are a number of effective strategies that worriers can use to stop the cycle .

    但是,即使你是个 容易 忧虑 ,这也并非无可救药有很多有效策略可以让忧虑者停止这个恶性循环。

  • Fussy a worrier overcritical harsh perfectionist and conservative .

    太过吹毛求疵,唠叨琐碎, 杞人忧天,追求完美,思想保守。